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HomeBreaking News2020-2024 Strategic Development Plan Launched

2020-2024 Strategic Development Plan Launched

By Alpha Umaru Bah

The Sierra Leone Police SLP has on Friday 10th January,2020 lunched the strategic development plan (SDP) 2020-2024 at the Sierra Leone police Headquarter in Freetown.

Edward soluku, minister of internal affairs said he is very impress with the work been put together by the head  of the Director of Cooperate Affairs Memunatu Conteh  Jalloh added that even in life if there is no plan life is difficult to succeed.

Minister  said over  the previous 5 years he saw  more  improvement  within the Sierra Leone Police which shows the commitment and mandate  they  owe to  the people of  Sierra Leone.

He revealed that the Sierra Leone  Police  Strategic Plan  for 2020-2024 guard will help the police  on where  they are heading  for  the  next 5 years added that the total number of  the Sierra  Leone  Police within the  country  is  minimal and  call  on  the citizens to always  work with the  SLP.

Memunatu Conteh Jalloh, Director  of  Cooperate  Affairs from the  Sierra Leone  Police  said the 5 years strategic  plan is  a document that covers   Core Business,  improvement  the  accountability  framework  in the  SLP,  Maintaining  and  improving partnerships and community relations, strategic innovation, welfare, and conditions of service  for the Sierra Leone police.

Jalloh said they have been working over 7 month in putting the plan together without getting found in the production process but thank ISAT for partnering with them throughout the process.

She added that there will be more improvement if their activities  is  delivered  well, like increasing the number of  patrol in reach the people in their different community  quick as possible and having a  drug disposal unit will create transparency where people want to see the drugs caught is been  burnt publicly.

Rachard Maoigbeh,  the  Inspector General  of  Police (IGP) said  by thanking the team for putting this  plan  together, added that it is  not  a  secret that the  Sierra  Leone  Police  has  been working tirelessly over the  last  5 years and  that has also tell the world that they are  real  force for good.

We  have 17000 Peace Keepers Mission worldwide and that shows  that Sierra Leone is  one  of the  most peaceful country  in the world which we  was ranked  (3) in West  Africa  and  (5) in Africa  according  to global  peace  survey index 2019.

He  maintain by calling on  the  members  of the Fourth  Estate  and  the  people of  Sierra  Leone  to always  work  with  the  Sierra  Leone Police in  maintaining  peace  and  stability  in the country and thanks the media  for the support  they have be given them.

National Tourism Census Report Lunched

By Mustapha Dumbuya

The Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs jointly with Statistic Sierra Leone has on Monday 13th January,2020 Lunch the National Tourism Census Report at the Miata Conference Hall, Youyi Building Brookfield, Freetown.

Mohamed Jalloh, Director of Tourism in the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs said the survey fulfill a key requirement of the New Direction Manifesto and the National Development Plan requesting the identification, registration and the creation of a digital data base of all tourism assets, including natural, cultural, historical, event, activates and services.

Mr Jalloh also said the 120-pages Tourism Census Report identifies the tourism resources base of a destination which forms a strong appeal in attracting tourists.

He maintain that the tourism Natural Audit has Identified assessed and analysed most  tourism natural resources includes beaches, important rivers , lakes, mountains ,parks, forest areas, reserves  and including historic buildings like ancient churches and mosque etc.

He pointed that a total of 150 people embarked on seven days long data collection exercise across the country including isolated areas with this included its agencies, Statistics Sierra Leone and students of some tourism institution.

He ended that the survey was a well tested self-administered questioners where distributed amongst members of the survey team couple with the GPS gadgets to capture location coordinates of tourism resources.     

  Andrew Bob Jonny, Deputy Statistian from the Statistic Sierra Leone said the tourism sector has been identified by the president as one of the key sector for the diversification of the economy in improving government‘s revenue generation and job creation opportunities.

He also said the essential supported by the country’s unique positioning along its 460 km coastline harboring of the most excellent beaches in the world, including its exotic islands with pristine environment.

He added that because the tourism sector have a major essential requirement for a successful destination to be fulfilled in the area of revenue generation and the attraction of substantial investments, which makes them partners with us to provide a solid platform through the provision of a compressive data base on tourist and cultural establishment.



Alhassan Bangura and Michael Tunde Williams were on Monday 13th January 2020, granted 100 million bail each for allegedly obtaining the sum of 3,500 US Dollar from one Mohamed Hadi Alsheikh for 10 kilograms of Gold Bar.

The accused persons made their first appearance in court before magistrate Hannah Bonnie of court No1 on four counts charges of Conspiracy to defraud contrary to law and obtaining money by false pretences contrary to section 32of the larceny Act 1916.

According to the charge sheet, the police alleged that, Alhassan Bangura and Michael Tunde William on Tuesday 24 December 2019, at No1c Babadorie Hill Lumley Freetown conspired together with other person unknown to commit a felony to with obtaining money by false pretence.

The police further alleged that, the accused persons on the same date in Freetown obtained the sum of 3,500 US Dollar equivalents Le35Million from Mohamed Hadi Alsheikh with the pretext that they have 10 Kilogram  Gold Bars for sale knowing same to be false.

When the charges were read and explained to the accused in court ,no plea was taken.

Police Inspector Isatu Gbassa Fofanah, prosecuting the matter in formed the court that, her witness was absent and therefore could not proceed with the matter.

 In that light she requested for an adjournment to subpoena the witness.

Lawyer Claudius Campbell defending the accused persons applied for bail on their behalf in pursuant to section 79 sub sections 2&3 of the Criminal Procedure Act No32 of 1965.

Magistrate Bonnie having listened to both sides granted the accused bail each in the sum of 100 million and two sureties in like sum who must be a Sierra Leonean resident in Freetown.

