President El-Sisi Speaks On Revolution Anniversary

President El-Sisi

“The great Egyptian people,
Dear honorable people,
Today, we celebrate the seventh anniversary of June 30 Revolution staged on June 30, 2013. During this glorious revolution, our nation, with their great will, achieved an eternal epic to preserve the identity of the homeland. They showed, with their strong determination, that when nations rise up, no obstacle would remain in their path.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The whole world had followed with admiration the spark of our revolution, which eliminated all desperate attempts by some to obscure the national identity. These people and those supporting them believed that Egypt has become under their acquisition and that their goals have become within reach. Therefore, millions took to the streets, expressing their firm rejection of all these attempts.

Amid these events, the Armed Forces were following up on the demands of the Egyptian masses. The Armed Forces sided with the free national will, based on its historic foundations and its established belief, since it is the Egyptians’ safe haven. Thus, the Armed Forces made a historic decision along with various political forces and currents by developing a future map so that Egypt would overcome chaos and cross to safety.

The great Egyptian people,
We look at our current reality as a new episode of our continuous history. We monitor the changing phenomena and renewed challenges. We strive to build, develop and change our current situation in a manner that makes us satisfied and proud. We must bear in mind the importance of providing a decent life for Egyptians and the next generations.

We have been aware since the beginning of June 30 Revolution that we would be engaged in violent confrontations with an international terrorist organization that knows nothing of the sanctity of lives. Hence, the threat of terrorism has been at the forefront of the challenges we have been facing over the past years. The forces of evil have sought to terrorize the safe people in Egypt and to create chaos in a violent attempt to rule once again. The heroic people demonstrated their genuine firm via supporting the brave men of the Armed Forces and the loyal police officers who have also been able, over the past seven years, to uproot the infrastructure of terrorism. On this occasion, I would like to pay tribute, on behalf of all the Egyptian people, to our noble martyrs.
Brothers and sisters,

the Great Egyptian People,
June 30 Revolution was not just a popular uprising against a regime that the people did not like, but rather it was a change in the path of a glorious nation with a unique history, civilization, and a great position among other nations. This nation is looking forward to restoring its deserved position.

The economic reforms gave us a pause in which we were true to ourselves. We were frank about our economic condition and found that we have no option but doing it the hard way, making several drastic economic reforms.

Had it not been for the people who bore these reforms and had confidence in themselves and in their leadership, they would not have paid off. We have made achievements witnessed by the entire world.

I assure you that the state appreciates the sacrifices that the great people of Egypt have made. We are undertaking further reforms to face the protracted crises.
Today, we are taking facing a new challenge: the coronavirus pandemic that affects humanity as a whole. Indeed, the Egyptian people have the right to be proud of the sacrifices of the Egyptian medical staff and those in charge of the health system.

Undoubtedly, this reflects the uniqueness and solidity of the Egyptian people and the ability of the Egyptian institutions, which strive to achieve a balance between protecting citizens from the threat of coronavirus and continuing production and development process.

The Great Egyptian People,
The future of the homelands is built neither by great wishes nor lofty rhetoric. You may be aware that Egypt’s national security as well as its regional surroundings are interrelated. This interrelationship goes beyond Egypt’s political aspect to its historical rights. It is no secret that we live in the midst of a turbulent region and that the common international and regional interests make it difficult for any country to isolate within its borders, awaiting the surrounding conditions. Hence, Egypt anticipated the magnitude of the risks and challenges that may pose actual threats, which must be firmly addressed, in order to maintain Egypt’s and its people’s security and stability. In spite of Egypt’s leverage regionally, it has always been longing for peace while backing everyone and boosting cooperation. Egypt neither infringes on other countries’ rights nor interferes in their internal affairs. However, Egypt takes the necessary measures to preserve its national security with great honor without compromising its rights.

The Great Egyptian People,
In conclusion, we are completely confident that with our strong will and determination, we are capable of achieving our aspired bright vision. I assure you that we are keeping the promise of protecting our homeland, and we are renewing our promise not to compromise any of its rights. I salute you all, reexpressing my appreciation,
Have a blessed year.. May our dear Egypt stay safe
Long live Egypt, long live Egypt, long live Egypt,
May Allah’s peace and mercy be upon you” 


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