Transair Resumes Operations


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TRANSAIR has resumes its operations at the Freetown international airport on Saturday 13th March ,2021

The goal is to serve its Dakar hub via Guinea Conakry to Freetown this time around enhancing a seamless Guinea Conakry options for passengers. During its maiden flight of 18th November 2019, Transair the first low cost airline company in West Africa commenced with a Dakar- Banjul – Freetown route.

Effective 13th  March 2021, the airline will have three weekly flights on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays on the Dakar –Conakry –Freetown route bringing a total of eight scheduled commercial Airline operations at  the Freetown International Airport.

Receiving the flight at the restart ceremony, the Honourable Minister of Transport and Aviation ,Honourable Kabineh Kallon welcomed the airline to Sierra Leone’s beautiful skies.

He opined that Sierra Leone alongside the global stage has not attained pre-Crisis levels in commercial air traffic . “The  drop  for us was even more pronounced when airlines like Trans air were missing within the early resumption forecast.”

In line with the presidents Manifesto the Ministry of Transport and Aviation he continued, have been working assiduously to build the airline routes of the country’s only international Airport.

With aviation market intelligence from his Ministry they help airlines consider Freetown as a prime destination when planning new routes. Following COVID 19,many engagements particularly in route planning programs was done alongside aviation response to the pandemic.

However, the crisis brought in its wake   changes in passenger behavior, travel restrictions and the ensuing economic crisis that have resulted in a dramatic drop in demand for airline services. The government according to the Honourable Minister has considered several policy interventions to curtail the size of the shock to the industry.

“For Transair  we clearly saw a demand forecasting within the Conakry Guinea options which can improve strong  connections  for both the  business and leisure  traveller ,more regional connectivity  with Dakar hub thereby  reducing the flying time for our passengers whilst enjoying  comfort at Blaise Dagne Airport, the airline having a fleet of aircraft to support its operations and can further  match the existing competition”The Minister Said.

The Honourable Minister exchanged felicitations with his Senegalese Aviation counterparts and expressed his strong desire that with Trans air operations as a low cost carrier of which low cost carriers being tipped for the swiftest recovery within the wider aviation segment after COVID, will maintain its enviable operational structure and finances to build market share.

Groupe TRANSAIR Regional Director Naby Sylla said they are extremely enthusiastic about what the Airline can bring to the Aviation market

“We are happy to commence operations and acknowledge the challenges faced with the COVID-19 outbreak. Our network needed to be restored so as to bring in more air services within our region whereby we can recover together. Our plans are huge but it’s one step at a time and having a firm footing “

Sierra Leone foreign Mission in Dakar followed the ambitious development plan of TransAir particularly relying on transit traffic. It advanced Sierra Leone to be part of  the Airline destinations by engaging the many platforms and establishing support  for the improvement of its load rates .

The Ambassador to the republic of Senegal, Ambassador  Alhaji Brima Elvis  Koroma arrived with the Senegalese delegation and was pleased with his  accomplished mission of an air carrier from   Senegal to Freetown . He reiterated that the Air carrier is a strategic instrument in building solid cooperation between Senegal and Sierra Leone.

“Every passenger an airline carries tells a much broader economic story; they will stay in hotels buy food from restaurants etc we are hopeful that as aviation facilitate  tourism ,Transair can bring new levels and impact for both industries” The Ambassador Said.

General Manager of the Sierra Leone Airports Authority Mr JDK Massaquoi assured TransAir delegation of operational safety particularly with public health standards in the new normal

“We are passionate about the safety and relationship with our airlines because our recovery is tied together.  It is a great delight to have your wings at our Airport and we look forward to greater accomplishments” The Manager noted.

The Airport Authority presented gifts to the Airline symbolizing the Sierra Leonean hospitality and its best wishes for growth and expansion.

Among the delegation from Senegal were  the Executive Director of groupe Transair,Mapenda Cisse ,financial director Andrew Diouf  ,group representative  from the republic of Guinea  Samirachamei Shamel , and Mohamed  Seck representing  the Guinean tourism .They further  met with the Sierra Leone Transair team.