She added that one of the sureties must be a property owner valued 500 million with a copy of evaluation  certificate and must be approved by the Deputy Acting Registrar.

The matter was adjourned to the 23rd January 2020.



By Foday Jalloh

A twenty seven year old man has pleaded guilty at a Freetown high court following a count charged of sexual penetration of a child within the age of 14yrs.

The accused person Joseph Kai before he was differ for sentence ,Justice Ivan Sesay cushioned  him to do justice to the court and himself and that he was not   force to do so but if  found guilty with proper evidence before the court by the state he will surely be punished

. He was even cushioned in his own local tribal language before he totally confessed.

The matter was prosecuted by   state counsel Vienne E.A. Kabia while Cecilia. Tucker  a lawyer from legal aid board is defended the accused Joseph Kai


Titus Boye-Thompson

What should not be lost on political observers is the fact that a matter in court is no longer child’s play.

The extant matter between the NRM and the APC which led to an injunction being slammed on the latter, causing them to abandon the National Delegates Conference called to rubber stamp a draft Constitution has turned the tide on tyranny and impunity

Reasonable heads must now come to terms with the real politic of that action and the repercussions this will have on the APC.

Firstly, the Party Secretariat must come under sanction for failing to read this action properly and for treating our very energetic and highly educated membership with disdain.

National Secretary General must now consider his position and prepare to relinquish that position as one of the trade offs of this stand off.

The NRM are APC, any attempt to boride them as anything else would be folly. What the leadership should take note of, is that not every group would act with such callous self interest so as to be bought with platitudes.

Svlvia Blyden may have been co-opted but the damage she has done to the argent of the current executive cannot be reversed.

The truth will out and in a court of law, sentimental considerations of age and longetvity must of force give way to good reasoning and superior arguments.

To tendency to chastise the NRM for hiring a SLPP MP as legal counsel will not wash either. It is in the client’s interest to seek the best legal representation. The NRM made a damn good choice by the looks of things because, knowing the lethargy of some lawyers in Sierra Leone, their case may as well have been buried by the PPRC decision. It is therefore to their legal counsel’s credit that he moved fast enough to do as the PPRC guided and lodged swift application to the courts.

The resultant embarrassment to the APC should have been avoided therefore and the Party should not have allowed itself to proceed with arrangements to go to Port Look without first diffusing the threat of injunction that it faced.

On the face of it, the Secretariat either acted with arrogance and dismissed the threat off handedly or as some have opined, the prospect of receiving all the diasporas dollars already in town seem to be a bigger lure than pragmatism.

The Secretariat should give account of how it reached that decision to proceed with those arrangements even after it had full information that the NRM were poised to seek an injunction.

Finally, the leadership must stop this blatant lie that they now seek to sell to the unwitting and less read membership and the wider public.

There is no decision to go back to the 1995 Constitution. The Party on the one hand never left that Constitution behind and worse still, that Constitution is detrimental to the survival of all Executives other than the Chairman and Deputy. So going back to the 1995 Constitution strengthens the NRM’s case and could easily give them victory.

Long story short, the APC should seriously consider its options and work with partners to broker an interim arrangement.

The creation of a Caretaker Committee may be the fastest way to reach a sustainable agreement that all sides may sign up to. The composition of that committee should reflect a bias in the Party that would favor reform.

The Chairman should also seriously consider resignation by announcement to give way to the transitional structures to be put in place.

It is unfortunate but the casualties of this injunction must be the heads of the Chairman and his Secretary for their mishandling of this very important issue and for bringing the party into disrepute yet again.

Any other position that raises the prospect of this Chairman and National Secretary as being indispensable  would be the sounding of the death bell for the APC.

Our leaders should hold office by merit and not by threat!



By Foday Jalloh

The chief justice of Sierra Leone Babatunde Edwards has reaffirmed the stands of the Sierra Leone judiciary, rape, especially on sexual penetration matters.

The chief just has notified judges that there is new act now which is not less, than fifteen years or life jail for any offenders that is found guilty.  This new guidelines was issued out on the 6th January 2020, stressing the point that judges should go by the new act now.

The new Sentencing Guidelines matters especially Sexual Penetration Cases that was strictly issued out by the Sierra Leone chief justice Bbaba Tunde Edwards is that any offender.



WHEREAS by the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act No 8 of 2019 the Sexual Offences Act No 12 of 2012 was amended to make provision for the increase of the maximum penalty for Rape and Sexual Penetration of a child from 15years imprisonment to a sentence of life imprisonment and to make provision for not only the introduction of the new offence of aggravated sexual assault but also the alternative conviction of aggravated sexual assault.

AND WHEREAS Section 7 of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act provides that section 42 of Sexual offences Act 2012 is amended by the insertion after that section of the following new section “Section 42A” as follows:

1) Notwithstanding section 42, the Rules of Court Committee may make Rules for regulating the practice and procedure under this Act, including the application of Special Measures in accordance with Section 40 of the Sexual Offences Act 2012.

2) Notwithstanding the provisions in section 7 of children and Young Persons Act (Cap 44 of the Laws of Sierra Leone (1960)  for cases of Sexual Penetration and Rape a child and young person shall be tried in the High Court .”

AND WHEREAS Section 7(B) of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act empowers the Honorable Chief Justice to issue compulsory sentencing guidelines within 3 months of the coming into force of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act No 8 of 2019

AND WHEREAS the said Act came into force on the 7th of October 2019, the following Compulsory Sentencing Guidelines is issued by the Honourable Chief Justice in compliance thereof 

1. ​These guidelines shall govern the practice and is to be applied by the High Court in all cases where an offender is being sentenced for a sexual offence, to wit for the sentencing of child offenders, young person offenders and “above the Age of Youth” offenders.

