Orange SL Foundation honours Youth Commission Certification Ceremony


The Orange SL Foundation has honored an invitation from the National Youth Commission for its Certification Ceremony for Youth-in Business & Entrepreneurship.

The ceremony would give out certificates to 150 young people who had received training all of whom are now highly skilled to carry out business development services.

NAYCOM has partnered with the OSL Foundation for Women’s Digital Centre innovation, where 126 women have received training and are deemed qualified to receive their certificates in entrepreneurship, business skills and life skills.

On behalf of the Director, the Orange Digital Center Coding School Head, Priscilla Okechukwu delivered statement. She emphasized the importance of the partnership between OSL Foundation and NAYCOM and the many other training programs that Orange Digital Center has conducted that focused on building capacity for youth and women.

Trainings such as Mobile & Web App Development, WordPress, Office Assistant, and finally Summer Coding Camp for children and more.


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