Probe : Agric. Minister’s fake degree !


Below is a verbatim (unedited) account from fake degree prober Dr. John Idriss Lahai about what transpired between he, his elder brother and the current Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security Dr Abubakarr Karim.

The shameless and emboldened move by the current Minister of Agriculture has left tongues wagging and many people are calling on the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to thoroughly investigate the allegations and if the Minister is found wanting he must be immediately relieved of his duties and investigated by the ACC.

By Dr. John Idriss Lahai

“He tried to bribe me not to expose his fake degree!

“This man (the current Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security), Abu Bakarr Karim attempted to bribe me to stay quiet. He sent someone to my elder brother (both of them are in London) to discuss all possible ways to keep me silent. This messenger asked my brother if I was going to accept monetary payment of $15,000 (one hundred and fifty million Leones), in exchange for my silence.

“My brother told this messenger (let me quote my brother), “bringing money into the mix [was] going to backfire, because my brother [Dr. John Idriss Lahai] has integrity; he is stubborn in his fight for what is right. He is fierce in protecting his good name; Dr Lahai will react very angrily to anyone who tries to do what your man [Minister Abu Bakarr Karim] wants to do. You just want to unleash the devil in him that is why you’re talking about bribery. I know the man and what he stands for. He will be angry at me if I try to stop his crusade or talk to him about accepting bribe money. So I am not your tool. You can contact him directly on Facebook and good luck with healing the bruises you will sustain.” (End of quote).

“My brother also informed me about the pressure you [Abu Bakarr Karim] and your messenger placed on him prior to me exposing your fake degrees on social media (Facebook). In the main, and out of respect, my brother begged me not to react angrily. However, with respect and a sense of humility, I disagreed. So, I am sorry big brother for going against your advice (to keep calm). I have to let our people know what this “al-Shayṭān” (“the Devi”) of a man tried to do.

“My reaction to Abu Bakarr Karim:

“I consider it an insult for you to even think I can be corrupted; much less I talk about you making that proposal. May you and your proposal of $15,000 bribe money burn in Alnar (the fire) 125 times, jahannam 77 times, jaheem (blazing flames) 26 times, (and 23 times by another count of all these put together).

“You think so low of me. Like seriously? You want to use “one hundred and fifty million Leones” to get me to compromise my lifetime promise to my late mother (may her soul rest in peace). No. I will never break that promise! No human or devil will ever succeed in their quest to corrupt me. This is so disrespectful, to say the least. Next time you try it, “ar go cuss you en you people dem. Ranka man.”

“This is how you guys have used money to get people to sell their souls to al-Shayṭān; and, in doing so, destroyed all possibilities for our country to develop! You want to use money to get me to play a part in your thievery and abuse and, in tandem, be a part in a calculated move to mortgage the future of our youth, women and children. Where is your conscience? What is or what went wrong with you?

“In Krio: “Ar for don pata you na de middle of da you worwor face, if na you bin bring dis money bribery tok to me (in person; or face to face).

“Advice and final warning:

“STOP IT NOW. I cannot be corrupted! Never! I am happy eating “my dry garri and sugar” with a clear conscience. Your one hundred and fifty million Leones bribe money is not money! It is fire from the pit of hell. I, Dr. John Idriss Lahai, I’m not hell-bound, and so, I have no inheritance in the money from the al-Shayṭān. I cannot play a part in al-Shayṭān’s contribution to the destruction of our country. I cannot be corrupted!!

“So better luck elsewhere! If you try it, again, with me (indirectly or through any of my family members), I will sue you. Seriously, I am still contemplating suing you for this first attempt via my elder brother. My lawyers and I are currently evaluating my legal options.

“TUPIT MAN. Mtchewww (long sucktit). Ranka tin. You na “bod ade” en “arata sense” you get. Posin wae get mutalman sense nor go even try for do watin you try for do so wit me. Mtchewww.

“I remain, Dr. John Idriss Lahai.”

Meanwhile, Abu Bakarr Karim is among several others that were contacted by this press to explain their own side to widespread allegations of them having acquired academic qualifications anyway other than legitimately.

We are still investigating.


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