Fraud: Bench Warrant for State House Staff & Two Others


By Feima Sesay

Magistrate Isata Sellu Tucker of Pademba Road Court No2 has on the 17th May 2023 issued a bench warrant for 3 fraudsters Michael Forbie, Williams Forbie and Zaino Deen Karim over an alleged 46 million old Leones Fraud.

The defendants Michael Forbie is the Director of Estates State House, Zaino Deen Karim is the Director of Finance at Petroleum Directorate Whiles Williams Forbie is a former SACAB Engineer.

The accused persons were charged to court on two counts charges of fraudulent conversion contrary to section 20(1)(iv)(a) of the larceny Act,1916.

According to count one, it was alleged that the defendants Michael Forbie, Williams Forbie and Zaino Deen Karim sometimes between the 1st January 2020and 31st December 200, at Freetown, fraudulently converted to their own use or benefit tools, valued at Le46 million old Leones which was entrusted to them by Daniel Sellu the complainant herein, relying on representation made by them that he is investing in a fiber optic project for profit, knowing same to be false.

Whiles count two added that the defendants on the same dates and place fraudulently converted to their own use or benefit a Nissan Hard Body Pickup valued at 150 million old Leones which was entrusted to them by the complainant herein, relying on representation made by them that he is investing in a fiber optic project for profit knowing same to be false.

When the matter was mentioned by lawyer Charlie Williams counsel for the complainant, the defendants were absent.

Magistrate Isata Tucker having listened to him granted his application and issued bench warrant against all 3 defendants.

Whiles the matter was adjourned to the 26 May 2023 for further hearing.


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