Transair has in its fleet Embraer -EMB12O,ERJ145, Beechcraft 1900c on these routes, offering  both Business and Economy class Seats. Flights can be booked at or passengers can visit nationwide travel agencies.

UAE, S/Leone Sign MoU to Improve Higher Education

The Governments of United Arab Emirates and Sierra Leone have signed a Memorandum of Understanding Thursday 11 March 2021 that will allow greater collaboration between the two countries in the field of education, as part of on-going efforts to strengthen relationship between Sierra Leone and the oil-rich Arab state.

“This memorandum is aimed at establishing cooperation between public and Higher Education institutions in the two countries by holding direct agreements between them, holding conferences, seminars, courses, scientific and educational exhibitions, lecturing on topics of mutual interest,” the document mentioned.

His Excellency Hussain bin Ibrahhim Al Hammadi, Minister of Education in the UAE, who signed on behalf of his government, thanked his counterpart for the opportunity noting that he was looking forward to a joint cooperation.

He thanked all the parties involved, especially Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the UAE, Rashid Sesay for his efforts and constant engagements with authorities in the UAE in different topics of cooperation.

Sierra Leone’s Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Professor Alpha Tejan Wurie, said that the cooperation was significant for Sierra Leone because it would focus on science, technology and agriculture which were of priority to the Government. He also added that Sierra Leone had a rich tradition in higher education but had faced some challenges over the years, while noting that the West-African nation would benefit tremendously from the cooperation especially through exchange programs.

“I want to thank our Ambassador Rashid Sesay for his patriotic and dedicated service to our country. We cherish this Memorandum of Understanding and we do hope that as we go along this relationship will grow from strength to strength,” he said.

Also at the virtual signing ceremony was Sierra Leone Ambassador to the UAE, Rashid Sesay.

Pres. Bio Joins Eminent Women to Observe IWD

Video-conference, Freetown, Thursday 11 March 2021 – President Julius Maada Bio has engaged the First Lady, Fatima Maada Bio, and other eminent Sierra Leonean women to discuss the topic: “Women in Leadership”, in commemoration of International Women’s Day.

Mrs Bio said that the women of Sierra Leone were incredibly pleased and grateful for the President’s involvement with their efforts at observing the day in a very special way. She further stated that the level of participation of women in the day-to-day running of the state was a right step toward nation-building, adding that it was also a way of supporting women and girls to benefit from the human capital development drive of the government.

In a brief statement, the President of Legal Access through Women Yearning for Equality Rights and Social Justice (LAWYERS), Lawyer Fatmata Sorie, thanked President Bio, the First Lady and the government of Sierra Leone for the opportunity they continued to give women to serve the nation.

“Your Excellency, we pray that your government continues to work assiduously to see a reduction of violence against women and girls in the country. The issue of sexual penetration continues to be a challenge, but we applaud the government for the efforts in bringing perpetrators to book,” she noted.

In his remarks, President Julius Maada Bio recalled that in December last year he launched the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Policy, GEWE, for which the Gender Ministry would host a number of workshops to develop an implementation plan at all levels.

“This year, we will continue working on legislating GEWE into an Affirmative Action Bill that will permanently and significantly narrow or eliminate gender disparities in Sierra Leone.

“We see sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) both as a social cohesion and human capital development issue. We now have an amended and tougher Sexual Offences Act, a dedicated Sexual Offences Model Court, and an unprecedented jump in prosecution and conviction rates for SGBV offences. The First Lady’s campaign against SGBV is resonating with various populations,” he said.

The President also said that their work as a government was being recognised by UN Women, Generation Equality, RISE and that Sierra Leone had been invited to serve on the Board of the UN’s Women Peace, Security, and Humanitarian Action.

He said the country was an early adopter of international instruments that served to narrow gender gaps, noting that that was an indication they were on the right path and would continue to do more.

“As I close, I want to encourage more women to volunteer for leadership regardless of political stripe. On our part as a Government, we will continue working to dismantle institutional, structural, and other barriers to women’s empowerment and advancement. I will closely follow the discussions and outcomes of this meeting and see how best they will inform or support our collective and dedicated push as a nation on this question,” he said.

