Energy Minister Presents Transformers to Bathurst Community


By:Austine Luseni

Bathurst Village, Rural Freetown, Monday, July 27, 2020, Minister of energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay, has on his return to the Bathurst community in rural Freetown, fulfilled President Bio’s promise of electrifying Bathurst by presenting two brand new transformers to the community. On Saturday 13th June 2020, the minister was at Bathurst to relay the promise of President Bio to the people and to assure them that before the expiration of July this year, he as the messenger of such a promise would make good on it.

While receiving the delegation amidst a collective feeling of frenzied joy and an assuring sense of relief, the Village Head for Bathurst Community, Theophilus Johnson, described the occasion as a historic and a red-lettered day in the history of the community. He noted with umbrage and disillusionment the fact that the community had gone for over 200 years without electricity, adding that President Bio was a trendsetting and trailblazing president.

Speaking at the ceremony, the astute and impressive minister of energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay, described himself as a ‘Messenger of President Bio for Energy’, adding that the President was never happy when he learned that the Bathurst Community had gone for over 200 years without electricity. He reaffirmed the President’s commitment to fulfilling promises as well as his genuine quest to ensure that this 2020 was a year of outstanding delivery.

Mr Sesay stated that the last time he visited the community, he made three promises which included the preparation of the sites for the installation of the transformers, the presentation of two transformers and the subsequent lighting up of the community. He went further to say that since the sites had been prepared already, he was there to deliver the two brand new transformers with the capacities of 1000kva and 100kva respectively.He stressed that since his appointment as minister of energy, the 1000kva he was presenting to Bathurst was the biggest he had ever delivered to any community.


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