Aged Men Drag to Court for Land Fraud


By Feima Sesay

Abdulraham Sesay and Modupeh Johnson were yesterday refused bail and sent to prison by Magistrate Marks Ngegba of court No.2 for allegedly obtaining the sum of sixty-two million Leones from Isata Kabba for 3 town lots of land at No2 River.

The accused made their first appearance in court and were arraigned on four counts charges ranging from obtaining money by false pretense and causing money to be paid to another with intent to defraud contrary to the laws of Sierra Leone.

The particulars of the offence States that the accused Abdul Rahman Sesay and Modupeh Johnson on Monday 6thMay 2019 at 17 Cole Street Hamilton Freetown obtained the sum of forty million leones by falsely pretending that they have three town lot of land for sale at No 2-river knowing to be false.

The police further alleged that the accused persons on the same date and place unlawfully caused money to be paid by Isata Kabba the sum of twenty- two Million leones as payment for three town lot land at No 2 river purported to have been given to them by their daughter in law Abigail Kargbo knowing same to be false.

Both accused pleaded not guilty of the offence and there was no legal representation made on their behalf. Assistant superintendent of Police Hawa Williams prosecuted the matter.

The accused were remanded in custody and the matter adjourned to the 30thJuly 2020.


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