Maritime Boss goes up at IMO General Meeting


The Executive Director of the Sierra Leone  Maritime Administration has proved his mettle during his recent at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) general assembly.

The hard-working  Maritime Boss, Paul Sobba Massaquoi, has been able to further build counterparts relations with other representatives of other countries during the conference and further strengthen ties with other nations all in a bid to promote maritime strides in the country .

He shared his experiences with his colleagues from other nations and spoke of his government vision to continue to promote and professionalizes maritime works in the country.

‘’ the Sierra Leone Maritime STCW statutory instrument that he ratified and domesticated through parliament as his first project when he was first appointed ED in 2020 was presented to the assembly during the meeting.’’ A senior staff of SLMA told Public review.

‘’An STCW White listed country means, any third country that, according to the European Commission, ensures an adequate level of protection by reason of its domestic law or of the international commitments it has entered into.’’ He said.

for Sierra Leone becoming a white listed country means a lot in terms of increase in our country’s blue economy.

Paul’s mission and vision is to see this happen whilst he’s still at Maritime as Executive Director.

His visit has now brought Maritime back to the lime light at the IMO- International Maritime Organization and one that has prompted the IMO to visit Sierra Leone in April to inspect the entire Maritime in terms of its readiness and capacity to be white listed countries

Some of the things the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will be looking at are; the Maritime lighthouse, which is considered one of the IMO  navigational tools, inspection of the country’s aid to navigation as well as some of the internal systems in place to monitor activities at sea.

In all of these ,  Paul will be engaging stakeholders, including the supervising ministry, the board, and parliament, to seek their support if Sierra Leone is to achieve its Maritime white list status.

This is a dream that every serious minded leader would like to achieve and set a history for the Sierra Leone Maritime.


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