2. ​For the purposes of these guidelines a child offender is any sexual offender found guilty whose age is between 12 -17 years; a young person offender  is any sexual offender found guilty whose age is between 18 – 23 years and an “above the Age of Youth offender” is any sexual offender found guilty whose age is above 23 years.

3. ​For purposes of these guidelines notwithstanding the provisions in Section 24 (1) of the Children and Young Persons Act (Cap 44) and Section 70 of the Child Rights Act a child who engages in an act of rape on another person, sexual penetration on another child, or in any act of aggravated Sexual Assault will be guilty of an offence and liable for conviction as per the Act and these guidelines 

4. ​Without prejudice to the generality of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act No 8 of 2019 and Rules 1-3 supra the following guidelines are applicable depending on whether the sexual offender is a child, a “young person offender” or “above the Age of Youth offender”.

5. ​When a child  is found guilty of Rape of another person pursuant to section 6 of the Sexual Offences Act as amended by section 2 of the  Sexual Offences(Amendment) Act No 8 2019; guilty of Sexual Penetration of another child pursuant to Section 19 of the Sexual offences Act  as amended by section 4 (a) of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) No 8, 2019 and guilty of Aggravated Sexual Assault pursuant to section 19(a) of the Sexual Offences Act as amended by section 4(b) of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act No 8 of 2019 the minimum penalty for the offence will be 5years imprisonment while the maximum penalty will be 15 years imprisonment.

6) ​For purposes of whether the penalty for Rape, Sexual Penetration and Sexual Aggravated Assault by a child will be above the minimum penalty of 5 years which is the entry point or threshold, the aggravating circumstances shall include:

a) The defendant committed the offence in the company of another person or persons;

b) At the time of or immediately before or after the commission of the offence, the defendant used or threatened to use a weapon;

c) At the time of or immediately before or after the commission of the offence, the defendant caused bodily harm to the victim;

d) The defendant confined or restrained the victim before or after the commission of the offence;

e) The defendant in committing the offence abused a position of trust, authority or dependency;

f) The defendant is a member of the same family as the victim;

g) The victim is a child; or

h) The victim has a physical or mental disability;

i) The victim is impregnated;

j) The victim is found to have contracted a sexually transmitted disease.

7) ​Where a child commits rape and sexual penetration under section 6 on another person the child offender shall serve his sentence in an approved school until he is 18 years old. Thereafter he will serve the remaining term of years in a Correctional centre.

????. ​When a young person i.e. Aged 18-23 years is found guilty of Rape of another person pursuant to section 6 of the Sexual Offences Act as amended by section 2 of the  Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act No8 2019; guilty of Sexual Penetration of a child pursuant to Section 19 of the Sexual offences Act as amended by section 4a of the Sexual Offences (Amendment ) Act No 8, 2019 and guilty of Aggravated Sexual Assault pursuant to section 19a of the Sexual Offences Act as amended by section 4(b) of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act No 8 of 2019 the minimum penalty for the offence will be 10 years imprisonment  while the maximum penalty will be life imprisonment.

9). ​For purposes of whether the penalty for rape, sexual penetration and sexual Aggravated assault by a youth will be above the minimum penalty of 10 years which is the entry point or threshold, the aggravating circumstances shall include the same aggravating circumstances as stipulated in Rule 6 a-j supra.

11). ​When a “person above the Age of Youth” is found guilty of Rape of another person pursuant to section 6 of the Sexual Offences Act as amended by section 2 of the  Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act No8 2019; guilty of Sexual Penetration of a child pursuant to Section 19 of the Sexual offences Act as amended by section 4a of the Sexual Offences (Amendment ) Act No 8, 2019 and guilty of Aggravated Sexual Assault pursuant to section 19a of the Sexual Offences Act as amended by section 4(b) of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act No 8 of 2019 the minimum penalty for the offence will be 15years imprisonment while the maximum penalty will be life imprisonment.

12) For purposes of whether the penalty for rape, sexual penetration and sexual Aggravated assault by an Adult will be above the minimum penalty of 15 years which is the entry point or threshold, the aggravating circumstances shall include the same Aggravating circumstances as stipulated in Rule 6 a-j supra.

13) Notwithstanding the generality of sections 8 and 9 above, when a person of 18-23 years sexually penetrates a child of 12 years or below, the young person offender should not have a penalty below 15 years imprisonment which is the entry point with the possibility of increase where there are aggravating circumstances as stipulated in Rule 6 a-j.

14) Notwithstanding the generality of sections 11 and 12 above when an Adult sexually penetrates a child of 12 years or below the only penalty will be life imprisonment.

15) These Sexual Offences Guidelines shall be subject to review as and when necessary as determined by the Chief Justice in consultation with the Rules of Court Committee.



By Foday Jalloh

What should not be lost on political observers is the fact that a matter in court is no longer child’s play.

The extant matter between the NRM and the APC which led to an injunction being slammed on the latter, causing them to abandon the National Delegates Conference called to rubber stamp a draft Constitution has turned the tide on tyranny and impunity

Reasonable heads must now come to terms with the real politic of that action and the repercussions this will have on the APC.

Firstly, the Party Secretariat must come under sanction for failing to read this action properly and for treating our very energetic and highly educated membership with disdain.

National Secretary General must now consider his position and prepare to relinquish that position as one of the trade off of this standoff.

The NRM are APC, any attempt to boride them as anything else would be folly. What the leadership should take note of is that not every group would act with such callous self interest so as to be bought with platitudes.

Svlvia Blyden may have been co-opted but the damage she has done to the argent of the current executive cannot be reversed.

The truth will out and in a court of law, sentimental considerations of age and longevity must of force give way to good reasoning and superior arguments.

To tendency to chastise the NRM for hiring a SLPP MP as legal counsel will not wash either. It is in the client’s interest to seek the best legal representation. The NRM made a damn good choice by the looks of things because, knowing the lethargy of some lawyers in Sierra Leone, their case may as well have been buried by the PPRC decision. It is therefore to their legal counsel’s credit that he moved fast enough to do as the PPRC guided and lodged swift application to the courts.

