Minister of Planning Launches WASH Coordination Platform


The Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai has launched the re-activation of the District WASH cluster coordination platform in Pujehun District.

The platform seeks to assist in achieving effective coordination among WASH cluster actors and contribute to the overall national WASH cluster goal of improving the predictability, timeliness and effectiveness of a comprehensive WASH response to humanitarian crises, especially with regards to the COVID-19 situation in Sierra Leone.

In his statement, the Minister continued to re-echo President Julius Maada Bio’s appeal to participants to focus on delivery in 2020, pledging Government’s commitment to supporting the process while encouraging actors to deliver.

This launch of the platform was done in the presence of NGOs, Sector Ministries, Local councils and community stakeholders. The same platform has been launched in other districts, climaxed with the presence of the Minister in Pujehun District.


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