Brewery Commissions Antenatal Clinic


Brewery Commissions Antenatal Clinic  

By Alpha Umar Bah

The Sierra Leone Brewery Limited in collaboration with Heineken Africa foundation on Friday has on 21 February 2020 officially opened   the Well Woman Antenatal and Postnatal Clinic at 9B off Murray Town Road, Stuart Drive.

 The Corporate Affairs Manager Mr. Albert collier, of HAF/Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, in his statement said the Heineken Africa Foundation Board provided sustainable antenatal and postpartum services for 20,000 women in targeted areas in Sierra Leone for over three years, supporting and ensuring 92%, safe delivery of healthy babies to healthy mothers.

He added that the facilities would include provisions like access to fully equipped, functional antenatal and post-partum clinic with family planning, immunization and HIV testing and counseling.

Mr. Collier revealed that the facilities would be catered for under privileged at free or affordable cost, with ambulance services for emergencies and access to wellness care and other medical services already existing 

“Health education and awareness outreaches to targeted areas on nutrition, breast feeding, and wellness care for mother and baby, family planning, education on the dangers of pursuing alternative unsafe delivery and merits of referrals to Government hospitals”. He said.

He said that access to safe and reliable family planning and other health care services in the postpartum period and regular access to clinic for gynecological issues after delivery and beyond such as STI treatment and other complications.

He ended that beneficiaries of the project as per the target will be approximately 20,000 women over a period of two to three years and Heineken Africa Foundation with Sierra Leone Brewery  has put an amount EUR 209,722  for this project over Le 2.2 Billion (2,259,754,550) in equivalent.

Mrs. Jennifa Renner-Thomas,   the Program Director of the well woman clinic said   they are familiar with the history of the organization, Melvine Edith Patricia Stuart [MEPS] trust and its first initiative the well woman clinic that has become a household name in most places in Sierra Leone.

Madam Thomas mentioned that their flagship programs is to reproductive health for women including breast and cervical cancer awareness, screening, care and posts rate  etc.

 She continued that the maternal, neonatal and infant health concern started 2010 when Sierra Leone was one of the worst countries for maternal mortality.

“We also recommended the UNFPA in assisting the operation details of the project even when their hands were overloaded with other reproductive health projects to improve maternal and neonatal mortality rate in the country”. She said.

She stressed that Heineken Africa Foundation has being their partners for life in endeavoring their vision and mission in reproductive health care for the underprivileged and one stop health facility that enables pregnant women to access a fully equipped antenatal / postnatal clinic.


The Director said the total cost of the project  was based on a very conservative budget of $319,000 for 3 years for which Heineken Africa Foundation  funding$226,500 or euro 209,227 (71%) and the rest   $92,500 0r euro85,100 (29%) from MEPS trusts and the public.

She added that the project has two strategies, the clinic based and the outreach to Sussex and waterloo with the aim of assisting the government to reduce Maternal and neonatal mortality rates in the country.

The main objective she said were to provide free or affordable access to quality antenatal care  access to safe delivery with low income rate and   also provide education for the women on nutrition, breast-feeding, general wellness care, HIV infection, family planning and  many more

The chairperson , Mr. Batilloi Warritay, in his welcome statement said Sierra Leone is one of the world’s highest estimated maternal mortality ratios of 1, 165 deaths per 100,000 live births.

The sad truth according to him was that most of the deaths of mothers and their children could be prevented if only adequate care was available and provided in a timely manner.

The antenatal and postnatal clinic he also revealed will   provide assurance in given birth to normal healthy babies without worries or complication during delivery.

NASSIT Director General An Outstanding Achiever

The Managing Director of the National Social Security and Insurance Scheme (NASSIT), Mr. Mohamed Fuad Daboh, has led the institution to higher heights since he took over the helm of affairs on 7 June 2018.

Upon assuming office, he immediately embarked on needs assessment and familiarization tours by holding several meetings with members of staff across the length and breadth of the country.

The motive of the tours, according to him, was to engage personnel on the operations of the Trust and benefit payments strong justification for the existence of the Scheme.

 Since taking over as DG, he has increased the number of inspectors at the Trust as they have a very important role to play in the achievement of the overall objective of NASSIT.
“The inspectors are at the heart of the operations of NASSIT. They are the people that interface with the public regarding the registration of employers and employees, the inspection of employment and financial records of employing institutions…” the DG noted.
Among other things, the DG has also introduced the telephone hotlines for customers, which, he noted, are presently available via both Orange and Africell networks.