The resultant embarrassment to the APC should have been avoided therefore and the Party should not have allowed itself to proceed with arrangements to go to Port Loko without first diffusing the threat of injunction that it faced.

On the face of it, the Secretariat either acted with arrogance and dismissed the threat off handedly or as some have opined, the prospect of receiving all the diasporas dollars already in town seem to be a bigger lure than pragmatism.

The Secretariat should give account of how it reached that decision to proceed with those arrangements even after it had full information that the NRM were poised to seek an injunction.

Finally, the leadership must stop this blatant lie that they now seek to sell to the unwitting and less read membership and the wider public.

There is no decision to go back to the 1995 Constitution. The Party on the one hand never left that Constitution behind and worse still, that Constitution is detrimental to the survival of all Executives other than the Chairman and Deputy. So going back to the 1995 Constitution strengthens the NRM’s case and could easily give them victory.

Long story short, the APC should seriously consider its options and work with partners to broker an interim arrangement.

The creation of a Caretaker Committee may be the fastest way to reach a sustainable agreement that all sides may sign up to. The composition of that committee should reflect a bias in the Party that would favor reform.

The Chairman should also seriously consider resignation by announcement to give way to the transitional structures to be put in place.

It is unfortunate but the casualties of this injunction must be the heads of the Chairman and his Secretary for their mishandling of this very important issue and for bringing the party into disrepute yet again.

Any other position that raises the prospect of this Chairman and National Secretary as being indispensable would be the sounding of the death bell for the APC.

Our leaders should hold office by merit and not by threat.

Drug Abuse Can Kill Destiny

-Says Lovetta Sankoh

The Founder and Counselor of Superseding Grace Counseling Services (SGCS), madam Lovetta Sankoh has cautioned young and elderly people to abstain from misusing drugs or using illegal drugs, as it has the potential to destroy their destiny.

“Drugs abuse can kill destiny,” she said, adding that drugs abuse currently in Sierra Leone is pandemic in our society and  that statistics have proven that one in four deaths is as a result of drugs abuse. She further stated that more than seven million people are currently suffering as a result of drugs abuse, adding that Superseding Grace Counseling Services (SGCS) believes in using God’s words in counseling young people so that they can contribute meaningfully to society. She added that they believe that young people are potential change agent of society.

“If you don’t believe in yourself who would,” asked madam Lovetta Sankoh, adding by quoting Philippians 4:6 which says “Be careful for nothing, but in everything you do in prayer and supplication, make your request known to God almighty with thanksgiving”.

She therefore called on young people to discover their true purpose in life, adding that by so doing they will discover their true purpose in life. Madam Lovetta defines a man or a woman of purpose by stating that it is someone who wakes up early in the morning goes out there to do something that is useful and by so doing you have so much to give than society offers. She said that the misuse of Tramadol is very harmful to someone’s health, adding that drugs abuse can kill someone’s destiny.

She prays that drugs abuse will be mitigated in Sierra Leone, adding that many young people with great destiny have lost their lives as a result of drugs abuse. She went on to say that Superseding Grace Counseling Services (SGCS) offers free counseling services and their office is situated at No.2 Peter Lane, Campbell Street in Freetown. She therefore called on people to give out support to the counseling center and help the work to teach young and elderly people to abstain from using illegal or harmful drugs.

Professor Joe. A.D Alie, Dean of Post Graduate Studies Fourah Bay College said that one of the ways to tackle the abuse of drugs is through awareness raising programs, adding that engaging youths at Ataya base and other places will help a lot in raising their awareness on the harmful effects of drugs abuse in the country. He went on to say that peer group counseling is also very important, adding that it will help to figure out why many of them get themselves involve in anti-social behavior.  He said that perhaps, they might even proffer solutions. Professor Alie went on to say that government needs to come up with specific programs like jobs creation program to engage the youth. 

“There is no short cut to progress and where there is a will there is a way,” said Professor Alie. He added by encouraging young people not to lose hope by using harmful drugs as it is not a solution to their problems.  

Doctor Amos Mani Boima of Blue Shield Hospital in Freetown said that there are so much problems attached to the abuse of drugs, adding that drugs abuse can lead to fighting and stabbing of someone to death. He said that because of the misuse of alcohol, marijuana and cocaine many young people are currently suffering with lots of health complications that might lead to death. He disclosed that the abuse of drugs can lead to hypertension and stroke. He said that as a result of drugs abuse many young people cannot cope with the school system and eventually become school dropout. He applauded Superseding Grace Counseling Services (SGCS) for taking the lead in raising awareness on drugs abuse.


