Brima Jah Twists: Targets IG Sovula


The Assistance Inspector General of Police, Mr. Brima Jah has responded to an audio making rounds  on social media few days ago that he has been suspended for professional misconduct.

Mr. Jah stated that he never raised hands to hit the  Deputy Inspector General of Police, Mrs.  Elizabeth Turay nor has he ever had the thought of hitting he.

He said he was expecting Mrs. Elizabeth Turay to have gone on air and debunked such misleading statement, which he said has the tendency to dent his image.

Mr. Jah revealed that his trouble started when the Inspector General of Police, Dr. Ambrose Micheal Sovula, informed him that there will be a promotion at the Sierra Leone Police and he pointed out to him that they must follow due process as  noticed that the IG and his deputy wanted to flout the procedure for promotions of Police Officers.

He explained that promotion has to go with criteria through identifying the low ranks of police officers that has been working tremendously in various sectors.

He said after they have gone through those criteria they will be shortlisted for promotion without bringing confusion but the IG refused.

He continued that his own office as Director of Professional Standards is to make sure that every activity that the Sierra Leone Police embarks on  must follow the due process.

He noted with dismay that the selection process of twenty one  Police Officers who had gone for peace keeping mission has nothing to do with the peace keeping but the IG told him that he is the policy.

Mr Brima said he investigated that issue and brought his findings to the attention of the Executive Management Board only for the IG to tell him that  all peace keeping  mission issues  are under his office and he cannot accept his findings and recommendations.

He maintained that all the proposed Police Officers that will be promoted may have to run the SLP for the next decades, adding that they have introduced new positions such as Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner that will be in charge of the six regions of the country. 

He further disclosed that after going through such a critical situation with the IG he decided to write a letter of complaint to the Police Council and copy all members of the SLP Board for intervention.

He said after few days the DIG asked him to collect all the letters that he has distributed to the board members but he told her that he cannot do it and during the conference meeting it was the DIG that threatened and even attempted to fight him.

He confirmed that he was suspended but that  the IGP did not follow the due process as in suspending him.

He called on the Police Council to intervene in the matter and resolved it with fairness and justice.

KKY Wins

Following the suprime court rulling last Friday, that says Kanded Yumkella should retain his seat in parliament, the national Grand Coalition (NGC) leader has this to say.

I give praise to the Almighty for his grace in  making  sure  that my personal quest to open up the political space for Sierra Leoneans in general, and our citizens in the  diaspora, has received a resounding endorsement by the Supreme Court judges of the Republic.

I commend them for their courage and vision.  Today’s landmark judgment by our highest court will benefit over a quarter million Sierra Leoneans living in the diaspora and their descendants.

As I have stated before, though the judiciary does not make laws, the Judgement by the Supreme Court constitutes a law which the parliament can now reinforce and complement by passing the omnibus bill we submitted to   guarantee greater inclusivity and equity for women and the youth  in national suferage and governance.

 I call on the government and NEC in particular, to ensure diaspora voting also becomes a reality in 2022 and 2023. Leh we put Salone  Fos.

I wish to thank my gallant legal team for their professionalism and efficacy in presenting our case. Deep gratitude to our many legal friends who weighed in on the side justice. To all my family, friends and well-wishers, thanks to you for believing in me and standing by me.God bless Salone.

Bio Commissions New Officer Cadets

His Excellency and Commander-In-Chief of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces, RSLAF, President Dr Julius Maada Bio, has encouraged 60 Officer Cadets at their commissioning parade to be professional soldiers and thanked instructors for the successful exercise. 

“So, professionalism is not an option, it is a way of life for an officer. It involves discipline, loyalty, respect, compassion, and character. As officers, you must demonstrate these qualities in how you lead and how you live. Do more, learn more, and serve with honour without giving excuses,” he said.

The Commander-In-Chief congratulated and reminded them that they were soldiers first and always and must never allow to become tools in the hands of politicians because their duty was to protect the peace, democracy and support national development.

He told the gathering of family members, loved ones and millions of Sierra Leoneans following the event online that he was proud of the Officer Cadets who were recruited into the RSLAF in 2019.

“Of these 60 Officer Cadets, 11 Specialist Cadets were commissioned three months ago; one is training at the Royal Air Force College, Cranwell; and the other one is at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst.

“Be reminded that you are now sworn on oath to serve this nation. It is your duty to respect, uphold, and protect the national constitution of the Republic of Sierra Leone, and to obey all lawful orders from your superiors without question,” he said.

In a welcome statement earlier the Commandant of the Peacekeeping Mission Training Center, Colonel George Mahmoud Bangura, recalled that 9 months ago a crop of officers was selected, out of numerous applicants from different parts of the country, and had successfully gone through the officer cadet’s direct entry commissioning course.

“I want to congratulate the officer cadets for making history for themselves and the peacekeeping mission training centre,” he noted, adding that their mandate was to train RSLAF personnel for international peacekeeping operations.

Colonel Bangura closed by expressing special thanks to the President for his unwavering support to the RSLAF.

Awards, among them for the best military essay, were presented to deserving officers. Officer Cadet T.Y.I Masuba was recognised and celebrated for her outstanding performance and with the best female military essay.


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