Parliament Debates Cyber Crime Act 2020


The Parliament of Sierra Leone on Thursday 11th March 2021 commenced intensive debate on the Bill entitled: “The Cyber Crime  Act, 2020”; aimed at protecting critical national information infrastructure in the country.

The Bill is seeking to provide for the prevention of the abusive use of computer systems; to provide for the timely and effective collection of electronic evidence for investigation and prosecution of cyber-crime; to provide for the protection of Critical National Information Infrastructure; to provide for facilitation of international cooperation in dealing with cyber-crime matters and to provide for other related matters.

Introducing the Bill prior to the suspension of debate, Minister of Information and Communications, Mohamed Rahman Swaray said the object of the Bill is to make provision for the prevention of the abusive use of computer systems; underscoring the point that, the world is going digital. He also noted that 75% of Sierra Leoneans are using the digital space.

Thus, the need for improving and protecting citizens’rights.  He said if this Bill is enacted, it will help Sierra Leone to benefit from international cooperation through the Budapest Convention.

Hon. Boston Munda, Chairman Information and Communication Committee in Parliament said cyber-crime is a global issue that is also affecting Sierra Leoneans; whilst speaking on financial and data loss from African countries through cyber- crime. He said many African counties have domesticated cyber-crime laws through adherence to the Budapest Convention.

Hon. Abdul Karim Kamara said the Bill is critical and it needs more education. Considering the composition of the regulatory committee proposed in the Bill, he observed one would tend to believe that the cyber-crime act is targeting opposition politicians. He pleaded for serious national sensitization on the Bill considering its critical nature.

Hon. Joseph Williams Lamin said the Bill is  very significant to the people of Sierra Leone; adding that for far too long Sierra Leoneans have been waiting for this Bill. He appreciated the Ministry for the efforts they have put so far on the Bill.

Hon. PC Bai Kurr Kanagbaro Sanka III said cyber- crime is an international issue and highlighted its negative effects on many countries around the world. He called for expert training on areas related to cyber-crime for the security of the state.

Hon. Mohamed Bangura requested attendance of the Sierra Leone Police, Office of National Security, and the general public relating to the sensitivity of the Bill.

Leader of C4C, Hon. Saa Emerson Lamina said justice needs to be done to the Bill; believing that it enactment will save lives, address e-market and curb cyber-crime. He called on Sierra Leone to do same as most of the member countries belonging to ACP-EU have enacted laws geared toward combating cyber-crime.

Opposition Leader, Hon. Chernor Bah called for massive sensitization on the Bill for it to stand the test of time.

Acting Leader of Government Business, Hon. Bashiru Silikie applauded the debate and also called for the Office of National Security and Police to be in attendance on the next adjourned date in light of the said Bill.

In light of existing rules of procedure, the Acting Leader of Government Business, Hon. Bashiru Silikie has moved a dilatory motion; seconded by Hon. Daniel Koroma suspending debate on the said Bill until further notice pending determination and consultations by Parliament before furthering the process of passage into law.

Following that, the Leadership of Parliament is seeking public inputs in the form of presentation of position papers or otherwise from the General Public before the said Bill will be enacted by Parliament.

Therefore, the general public is encouraged to rise to the occasion by following the process to its logical end and present their position papers to the Office of the Clerk of Parliament.

Herbert George-Williams, Abu Bakarr Daramy Freed

By Feima Sesay

Justice Augustine Musa of the High Court in Freetown has acquitted and discharged the former Mayor of Freetown Herbert George-Williams and the former Public Relations Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry under the then All People’s Congress (APC) government of all charges relating to alleged murder and conspiracy.

An eleven man jury unanimously returned a verdict of not guilty on Thursday 11th March 2021 in respect of both counts for the alleged murder of journalist Ibrahim Samura.

In his direction to the jury, Justice Musa stated that it was the duty of the prosecution to prove its case beyond all reasonable doubt by way of evidence in proving all the elements of the offences charged as well as to link the accused persons “materially” to the offences.

Citing the unsworn statement of the 2nd prosecution witness Mahmoud Tim Kargbo, the judge noted that there were “material inconsistencies” in the said statement and his testimony in court on oath which he said casts a “dim shadow” on the credibility of the witness.