Comrades All! I was physically attacked and my vehicle seriously dented by APC thugs in the presence of Dr Minkailu Bah and Bai Mamoud- former APC ministers. I had gone to Kemoh Sesay’s place announced as the registration center, to ask for my accreditation as a flag bearer aspirant. Samura had sent me a message that all flag bearers are taxed Le 5m and I gave a post-dated cheque to answer to the party’s call. Therefore, I felt entrance formalities could have been channelled through the appropriate authorities at the Registration Center. I noted both minister’s gave me an ugly look at my enquiry as if we had ever quarrelled, but worst still, Bai Mamoud as Leader of the APC Youth (found wanting by the ACC for corruption and should’ve resigned if the party top does not condone corruption with impunity), who should accord same treatment to both high and low, failed to even direct me where to go but instead, blasted and treated me with levity and utter scorn, that I can go anywhere for my pass, but that they have nothing to tell me. I was greatly perturbed because as insiders, I thought they should’ve guided me more than any other person for that matter; because they are the organisers and also know my status just like that of the other flag bearers. Irresponsible APC youths left their positions with the two ministers and one jerked me violently, while the others surrounded me. I resisted their threats and I stood with my friend ready to see how far these useless guys can go to molest me a flagbearer for that matter that has legitimate status, and without being cautioned or stopped by the two ministers. Bai Mamoud was instead guffawing but I looked at him and shook my head in utter disgust and shame! Some of the Marshalls who know me intervened and one Osman led me to my vehicle. As I was driving out, they kicked and banged my vehicle and dented it in several places. Some others at the entrance gates, mainly women rushed at me as well, but when they realized the person, they stood aside and asked: fk na yai watin apin? That’s just one of the form of greeting or salutation we normally share. The thugs from the two ministers however, chased me all the way labeling me as NRM and that they are ready to eliminate us. That night, I explained to our chairman and leader as well as to Petito, Pallo Conteh, and deputy leader of the party, who promised to talk with me but I guess he was too busy. But then I had also been told that Pallo is responsible to give us pass, but he told me of handling only those for invitees. In the end, nobody was able to tell me the way forward. So I already knew this was a hostile event for me. I made a report at the nearby Port Loko police station about what transpired. The next morning, I went to Bai Bureh Hall but was also stopped from entry. A woman said no NRM supporter would be allowed. A Marshall who is a friend as I left the place, told me they had orders not to allow certain people, including me. And from an observatory point across the road, I saw other flagbearers enter with much flourish and without any pass whatsoever. I left the place for town terribly disgusted for the naked fact that the  APC will never let go its ugly  one-party thuggerous image and bone-to-bone politics; that brought the rebel war and the Ndorgbowusui Affair as well as poverty and loss of self-esteem and dignity. I will therefore stop paying party dues until this matter is resolved. A party that resists positive change for the good and welfare of all is a devil and satanic one. I will in this respect, therefore, lodge a formal complaint to the party secretariat. Also, I will soon embark on audio messages aimed at confronting evil and all anti-democratic forces and tendencies!

But let least make this clear; that no form of intimidation, threats, thuggery and violence would deter my democratic struggle to put an end to evil and bad heart. I have gone through so many struggles and seen and suffered violence. And the APC we want must be intolerant to violence and disrespect for party members whether high or low and whose only crime is to always put youth interest and Mama Salone as his primordial and No 1 priority; to stand up against corruption, tyranny and despotism and to always put the interest of Mama Salone and Pa Salone first. I have every reason to believe that I was barred from the event because they believe I am NRM. But I am not even though I empathize with just and democratic causes like that of the NRM for tangible constitutional reforms, to build a new APC that would now live up to its long-flung mandate to end corruption, tribalism and tyranny and to put the interests of Mama Salone, the workers, grassroots and the youth first in all that we do. I am not an NRM member but I will now join it per se in the struggle to stand up for the youths and for dire reforms in the APC constitution. And I believe, I also have that mandate as the leading human rights and democracy activist to now raise the bar higher as I publicly declare and associate myself wholeheartedly with the aspirations of the NRM for God and country. I will go through the formalities as soon as possible. So be ready for my messages soon! Aluta Continua!


The struggle to let ends meet by poor Sierra Leoneans in the hands of foreign  companies have sent many to their early graves.

A case in hand is the reported death of Patrick Sam who was a worker at G Shankerdas & Sons who according to allegations died of first degree burn on Friday 3rd January 2020 at the Connaught Hospital.

 Investigations mounted by this medium revealed that an old tank of G Shankerdas exploded while it was  on repairs and maintenance by the late Patrick Sam at the resident of a  customer in Freetown.

 Investigations furthered revealed that the late man was carrying out the repair and maintenance task without a protective gear when the tank exploded leaving him unconscious with his shirt and trouser completely burnt and scrotum damage.

He was rushed to the Connaught Hospital where he ended given up and said good bye to the world.

According to the late man’s family members and anonymous workers of the company, after the incident they only gave one million Leones as help and never visited the decease while he was admitted at the Hospital.

The anonymous workers who spoke to this medium said Patrick would have survived the accident if he was taken  out of the country for a better and quality medical service but cried that he was left to died because he was not an Indian worker.

”If it was an Indian National that was involved in that explosion,   he should have been taken out within 24 hours” said the anonymous workers claiming that Sierra Leoneans working with G Shankerdas & Sons have little or no value.

 In his response the Chief Executive Officer, Dr Kishor Shankerdas said some management staff excluding foreign Nationals visited the deceased while hospitalized.

He also stated that his company paid the hospital bill of late Patrick Sam but could not tell as to while the family members have refused to honor their invitation to meet and dialogue on the way forward for the funeral rite of the late man.

Meanwhile as at press time, the company was still finding ways to meet the bereaved family.

More on this story in subsequent editions.

SLAFA Decorates Seven

The Sierra Football Association has decorated seven elite referees who have recently been approved by the world governing body as FIFA Referees at the federation’s secretariat.

  • The approved FIFA match officials for 2020 are; Referees Dawdu Willims, Raymond Coker, Shuib Bangura and Assistant Referees Franklyn Marah, Micheal Conteh, Musa A Sandy and Ibrahim Bah.

By way of confirming their FIFA status, SLFA presented FIFA badges, ID Cards, integrity hand books and other necessary FIFA regalia to the seven officials. A pair of the new SLFA Mafro branded tracksuit was given to each of the referees as a kind gesture from the federation’s General Secretary Mr. Christopher Kamara.

Addressing the Referees, the General Secretary of the Sierra Leone Football Association Mr. Christopher Kamara commended the elite referees for their excellent performance especially during international matches in 2019. He further said that last year Sierra Leone referees officiated in a record number of seven different international matches at the AFCON Qualifiers and WAFU competitions. Mr. Kamara added that “with this type of progress we are sure as a Nation to see our referees officiating in the upcoming African Cup of Nations and World Cup Qualifying matches.”

