The Age that Sets the Stage for Mrs. Samura Kamara


At age eighteen (18) was the period that set the stage for Mrs. Elizabeth Massah Samura Kamara, she did excellently well to preserve herself and track down a dream that is worth admiring and impactful.

She was born in Blama Massaquoi and raised at some point in Massamkpaka Pujehun District Southern Sierra Leone. Mrs. Kamara started her schooling in Massam before settling in the Capital City. Therefore, after her tertiary education, she became a medical practitioner in Sierra Leone 🇸🇱 and in the United Kingdom.

She successfully went through the processes of life by putting God first, education, truthfulness, humbleness, and respect for all.

In that light, her decency stands to be exemplary and worth emulating by women folks across the country. The state will introduce a distinguished role model that relies on transformative programs geared towards improving the lives of Sierra Leoneans.

Citizens are always willing to accept and embrace a woman of such posture and all will corporate to ensure that her plans are fully executed for the general good.


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