Ministry of Lands Staff remanded


By Feima Sesay

Alicious Kamara, a staff at Ministry of Lands, Housing and Country Planning and another have been remanded by Magistrate Mark Ngagba of Pademba Road Court No.1 on an allegation of land fraud.

They were arraigned before the court for obtaning money by false pretense contrary to section 32(1)of the Larceny Act of 1916.

It was alleged on the police charge sheet that on diverse dates between 1st of April and 21st of July 2021, at No. 22 Pedro Drive, Kamayama Lumley, with intent to defraud, the accused Alusine Sesay and Alicious Kamara obtained the sum of one hundred and fifty one million Leones from Reverend Doctor Usman Jesse Fonah by falsely pretending that they have three Town lot of land at No.2 River for sale, knowing same to be false.

Taking the witness stand and lead in evidence by sergeant Lahai, the second witness, Henry Mayer, civil servant working at the Ministry of lands, recognized complainant Reverend Fonah and both accused persons in the dock as colleagues.

He said between 1st April and 21st July 2021,his uncle informed him that his neice wanted to buy a piece of land and he should verify the documents shown to him at the Ministry of Lands and told him whether they are authentic.

The witness said after varifying the documents, his uncle made a first and second payment, and the third payment was made and a receipt was issued to them by the accused persons.

The witness further stated that the total payment made was one hundred and fifty five million Leones.

He said after the third payment, they went and erected pillars on the land which were later demolished. He said he accompanied his uncle to go and make a report at Adonkia police station.

At the end of the witness testimony, defense counsel informed the Bench that he will not be able to cross examine the witness today.

He also stated that form the information he got from his client, the second accused has already stated paying part of the money that was alleged.

Defence counsel also made a plea for Bench warrant placed on his client to be rescinded.

Magistrate Marke Ngagba refused his application and adjourned the matter to the 19th of Dece


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