 He had also reintroduced the pigeonhole system and the Customer Service week, which runs from first to 5th October every year.
According to the DG, the reason for such initiatives was to underscore the point that, the institution is taking a customer friendly focus, where the customer has esteemed importance is recognized as a cardinal policy of the organization.

Mr. Daboh further disclosed that, as at December 2018, the Trust had 14,754 registered establishments with a total insured population of 216,049

. He continued that from January to December 2018 a total of Le 431.1 billion was collected by NASSIT as social security contributions. 62% of the said amount was collected between June and December 2018.

The DG equally mentioned the recent attempts by the Trust to verify pensioners

 This move he noted actually yielded great dividends. Da that, NASSIT has completed preparations to make the Scheme visible in all newly created regions and districts in the not too distant future.

This, according to him, is to ensure that the services of NASSIT are brought to the doorsteps of the people.
Mr. Daboh also informed that the Trust will invest in student hostels through a Chinese based company in the not too distant future. He said the Trust is moving towards penetrating the informal sector, which, he noted, has not been covered up to 2%.
The sector, he noted, contributes the bulk of the country’s workforce. The DG said they would be rolling out an attractive social security scheme that would appropriately address the special needs of workers in the sector.

The DG continued by highlighting the plans of the Trust to invest in the construction of ultra-modern diagnostic centers that will help in addressing the current diagnostic facility gap faced by the country. He noted that improving the health of a nation’s citizens could directly result in economic growth because, according to him, there will be more people who are able to conduct effective activities in the workforce.

It should be noted that according to the NASSIT Act of 2001, an employer who does not report his temporary, seasonal, probationer, casual or provisional employees is violating the NASSIT Act. The individual shall be held responsible for the non-registration of his employees. According to the offence the individual shall be liable to a summary conviction to a fine not exceeding 3 months or to both and there shall be the immediate registration of all the employees concerned.

EU Capacitates Farmers

By Mohamed Jalloh

Dr Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh has launched a European Union (EU) sponsored project where grants were offered to 15 farming groups to grow Cocoa coffee and Cashew.

 According to reports, the scheme is worth18 million Euros and is part of the 11th European Development fund (EDF) through a project titled: “Boasting Agriculture and Food Security (BAFS)” implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security.

During the launch at the Miatta Conference hall, the Vice president lauded the BAFS project as historic and that economic diversification is a key to the development of Sierra Leone.

Dr Jalloh emphasized on the need to boast Agriculture because it is one of the priorities of the new direction government that would inevitably lead to food self-sufficiency in the country.

He wondered why Sierra Leone is still spending about $400 million in the importation of food and 50% of that amount ($200.000) is spent on the importation of the staple food rice.

The Vice president said whiles countries in the sub-region are reducing their dependence on food miles, Sierra Leone`s reliance on food importation is spiraling upwards “This should be discouraged because the country has all the necessary conditions for Agriculture to thrive.”The Vice president pointed out.

He urged local farmers to increase local production, and further assured that the government would provide support in the value addition processes.

Dr Jalloh acknowledged the efforts of the EU in coming to the rescue of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, and further admonished the beneficiaries to use the grants for the intended objectives.

Tom Venns the EU ambassador said for the first time in the history of Sierra Leone private sector partners are championing the implementation of a project that has the potential to unlock economic development.  

The ambassador under scored the importance of job creation in the agriculture sector by boosting the food value chain activities of the 15 farming groups that won the grants.

The diplomat noted that the grants would strengthen the private sector in creating jobs for the youths across the country where the projects would be implemented.

Mr. Venns warned that for enterprises to thrive, the environment in which they operate must be in peace and tranquility.

He concluded by appealing to all sierra Leoneans to be part of the project by monitoring the activities of the grantees.

SLCA   Adopts Anti-corruption and Anti-doping rules

Alpha Umar Bah.

The Sierra Leone cricket association has organized a program on the 22nd February, 2020 to inform the public and the committee members of the Sierra Leone cricket association on their presentation of the adoption of the draft constitution review of the SLCA, and  adoption of the Anti-corruption and anti-doping codes and rules that  governs  the sports.

The Sierra Leone Cricket Association has adopted these anti-doping rules to impose clear prohibitions and controls in the game of cricket in accordance with the mandatory provisions of the World Anti-Doping Code, as part of the Sierra Leone Cricket Association continuing efforts to maintain the integrity of the sport of cricket, protect the rights and health of all participants in the sport of cricket and keep the game of cricket free from doping.

According to Mr. Francis Samura, Chief Executive Officer, said that the anti-doping codes and rules were not only for the players, but also for managerial staff, which includes the coaches itself.

