Le80M fraud at GTB!


 By Feima Sesay

Emmanuel Israel Simbo a businessman at Cars Tianity on Monday 27th June 2022 was granted bail by Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road Court No.1 over an alleged Le80 million theft at Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB).

The accused person who  made his first appearance in court was arraigned  on one count charge of Obtaining Money by False Pretenses contrary to section 32 (1) of the Larceny Act 1916.

 According to the Particulars of Offence, it was alleged that the accused person Emmanuel Israel Simbon on a date unknown between 1st to 30th November 2021 at Guaranty Trust Bank, Cline Town branch in the Western Area in Freetown obtained the sum of eighty million Leones (Le80,000,000) from Anthony Koroma on behalf of Sarah Sawyer Bongay by falsely pretending that he will buy and supply eight hundred (800) bags of cement, knowing same to be false. The charge was read and explained to the accused person and he pleaded not guilty.

Counsel representing the accused person A.P Conteh applied for bail on behalf of the accused person pursuant to section 79 (3) of the Criminal Procedure Act 1965.

Magistrate Kekura however granted the accused person bail in the sum of One Hundred Million Leones and one surety in like sum adding that the surety must be resident in the Western Area and that the surety must be elderly and a responsible citizen and that he/ she should produce a valid identity card depicting his or her address in Freetown.

He said the bail should be approved by the Deputy Assistant Registrar.

The matter was adjourned.

Police Sergeant 9939 Mohamed Lahai is prosecuting the matter.


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