In his statement, the Deputy Chairman of the Referees Committee Dr. PK Moanah applauded the referees for their tremendous growth and improvement over the past few years with particular reference to last year in which they officiated the highest number of international matches in a calendar year.

Dr. Moanah encouraged the referees to maintain fairness and best judgement in their work adding that “integrity in the refereeing profession is not an option but a must.” “As a Committee we are planning to introduce a systematic mentoring program and a comprehensive welfare system to make the work of the referees better.” He said.

Dr. Moanah ended by congratulating the newly approved FIFA Referees on their achievement as he encouraged them to use their FIFA badges in flying the country’s flag at global stages.



 A petty trader Fatmata Kamara was on Tuesday 13 January 2020 draged to court before magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No4 for allegedly dumping her 21 days old baby girl into a pit latrine.

The accused was charged to court on one count of murder contrary to law.

The particulars of offence stated that the accused on Monday 30th September  at Oloshoro Murray Town in Freetown murder a 21 day old child commonly call baby police.

Police further revealed that, the accused Fatmata Kamara was reported by some unknown people in her community of dumping her baby into a pit latrine

The remains of baby was removed from the pit and taken to the hospital where she later died.

Police prosecutor Inspector Marie Marco informed the court that, the witnesses were absent and therefore could not proceed with the matter.

She therefore requested for a subpoena to be served on the witnesses.

No legal representation was made on behalf of the accused and Magistrate Sahr Kekura however granted her application, whiles the matter was adjourned to the 28 January this year for further hearing.

In another development, a 19 year old tailor Tenneh Brima was also charged to court for drowning her 2 years old baby into a stream at Mambo village.

The accused Tenneh Brima was charged with murder contrary to law.

 According to the charge sheet, the police alleged that, the accused on Wednesday 30 October 2019, at Portor Mambo Peninsular Goderich Freetown murder Sia Sitta Kamara.

The Investigating Officer Detective police Constable 11208 Hawa Bangura attached to the Adonkia police station testified that at first, the accused denied the allegation stating that on the day of the alleged incident she went to a nearby stream together with the deceased and accidentally she fell off her back into the stream and died.

 She added that during further investigation, there was no other witness that gave a contrary explanation that indeed the child fell off the accused wrapper,

The witness revealed during cross examination by the Defense lawyer Claudius Campbell Eqs.that the accused later made a confessional statement of diving her daughter to death.

She further disclosed that, herself, the pathologist Dr. Simeon Owizz Koroma, relatives of the accused, the  crime officer Detective Sgt 11640 Conteh J.T and other staff of Connaught hospital were present during the postmortem examination, adding that the deceased was tag when the remains was conveyed to the Connaught hospital.

At this juncture, the Police Prosecutor ASP Malik Barrie applied for a subpoena to the served on the scene of crime officer.

His application was granted by the magistrate and the matter was adjourned to the 21st January 2020.

 Minister Halts Illegal Exportation  

Acting on reports from the public at the Bamoi Luma the Resident Minister North West Haja Abdulai Kamara , Police have arrested  7 Guinean registered trailers loaded  with thousands of pieces of timbers allegedly on route to the neighboring Guinea.

Upon the arrival of the Resident Minister  at the scene,on sunday, the Guineans produced several documents  for inspection to ascertain the legitimacy of the exportation deal between the Ministry of Trade  and Piltu Clearing and Forwarding Agency

 The documents include an export authorization issued by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the National Revenue Authority and the Sierra Leone Police.

 During the inspection, the documents issued by the Trade Ministry were discovered shrouded with a lot of abnormalities that appears to the police to be fake

 During the intervention   of the Resident Minister Hon. Haja Isata Abdulai Kamara   at Pitiful  Foreign Office of  Clearing and Forwarding Agency  many questions relating to the legitimacy of the Timber export documents tendered by the Guineans  company that has  operating with all these years, specifically that issued by the Ministry of Trade and the Police were left answered.

The arrested   7 Guinean registered trailers have been handed over to the Police for further investigations


Meanwhile, the

Police Local Unit Commander Chief Superintendent Ibrahim Theophilus Zachariah  Tarawalli has left for Freetown  to make comparison with the original  documents in possession of the Ministry Trade         .

The Suspects in this matter according to the Police are currently at liberty and has promised to export more domestic timbers to Guinea regardless the questions raised on the legitimacy of their current export permit.

Danny Saad cries for justice

By Abdul Hassan Fackie

The Proprietor of the Samjana Pharmacy, situated at 5 Upper East Street in Freetown, has said that he is frustrated that since he appealed against a High Court judgment in early June of 2014  his case has never been called for hearing at the Appeals Court of Sierra Leone.

Narrating his ordeal to this medium, Mr. Danny Saad explained that he appealed a judgment against his pharmacy in a matter he brought against the Reliance  Insurance Trust Corporation (RITCORP) sometime in 2012 for non payment in respect of medicines he had supplied the company which refused to honour its bills.

He revealed that the amount that was owed him by the RITCORP at the time  was about one hundred and five million Leones (Le 105,000,000.00) which was equivalent to about thirty thousand Dollars ($30,000) at the time.

He further explained that he was dismayed when on 12th. March, 2014,  Justice N. C. Browne-Marke dismissed his  matter and ordered him to bear the costs.

“This judgment has adversely affected my business to the extent that I have not been able to pay most of my debts,” he tearfully stated, averring that his business is now in a virtual state of collapse.

He pointed out that while he respects the judgment of the High Court he is of the opinion that he has enough legal grounds to appeal the judgment and win it.

He lamented that for close to six years now since his Lawyer filed  his appeal on 10th. June, 2014 his case has not yet been called for hearing.

He concluded by appealing to Chief Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards to kindly visit his matter and expedite his appeal so that he can be given the opportunity to prove his claims and retrieve his money.

