A month ago, I attend an event where I had a somewhat “positively embarrassing” experience with a beautiful lady who sat right in front of me. She was well- dressed, and had an immaculate wig that looked so natural. A few moments later, I noticed something on the wig that needed immediate intervention. So I jumped into action without notifying her; and because she wasn’t aware of what I was doing, her immediate reaction was to pull her head away in panic, thinking someone/ something was trying to remove her wig. It was at that point I gently leaned forward and humorously whispered in her ears ‘ nor worri a nor de pull you wig bikos na God wan grain know wetin de unda”. At this point she broke into uncontrollable laughter.
Danger averted, panic defeated. Right?

We fear how people will react when they get to know what our real struggles are. We think of “Waytin den go say if den know Waytin ar dey go through” (what will people say if they come to realize my true situation)? So we use nice packaging to cover or protect “unpleasant” areas or aspects of our lives.

Regardless of the weight, the wounds, heartaches or the true conditions of the hair under our flawless, spotless wigs, God knows us through and through; and Just as a shepherd deals with his flock, He is able to lead us onward regardless of our situation. Unlike humans who will use our situations against us, the Good Shepherd will always be there for us. So as we go this week, let us stop walking about struggling to mask the reality of our pains and heartaches. Instead, “Let us then come with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭16‬ ‭MEV


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