Prof. Bashiru M. Koroma Appointed Njala University Vice Chancellor & Principal


Professor Bashiru M. Koroma was on Monday 27th June 2022 appointed substantive Vice-Chancellor and Principal for Njala University. He starts work effective 1st September 2022 and will serve for three years.

Professor Bashiru Koroma until his appointment was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Njala Campus and Pro-Vice-Chancellor Njala University, Chairman of the University Internal Scoring Committee and staff member of the School of Environmental Sciences.

The new Vice-Chancellor and Principal is accredited with the establishment of various schools, programmes, and courses in the University.

He left an indelible footprint at the School of Postgraduate Studies, especially in terms of developing the policy framework and the introduction of courses that are demanding to the job market.

His appointment as Chairman of the University’s Internal Scoring Committee in 2020 accelerated the process of appointing Professors and Associate Professors within the University.

Professor Koroma represents Njala University as a council member at the Statistics Sierra Leone Board and provides consultancies and expert knowledge to various government Ministries, Departments and Agencies.

He is an accomplished researcher and has several publications to his credit in renowned and credible international journals.

He became a Professor in 2014 and has respectfully served various Vice and Acting Vice-Chancellors in several capacities. He has mentored many students who now occupy various senior Academic and Administrative positions in the University. 


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