ACC Indicts Medical Doctor

 By Patrick Sandi

The Anti-Corruption Commission has on 13th January 2020, indicted Dr. Peter Belmoh Samai, a Medical Doctor employed by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and attached to the Bo Government Hospital on three (3) counts of corruption offences for Misappropriation of Public Property contrary to section 36(1); Unlawful Disposal of Public Property, contrary to section 48(1)(b); and Abuse of Office, contrary to section 42(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act No.12 of 2008 and as amended.

According to the particulars of offence, Dr. Samai, being a Medical Doctor at the Government Hospital, Bo, between the 23rd February 2017 and 31st August 2019 conferred an advantage on himself by the unlawful disposal of one 25ES 20 KVA generator from the Bo Government hospital for use in his private premises while the hospital continued to experience challenges with electricity supply.

Our investigations confirm that as medical doctor, he instructed the removal and transfer of the generator from one of the wards and the generator was never returned. The Commission later found a generator of the similar description in his home albeit newly sprayed from green to Yellow. He instructed one Muctaru Monrovia, an electrician at the said Hospital, to disconnect the aforementioned generator and remove it from the said premise. When search was carried out at the residence of Dr. Samai, two generators were found for which he failed to produce receipts. A prior search was conducted by the Sierra Leone Police based on intel given by a journalist, who found what is believed to be the aforesaid generator in the premises of Dr. Samai.

It has also been discovered that Dr. Samai, being a Public Officer, failed to declare his assets and liabilities for the period 2018 and 2019, as is provided for in section 119 of the Anti-Corruption Act 2008.

Dr. Samai is expected to make his first appearance at the High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Bo, on the 16th January 2020.

Meanwhile, the Commission wishes to further reassure the public of its national commitment to controlling corruption at all levels.

Stolen Chinese Rice Surfaces in kenema.

Fayia Amara Fayia

Few days after his sacking  as  Minister of Labour, then Minister of  Education ( Primary Education)  Alpha Timbo,  for corruption relating to rice donated by Chinese government for the School feeding program,news took over the social media of a huge amount of the said rice donated to selected schools in Kenema.

Report states that the Commissioner of the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA ) Abu Kokofele was behind the said donation ,which has in fact caused disenchantments among teachers, even though they are not the right beneficiaries.

This writer contacted Kenema based  Journalsit Philip Koroma who broke the news on the social media to get more on  the issue and to help with the contact of Commissioner Abu Kokofele ,which Koroma did.

Commissioner Kokofele”s line was tried but could not pick and a text message was sent to his line. Five minutes later he called and after the normal expected courtesies the issues were put to the Commissioner.

Mr. Kokofele was quick to distance himself from and rice distribution in Kenema.

He said he at a point received a call from one Brima Amadu who had wanted to get connection to some School authorities in Kenema and as an old boy of Holy Trinity Secondary School he gave the contacts of the School Principal and that of the Principal Islamic Secondary School.He went on  to state that the same Brima Amadu called to say thanks and even informed him that the distribution went on well with delivery notes signed.

The Commissioner further refered this writer to Mr. Brima Amadu whose contact was also provided for further clarifications.

Mr. Brima Amadu was first contacted through WhatsApp with all the allegations put to him. He immediately made live call and he too distanced the NaCSA Boss from the said rice distribution or donated but confirmed the NaCSA Boss helped him identify some heads of Schools and also provided their contacts.

Brima Amadu said he can’t say much  as the Anti Corruption Commission has intervened and they have submitted all documents.

Squeezed further on the matter,he said ” the NaCSA Commissioner can’t be associated with that activity which we delegently  performed for the love of Kenema”.

The office of Deputy Director of Education East when contact on phone was first asked whether they were aware or involved in the Chinese rice distribution. The madam first said “no,    hmmm in fact minister has said we should not say anything to any Journalsits,go to ACC Freetown”.

The DDE refused to comment further.

The NRM Runs Into Its Own Sword And Misses

By Mohamed Sankoh (One Drop)

I have always been a stickler for reforms within the All People’s Congress (APC) for the simple reason that for some people to become Landlords or Landladies, in life, their parents would have to die first (even if they died “intestate.” That is: without leaving a Will or what the Americans would call “Last Testament”). Equally so, for some pupils to become Senior Prefects or Head Boys in their schools; the holders of those Badges should have to move on first. Even the conservatives within the APC have reluctantly agreed that reforms are the only way forward for that party. And some reforms would have, surely, been instituted with the proposed adoption of a draft Constitution in the North-western city of Port Loko last weekend.

But the single thoughtless action taken by the National Reformation Movement (NRM) to secure the legal services of a well-known enemy of the APC, which ended up in an injunction being slammed on the party, has frozen the would-be reforms in the APC at present. Why would any so-called true-blooded APC member secure the services of lawyer Hindolo Moiwo Gevao who is not only one of the barristers for and of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) but a representative of that party in Parliament for Constituency 003 in Kailahun District? It is foolhardy for someone who professes, or people who profess, to be more APC than either the late Siaka Stevens or the late Sorie Ibrahim (SI) Koroma to have given an axe to a staunch SLPP member and place the APC’s head on a chopping block.

That singular miscalculated misdemeanour by members of the NRM has given the party’s old guards political longevity by default! If anything, due to lack of experience and youthful exuberance, the NRM has accidentally played into the hands of the party’s old guards. And instead of elbowing them out with the draft Constitution, the NRM’s provoked court injunction has inadvertently strengthened the conservatives’ sway in the APC.