He noted that the testimony of the 2nd and 3rd prosecution witnesses failed to link any of the accused persons to the offence of murder and therefore urged the jury not to disbelieve the sworn evidence of Kargbo in court and to attach much weight to it.      

He stressed that even though a letter of apology written to the deceased by the Western Region Acting Secretary of the APC in respect of the alleged assault may tend to incriminate the accused persons, it should not be used to incriminate them because the said letter was neither written by the accused persons nor did they authorize the author to do so and that it lacked probative value.

In her closing address to the jurors, State Prosecutor Umu Sumaray stated that a total of 10 witnesses were led in evidence during the course of the trial including the tendering of several exhibits and the certified cause of death of the deceased and a letter of apology from the APC party.

She said that according to the medical cause of death of the deceased, he died as a result of blunt force injuries he sustained on the 31st March 2018 during the presidential run-off election around the Lumley round-about area.

She also drew the attention of the jury to some material inconsistencies in the statements of two factual witnesses and their evidence in court, adding that, there was no new intervening act to prove that death could not have occurred to the deceased as a result of what happened to him on the 31st March 2018.       

Addressing the jurors, Defence Lawyer Melron Nicol Wilson said that the case of the prosecution was “not convincing, lacked merit and does not meet the threshold for a guilty verdict in respect of both counts.”

He noted that the testimony of the 1st prosecution witness proffered no supporting evidence to the case of the prosecution indicting that the accused persons murdered the deceased, adding that the letter of apology was neither written by the accused persons nor signed by them and therefore had no bearing to the matter before the court.

He argued that the testimony of the 2nd prosecution witness indicated that the deceased was attacked by some State House security personnel which he said exonerated the accused persons from committing any offences, adding that there was no evidence to show that the accused persons inflicted the blunt force injury on the deceased which he said corroborated the testimony of the pathologist.

He said there is no evidence before the court connecting the accused persons to the offences charged and therefore urged them to return a verdict of not guilty in respect of both counts.

During the course of the trial the prosecution had alleged that the accused persons on the 31st of March 2018, in the Western Area of Freetown during the presidential run-off election murdered Ibrahim Samura.

Fisheries Ministry Unveils Service Charter

The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources on Thursday, 5th March, 2021,  unveiled her ministry’s Service Charter at a short ceremony held at the ministry’s headquarter, Youyi Building, Freetown.

Speaking at the ceremony, Madam Emma Kowa Jalloh, said in their quest for fulfilment of the mandate of the ministry, they thought it necessary to keep the public abreast with its activities through a Service Charter.

She described the Charter as a public document that provides basic information about services provided by the ministry. She also referred to the Charter as an important tool that would promote commitment, healthy relationship between the ministry and other partners as well as instil confidence in the general public with regard to activities undertaken by every player in the sector.

The Charter, she said is about delivering services, promoting transparency and accountability. In a bid to promote the New Direction Agenda, she further said that the ministry has prioritized the participation of other stakeholders in order to achieve its dream through regular engagements and hoped the Charter will be used for its intended purpose.

Deputy Director of Fisheries, Josephus Mammie who chaired the programme, said the Charter contains vital information including license fees, policies, rules, regulations, vision, mission and other ancillary activities.

The programme which was attended by a cross-section of staff of the ministry, including the Deputy Minister of Fisheries, Ibrahim Turay and Director of Fisheries, Kadijatu Jalloh, was also graced by some members of the public and the press.

Following Corruption Investigation:



S/Leone Made History in World Football

Isha Johansen Warns FIFA Council Members


Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) President Isha Johansen has won the position for FIFA International Council representing Africa.

She contested against Burundi’s Lydia Sekera for the top world football job in CAF and FIFA

This has sound greatly in the history of the Sierra Leone Football and the world at large.

She has been working connectively with the world football authorities in making sure that Sierra Leone get to the pinnacle in terms of football.

CAF gets South African as president

Patrice Motsepe has been elected as the new Confederation Of African Football (CAF) President.

He becomes the first South African to be elected to occupy the position

 South Africa’s Patrice Motsepe is the new president of the Confederation of African Football (Caf) after being elected unopposed on Friday.