He further stated that there was  no anti-doping office for the national sport organization in this country as a whole which revealed that the rules would be difficult to abide by.

They assured the committee that they had a very good doctor in charge of the situation.  Dr. Multi Hardin, ‘’we trust him’’ in term of medical improvement. Francis Samura said.

He also mentioned that players should avoid drugs that would give them the ability to perform extra in the games and competition such drugs that are prohibited are cannabis, energy drinks and etc.

He added that sports should be free from all corruption and malpractices in the discipline, more especially when it relates to affairs of female players that will cause the game dearly. He added.

In an interview with the SLCA, female national team and club team captain, Linda Bull, revealed that she really appreciates the associations called upon all members of the clubs to discuss and review the draft constitution and the adoption of the anti- corruption and anti-doping rules /codes of the cricket game.

She further said that the rules and codes of the adopted were in line with the international laws and standard that governed the discipline.

Linda Bull noted that the rules of the game would help to serve as direction and protect to scrutinize the players.

She added that it would also help them to know what to do not to be found wanting,

She also stated some of the challenges they encountered as an association and revealed that they were not getting the full support from the ministry of sport.

She cited invitations extended to them, which they failed   to honor because it involves money.

The captain disclosed that they have to participate in all competitions and honoured invitations if the country should be ranked high in international standards.

Armed Forces Technical College Certifies 92 Graduands

The Armed Forces Technical and Educational College (AFTECH) has on Monday February 17th 2020 at the Armed Forces Headquarters in Freetown certified 92 graduands. The graduands are 25 students from Automobile Engineering Department, 25 from Electrical and Electronics  Engineering 14 from Building technology Department, 12 from computer Science Department and 16 students from Catering Department respectively. The 92 graduands are the first set of students to be certified by the Institution since it establishment in 2018.

In his welcome address, the Registrar of the Armed Forces Technical and Educational College (AFTECH) Major S.S Makieu said it is traditionionl to organize graduation ceremony for students who have gone through the skill training and academic journey. He said that the graduands are now joining the entrepreneurial world where they are expected to promote their skills in addressing the country’s middle level manpower.

“Having acquired various technical skills in diverse areas of specializations, you are now equipped to contribute to the much needed middle level manpower skills for the country’s infrastructural development and job creation enterprising to boost our employment endeavours”, he said. Adding that Technical Vocational Education and training is a crucial vehicle for sustainable development.

The Registrar urged the graduands to continue providing and creating their own business and contribute to the improvement of their communities.

In his key note address the Deputy Minister of Defence, Rtd Colonel Muana Brima Massaquoi said AFTECH certification ceremony is another milestone in the quest to build the capacity of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces personnels, their dependents and the country as a whole.

He said the establishment of AFTECH is a good venture taken by the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces  (RSLAF), stating that the college will provide quality education and skills training for military personnel in active service, their dependants and every person willing to acquire technical education.

He emphasized that the commitment of the led government of His Excellency President Julus Maada Bio to achieve human capital development in Sierra Leone is an evident in its full support and promotion of all educational institutions. He further that RSLAF is on the right direction in driving the president’s aspirations for education as part of his human capital development agenda in enhancing quality service delivery.

He further emphasized that emergency global security issues requires the application of technological response system from collaborate civil-military platforms and inter-agency domain, adding that Sierra Leone’s modernization drive requires skills provided by middle level strata of society which he said AFTECH will contribute to meet the socio-economic development of the country. He assured that Ministry of Defence will continue to provide the needed resources to ensure the performance rate of AFTECH is improved.

The ceremony climaxed with the award of certificates to graduands.

Former President Koroma Continues to Excel Globally

Former President Ernest Bai Koroma is no more the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, but he still continues to excel and amaze people both at home and abroad.

For the past two years after he left office he has been so busy traveling in and out of the country on international assignment –

On one occasion, if he is not leading a mission to monitor an election in another country, he will be out there as a special guest speaker for some high profile event

Evidently, political analysts would agree with me that the former first gentleman has a very tight schedule now than before, also it is observed that it is more difficult to see him now as compared to when he was president

In April 2019, Former president Ernest  Bai Koroma, was in Portugal where he spoke as guest of the 2019 Horasis Global that took

place in Cascais, Portugal.

This three-days event which kicked off on the  6th April 2019, was co-chaired by the former President of the European Commission – José Manuel Barroso.

The annual Horasis Global Meeting brings together business and public leaders to discuss economic, political and social issues that are having global impact; and  that week’s event focused on “Catalysing the Benefits of Globalization”.