Members of the NRM pushed their luck too far, to a point where instead of gaining more sympathies from the party’s grassroots; they have now incurred their wrath. Some party adherents may not like most of the APC traditionalists at the party’s Brookfields headquarters. But to give Lucifer his due; the current National Executive of the APC did their best to accommodate and absorb the NRM into the party’s fold. They asked for the removal of the “Selection Clause” in the 1995 Constitution, which was the main reason for the clamour for reforms; it was granted in the draft Constitution. They asked for this and that amendments; the National Executive capitulated to most of what were demanded as seen in the draft Constitution! But the NRM kept on playing Oliver Twist by asking for more to the point where their requests became suspect. It became clear that their asking had more hidden agenda than the genuine desire for sweeping reforms within the APC.

Even as parents, at times, we often tolerate a little naughtiness from our children. But when their naughtiness reaches the point of irritation or embarrassment; we either spank them gently or politely ask them to go to bed. If sweeping reforms within the APC will bring about rancour, disrespect, and disunity within the party; then the party’s current moral guarantors, as encapsulated in the National Advisory Council (NAC), have the responsibility to take drastic actions that will bring about sanity.

That’s exactly what happened in Port Loko last Saturday. If, the court injunction provoked by the NRM through SLPP’s lawyer Gevao, stops the APC from adopting the draft Constitution it is logical that the party continues with what it has. The APC cannot be in limbo. It has to function as a political party. And if the NRM believes that the draft Constitution shouldn’t be adopted, then the APC has to make do with the 1995 Constitution until such a time when members of the NRM, and their sponsors and instigators, get cool and steady heads again.

We all know that the main contention with the 1995 Constitution is the “Selection Clause”. What if the APC National Advisory Council holds a meeting tomorrow and resolves that that Clause will not be evoked in subsequent intra-party elections? The NRM would definitely be out of currency just like the SLPP’s “we inherited a broken economy” mumbo-jumbo. Then the clamour for reforms within the APC would become distant echoes. And members of the NRM would then appear to be a bunch of fifth columnists doing the SLPP’s bidding.

But come to think of it, if just after the 2018 General Elections some members of the NRM held the view that those elections were stolen from the APC; then it is logical that it was not the1995 Constitution that was, and still is, the problem. After all, it was this same Constitution that was in play when the APC won both the 2007 and 2012 elections with all the supposedly imperfections herein! I think if some members of the NRM do not like certain members of the current National Executive, whose positions they have been eyeballing, they should be brave enough to say so publicly rather than make the APC’s 1995 Constitution the scapegoat.

Now that the APC has decided to put a stop to the pampering and naughtiness of the NRM; what will be their next move? Will they go back to their SLPP and C4C sponsors to re-strategize on how to destabilize the APC from another angle? Or will they put up the last kicks of dying horses? Members of the NRM might have got good intensions when they started their reform crusade. They won the hearts of many APCers who believe that the APC should reform some of its traditional ways. But along the line they allowed their Movement to be infiltrated and hijacked by people with ulterior motives. Now their good intensions have gone haywire and everything has boomeranged in their faces.

What has now happened to the NRM reminds me of one Member of the current British Parliament who, after the then Prime Minister Teresa May repeatedly failed to get Brexit done, said in the House of Commons that, “…the Prime Minister ran into her own sword and missed.” That could also be said of the NRM for now.

 Publicity Secretary Calls For Party Chairman To Resign

By Titus Boye-Thompson

In what is being touted as the bravest of moves to have come from one accused to have been a coward, Cornelius Deveaux, de jure National Publicity Secretary of the All Peoples Congress Party has called on both the Chairman / Leader  and the National Secretary General to resign for weak leadership and their incompetence in dealing with the events which lead to the embarrassment the Party had to endure in the hands of the NRM, a youth led grouping consisting of members of the Party who successfully sought an injunction against the convening of a National Delegates’ Conference over the weekend scheduled for Port Loko to adopt a new draft constitution for the APC.

What many see as cracks within the Party hierarchy has been compounded by another brewing mishandling of the return of the erstwhile elected Vice President under the party who is said to be unhappy at the way he is being treated by some  Party grandees.

Apparently, the Samsumana twist as its being called was a ploy to destroy the political career of the man some in the Party blamed for the crunching defeat the party experienced in Kono, in the eastern part of the country.

It is reported that the National  Secretary General who had publicly castigated Alhaji Sam Sumana as a fraud, was always opposed to his return to the Party.

Cornelius Deveaux, currently reported to be on the run in Guinea is angry that the Party has made no move to support him, nor has his situation been given any proper consideration by the Party.

A vocal agitator for the Party, Cornelius Deveaux was hounded by the current government in the early days of their administration, having identified him as one of the bulwarks of opposition intransigence. Other high profile activists have either been arrested and detained or are languishing in prison on trumped up charges. It was the prospect of political intimidation and imprisonment that caused Deveaux to go into hiding after escaping from a Police cordon around his house at Waterloo.

The call by Cornelius Deveaux should not go unheeded. In the murky days immediatly following the sellout of the party by the current Chairman / Leader after a dubious deal with the opposition flag bearer, it was the likes of Cornelius Deveaux, Karamoh Kabbah, Abubakarr Daramy, Herbert George-Williams who rallied round to maintain grass roots support for the return of the National Secretary General to come back to the Party Headquarters.

In the event, Cornelius Deveaux is known to be angry at the way he has been neglected by his colleagues, especially as the National Secretary General is enjoying an upsurge in support and to the extent that those who put their heads on the line for their recuperation after such a crushing defeat and loss of power are being used as political fodder.

 In his call for the Chairman and NSG to resign from the Party, Cornelius Deveaux has opened up another flank in the battle for reform of the Party. His challenge indicates that he opposes the much touted return to the 1995 Constitution as a backward step taken by the Chairman and such a mistake would in the end cause the Party more harm than good.

What most political observers concur with is that the stance taken by Deveaux is to bolster support for their position and to draw attention on the plight of those senior Party members currently under persecution and false imprisonment by this government.



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