The 59-year-old’s path to the presidency was cleared over the last week when his rival candidates for the presidency withdrew from the race, while another rival – Madagascar’s Ahmad – was barred from running.

Who is CAF’s new billionaire president Motsepe?

Addressing a gathering of Africa’s member associations at the elections venue in the Moroccan capital Rabat, Motsepe stressed his belief in how unity can herald a new era for African football.

“It’s a huge honour and privilege for me [to be Caf president],” said Motsepe, Africa’s ninth-richest person according to Forbes magazine.

“Let me thank my brother [Fifa president] Gianni [Infantino] for the vision and encouragement of unity. We can only deal with the challenges of Africa and we will succeed, but we will only do so when we are united.”

Motsepe then turned to Africa’s assembled member association presidents and Executive Committee as he looked towards a brighter future.

“The leadership we have in Africa [and] the leadership we have of football in every country gives me confidence and inspires me.

“I am absolutely confident that by working together, we will indeed succeed to make African football not just reach the summit but be amongst the best in the world.”

Motsepe, the owner of 2016 African champions Mamelodi Sundowns, one of South Africa’s most successful teams, has previously spoken of his desire to see an African team win the World Cup.


The Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA)has today confirmed that both SLFA President Isha Johansen and Zambian Football Federation(FAZ) President Andrew Kamanga have agreed on a friendly match to be hosted by the Zambian FA at the National Heroes Stadium on Monday the 22nd merch 2021.

The proposed ” closed door international friendly ” is part of Leone Stars preparation ahead of Sierra Leone’s penultimate match in the on-going AFCON Qualifiers against Lesotho.

The General Secretaries of the two federations, Christopher Kamara (SLFA) and Adrian Kashala(FAZ) are currently engaged in talks to ensure proper management of the said friendly match.

The Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA)has today confirm that both SLFA President Isha Johansen and Zambian Football Federation(FAZ) President Andrew Kamanga have agreed on a friendly match to be hosted by the Zambian FA at the National Heroes Stadium on Monday the 22nd merch 2021.

The proposed ” closed door international friendly ” is part of Leone Stars preparation ahead of Sierra Leone’s penultimate match in the ongoing AFCON Qualifiers against Lesotho.

The General Secretaries of the two federations, Christopher Kamara (SLFA) and Adrian Kashala(FAZ) are currently engaged in talks to ensure proper management of the said friendly match

Public Review Christian Mirror


LET GO! – Part I

I’ve had relationships in my life which I struggled to let go, simply because I held to the notion that anyone who comes into life must stick around forever. Well, as I would later realize I was so wrong. Yes, so very wrong because, some people are in your life for a reason and others for a season.

Some years ago, I was in a relationship with someone that I thought was the ‘perfect’ individual for me – My kind of person meeting all my ‘specs’ in every dimension. So, with all within my power I did everything to hold on to this ‘perfect’ individual by ensuring things work out ‘by fire by force’????.

To a very large extent I had to stop being my real self as I was doing all I can to ‘fit into’ someone’s world. I was ready to trade my own joy and happiness for this person even though I knew this person was not ready to do the same.

Sadly, one day, I discovered that with all these ‘amazing and loving’ efforts I was making, there was someone else that this person was ready to do ‘all that couldn’t be done’ for except for the other person. Well, instead of letting go I tried to hold on. When I eventually embraced the reality that it was never going to work, I was full of hate as I felt hurt, deceived, and betrayed; I didn’t realize the other person’s reason was different and the season was over.

As we look forward to Part II next week do not forget to remind yourself that there is “a time to search, and a time to give up searching; a time to keep, and a time to discard;” Ecc. 3:6 (ISV).

When you refuse to let go you’ll end up having too much held up in your heart; and some things are just not meant to be held up in your heart.


Don’t forget to SMILE coz it looks good on you

God bless you.

Pst. Kuku

Public Review Article

Why Vilify Sinneh Kamara for the Suspension of Dr. Owizz’s Contract?

By Malcolm King( Media Consultant)

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) on Thursday 11th March, 2021 suspended the contract of the Government Consultant Forensic Pathologist, Dr. Simeon Owizz Koroma for some reasons including insubordination.

