By Mustapha Ezekiel Dumbuya

His Excellency Rtd. Brigadier Julius Maada Bio has commissioned the Martha Antoinette Richards (née Ganda) Memorial Hall and Library which was constructed by the Emmanuel Pius Richards Foundation in Serabu, Bumpeh Ngao Chiefdon, Bo district.

The EPR Foundation was established out of humanitarian considerations by the CEO – Emmanuel Pius Richards by way of supporting the efforts of government in areas such as Education, Agriculture, Health and Infrastructure.

In his desire to give back to the people of Serabu, Bumpeh Ngao Chiefdon; the CEO of EPR Foundation Emmanuel Pius Richards promised to support the home of his late mother and named the memorial hall and library after her.

The CEO through the EPR Foundation supported candidates for the National Primary School Examination (NPSE) with teaching and learning materials in May this year by way of complimenting government’s “Free Quality Education Initiative,”

During the commissioning ceremony the president thanked Emmanuel Pius Rechards CEO of the foundation for his contributions in supporting education which is government’s flagship program and encouraged Sierra Leoneans to emulate what Emmanuel Pius Richards has done for his people. The president also said the aims and objectives of the foundation is inline of his flagship program which vow to build human capital development in the country.

The people of Serabu, Bumpeh Ngao chiefdom also appreciate and thanked Elder Pius and promised to make the best use of the multipurpose hall and library which will be used by school children to write their public exams.

Over the years, the EPRF has been focused on implementing programs to improving agriculture, Technical Vocational training (TVET) infrastructure and health in the chiefdom, as well as complementing the effort of President Julius Maada Bio especially in education which is the government’s flagship program.

The Emmanuel Pius Richards Foundation has been contributing immensely to improving the lives of the people of Serabu by providing them with skills training as well as boosting them with Agricultural equipment and seedlings to farmers across the chiefdom.

The foundation exists not only to support the people of Serabu but has shown the responsibility of bringing unity and peace among the people of the Chiefdom.

During the previous holy month of Ramadan, the foundation distributed (eighty) 80 bags of rice to all the Chief Imams in Bumpeh Chiefdom as a gift from the EPRF to support them during the holy month of Ramadan.

The EPRF has also recently constructed a magnificent Multipurpose Hall named the Martha Antoinette Richards (née Ganda) Memorial Hall and Library at the Serabu vocational secondary schools which will accommodate over 117 pupils and will be used for external examination purposes and other activities in Serabu town.

The construction of the Multipurpose Hall has provided relief for hundreds of school children that were always working over 117 miles away from Serabu to Bumpeh to take their external exams.

This effort has shown how the foundation has put a great effort in improving the livelihood of the people of Serabu through the directives of the Chief Executive Officer Mr. Emmanuel Pius Richards of the Foundation.

The foundation has immensely contributed in empowering youths at the chiefdom and also afforded them with agricultural materials such as seedlings and other machineries. The empowering of youth by EPRF has served as a complement to fulfill the efforts of the government of President Julius Maada Bio under the human capital development.

Emmanuel Pius Richards is making Life better for his people and also a blessing to the people of Serabu, Bompeh Ngao Chiefdom.

Over the years the EPRF has been focused in implementing programs to improving agriculture, Technical Vocational training (TVET) infrastructure and health in the chiefdom, as well as complementing the effort of President Julius Maada Bio especially in education which is the government’s flagship program.

The Emmanuel Pius Richards Foundation had been contributing immensely to improving the lives of the people of Serabu by providing them with skills training as well as boosting them with agricultural equipment and seedlings to farmers across the chiefdom.

The foundation exists not only to support the people of Serabu but has shown the responsibility of bringing unity and peace among the people of the Chiefdom.
During the previous holy month of Ramadan the foundation distributed (eighty) 80 bags of rice to all the Chief Imams in Bumpeh Chiefdom as a gift from the EPRF to support them during the holy month of Ramadan.

The EPRF has also recently constructed a magnificent Multipurpose Hall named the Martha Antoinette Richards (née Ganda) Memorial Hall and Library at the Serabu vocational secondary schools which will accommodate over 117 pupils and will be used for external examination purposes and other activities in Serabu town.

The construction of the Multipurpose Hall has provided relief for hundreds of school children that were always working over 117 miles away from Serabu to Bumpeh to take their external exams. This effort had shown how the foundation had put a great effort in improving the livelihood of the people of Serabu through the directives of the Chief Executive Officer Mr. Emmanuel Pius Richards of the Foundation.

The foundation has immensely contributed in empowering youths at the chiefdom and also afforded them with Agricultural materials such as seedlings and other machineries. The empowering of youth by EPRF has served as a complement to fulfill the efforts of the government of President Julius Maada Bio under the human capital development.

Emmanuel Pius Richards is making Life better for his people and also a blessing to the people of Serabu, Bompeh Ngao Chiefdom.


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