Some weeks ago, I was heading home with a sister from an all-night prayer session in the early hours of the morning- around 2am. Naturally, there were way less vehicles plying the roads, and of course, no pedestrians were around at that time of the day.
As we approached an intersection, the traffic light was transitioning from amber (aka orange) to red; which means we had to stop.
Sitting in the car, waiting at the stop I thought to myself: “why don’t we just easily drive through and avoid wasting time? Afterwards the road is empty- not even an upcoming vehicle in a distance, or any pedestrian crossing”

Well, as I continued my line of thought, I recalled (from some things I’d read) that traffic lights aren’t there to cause delay, but provide direction for drivers and pedestrians- what to do and what not to do; thereby controlling the flow of traffic in one way or another’, This literally increase safety, effectively manages traffic, travel times, and reduces potential hazards with the goal of ensuring the road is safe for all users.
So, when the messages or instructions from these signals are not followed the driver or pedestrians might end up being penalized or get involved in an accident that may lead to destruction of lives and properties with far reaching consequences.

Isn’t the traffic light just like the word of God that gives directions to our lives; tells us steps or route to take and not to take; consciously molds and shapes the way we react to situations and treat people around us?. In the same way that the traffic signals do not change based on the status of the driver- rich or poor; old or young, educate or not, so it is that the word of God does not have respect of persons. When you get to the traffic light you are required to stop, wait or go.

As we go this week, let’s think how wonderful it will be if we allow the word of God to control / regulate our daily steps, not out of fear of destruction or being penalized, but in true obedience, in response to his love toward us knowing that the rules are for our own safety, because ‘All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 2nd Tim. 3:16 (NLT)?

Don’t forget to smile coz it looks good on you.


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