The Consultant Specialist Pathologist was the only Pathologist in the country with decades of experience and knowledge in that field until early this year, when it pleased His Excellency President Brig. (Rtd) Dr. Julius Maada Bio with the consent of the Board of Administration University of Sierra Leone Teaching Hospital Complex (USLTHC) and the MoHS to recruit two experienced Nigerian Pathologists including a Professor to help reform the pathological department in the teaching hospitals, the training of attendants and lab assistants for mortuary services since those services have to be decentralized after the specialization of more pathologists, mortuary attendants and lab assistants.

The suspension of Dr. Simeon Owizz Koroma’s contract by the MoHS came as a great surprise to the general public given that he had been the only recognized Pathologist in the country for many decades. However, what beats my imagination most are the vitriolic, incendiary and unprintable remarks against the Administrative Assistant of the Connaught Teaching Hospital Complex Mortuary in Freetown, Sinneh Kamara, which have gone viral. Some people, who have identified themselves as diehard members and supporters of the governing Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), for instance, have sent audios in the social media using unprintable remarks against him and his parents, especially his mother, and blaming him for the suspension of Dr. Simeon Owizz Koroma’s contract with the Government. Some of the detractors have expressed with confidence that Sinneh Kamara was responsible for the suspension of the Consultant Forensic Pathologist’s contract without the foggiest idea that the man is just a junior civil servant that was answerable to Dr. Owizz Koroma and cannot influence any decision-making in the MoHS.

Some have even alleged that Sinneh Kamara was an APC operative because he was notably called ‘De Pa E Yie’ by his admirers during the Koroma administration and these detractors have even attempted in several quarters to have him sacked or demoted to an ordinary mortuary attendant despite he had served the country assiduously, selflessly and sometimes voluntarily with his volunteers without Government coming to his aid. Even so, they continue to rain all sort of invectives against Sinneh Kamara and his biological mother as though he ordered the Permanent Secretary in the MoHS to do a letter of suspension for Dr. Owizz Koroma. Why are these detractors whipping up sentiments for the suspended Consultant Forensic Pathologist so unfair to this young man? What administrative power has he got to have the Pathologist suspended?

If Parliament could approve of the Office of Chief Medical Examiner for which Dr. Owizz Koroma has been earmarked, don’t you think something very serious would have led to the suspension of his contract with Government? Let those raining abuses on Sinneh Kamara with his mother abandon their coconut heads and think rationally to unravel the paradox of the situation that culminated in the suspension of Dr. Owizz Koroma’s contract.

I have earlier stated in this piece that early this year, it pleased the President with the consent of the Board of Administration of USLTHC and the MoHS to recruit two experienced Nigerian Pathologists to help reform the pathological department in the teaching hospitals and mortuary services in the country generally. So, instead of lashing out at Sinneh Kamara for the suspension of Dr. Owizz Koroma’s contract, the apologists should be pondering over why actually the Government decided to suspend the contract of the Consultant Forensic Pathologist. If the Government could suspend the contract of Dr. Owizz Koroma, who was supposed to be guiding the two Nigerian Pathologists as to how to go about things, don’t you think something more serious could have led to the suspension than casting mere aspersions on poor Sinneh Kamara? If Dr. Owizz Koroma was reprimanded for insubordination, what has Sinneh Kamara got to do with that?

By and large, I believe one of the most underdeveloped areas in the country’s health sector is the mortuary department in Government Hospitals. Dr. Owizz Koroma as the country’s only Pathologist may have done his best over the years, but there are still more challenges to be surmounted over time. Most of the mortuaries in Government Hospitals are dysfunctional because of lack of pathologists, attendants and logistics. People in the remote parts of the country, for instance, have to take dead bodies long distances to cities where mortuary services are available for post-mortem or embalming. It is against this backdrop that the Government is reforming mortuary services through the training of more pathologists and mortuary attendants in our teaching hospitals so that Government will decentralize mortuary services wherein every district will have a functional mortuary.

So, the recruitment of two reputable Nigerian Pathologists by no less a person than His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio is to help enhance the reformation process that will take the mortuary department from its moribund state to a modern standard with best practice. Therefore, Government will not take it lightly whoever undermines the President’s recruits or fails to provide a friendly working environment for them.


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