Sky Bank Manager Alleged Murder Trial Continues


By Feima Sesay

The accused Ekubolajie Nicol on Tuesday 20 December 2022 has made another appearance before Magistrate Mark Ngegba of Pademba Road Court No.1 as he was alleged of killing his Co-worker Sinnah Kargbo.

In his evidence, Sergeant 9546 Amidu Conteh attached to the Scientific Support Units Central Police Station said his duty is to identify and collect photography on crime scene.

 He recognized the accused and recalled on 16th October 2022, adding that he was on duty at the Station when a case of murder was reported by one Idrissa Kamara and a team of Police Officers led by Detective Inspector Moro V.A who left for the Connaught mortuary.

The witness said at the mortuary that they requested for the remains of the deceased and Idrissa Kamara identified the decease as Sinnah Kai Kargbo in the presence of the accused Ekubolajie Nicol.

Sergeant Conteh said at the mortuary that he observed the face of the deceased was swollen and she was wearing a black T- shirt and a trouser and he took photos of the deceased and later returned to the Police Station.

The witness furthered that on the same day, he and other police officers together with the accused left the station to the crime scene at No. 1 Nicol Street, Leicester, adding that upon reaching at the scene, the accused showed them his house and he observed the house is fenced with a gate, then the accused led them to his bedroom where searched was conducted and during the search, photograph was taken by him which he developed into pictures and they returned to the station.

 The pictures were presented (tendered) attached with a report marked as exhibit B1-17.

The witness was cross examined by defence counsel Roland Wright.

The accused was remanded in custody until 28th December 2022.


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