Female Journalists Sign MOU With Legal Aid Board


The Sierra Leone Association of Women in Journalism (SLAWIJ) today Tuesday 4th August, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Legal Aid Board Sierra Leone to work towards a common goal to address issues around Sexual and Gender Based Violence; Rape, Sexual penetration and mental health of women.

This collaboration aims at reducing the spate of violence meted upon women and children through a monthly radio program ‘#FAMBULBIZNESS’ which will be aired on different radio stations across the country through SLAWIJ’s network.

The Executive Director of Legal Aid Board Sierra Leone, Madam Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles in her statement, says she sees this collaboration as a laudable one because she believes the media has a big role in changing the narrative around #SGBV, Rape etc especially with vibrant women in the media landscape taking the lead.

She said her institution is looking forward to seeing great transformation nationwide through this collaboration.


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