In November 2019  Former president Koroma  was invited as a guest speaker at the 8th Zik’s lecture series which was held at the prestigious Nnamdi Azikiwi University in Anambra state Nigeria.

Amidst his tight schedule less than a week later he travelled to Namibia as leader of the AU election observer’s  mission.

Currently he is in, Lome the capital of Togo as head of an AU observer’s mission to monitor a presidential elections  that is scheduled for today 22/02/2020.

It also worth nothing that he has being asked by the AU to be part of the AU elections monitoring team for the US presidential election scheduled for November  2020.

As Sierra Leoneans we should all be proud of our former president for the wonderful job he is doing across the world, and for making us proud as Sierra Leoneans.

For those who think they are on a mission to bring the former president  down, should start reconsidering their evil though because a man that God had blessed no man will be able to bring him down.

Chinese Ambassador to SL Speaks on Coronalvirus  

By Mohamed Jalloh &Musatpha Dumbuya

On Thursday February 2020, the Chinese Embassy  updated the media on the recent developments surrounding the Corona Virus outbreak that began in China in late 2019.

Hu Zianglang the Chinese ambassador in Sierra Leone gave a breakdown of statistics of the virus, as he disclosed that there are presently 74,576 confirmed cases, 2,118 confirmed deaths and 1,645 cases of people who have been cured of the Corona Virus Disease respectively.

Ambassador Hu noted that the People`s war against the virus is at its decisive stage but still warned of an international vigilance because the virus knows no borders.

He continued that as a result of the institutional strength of China, the government headed by President Xi Xinping was able to effect a swift assertive and effective response in combating the virus.

The Diplomat highlighted that China deserves acclaim and respect regarding the bold and comprehensive measures  taken when the virus was ravaging in Wuhan city.

Mr Hu said Wuhan which is the epicenter of the disease was immediately placed on a lockdown and logistics were deployed with doctors, military personnel and volunteers working round the clock to save the nation.

The Ambassador further underscored the importance role of the World Health Organization during pandemics. “Working with the World Health Organization China was able to receive technical intervention assistance in diverse ways” Mr Hu stated.

The Envoy allayed worries and fears of Sierra Leoneans regarding the safety of their fellow countrymen who are presently on an academic pursuit in Wuhan.

He confirms to the media that all the 36 students studying in Wuhan are safe and sound and  are been cared for by their different universities.

Ambassador Hu expressed confidence and optimism that China will prevail over the disease as the country would never succumb to any challenge and problem.

He concluded by commending the government of Sierra Leone for its open door policy to Chinese citizens during the most trying times for the country, whiles further pinpointing that some western countries closed its doors on Chinese people.

DuwaiLungay, the Deputy Director of the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation (MFAIC) praised the Chinese leader Xi Xinping and its people for the bravery and resilience displayed during the peak of the pandemic.

Mr Lungay expressed his admiration for the efforts and remarkable progress that has been made in fighting the disease in China.

He continued that the economic strength of China is very strong and expects the country to come out of this epidemic very stronger.

The Director emphasized  the strong bilateral relationship that exists between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the People`s republic of China.

Mr Lungay noted that just as china had provided moral logistical support to Sierra Leone during the Ebola outbreak, the country had also stood by China during the outbreak of the Corona Virus disease.

Political Interference…

Deputy Minister Implicated

By Mohamed Jalloh

Eldred Tunday Taylor, the Deputy Minister of Energy and Power stands vehemently accused by Waterloonians of using his political influence to prevent the duly elected headman of Waterloo from assuming  his position.

 The residents are dissatisfied of the vacuum  created by an election petition initiated by one of the leading contestants Alusine Sesay generally perceived to be supported by the Deputy Minister.

Edward Koroma one of the residents at Soja town Waterloo, expressed annoyance  over  the development that  presently stalled at the Waterloo Township.

He continued that the village is challenged with several development issues such as water and sanitation, poor town planning .roads, lack of township market, intermittent power supply and the non-existence of standard lorry parks.

Emmanuel Conteh another resident also pointed  fingers of accusation at the Deputy Minister of Energy and Power as the political heavy weight in the present dispensation responsible for the headman election stalemate.

He pointed out that Mr Eldred Taylor is the divisive political operative who is using all his powers at his disposal to prevent Lesley OsehWhenzle Williams as the rightful headman to take his position.

Mr Conteh noted that Lesley OsehWhenzle was declared by the National Electoral Commission (NEC) as the legitimate winner of the headman elections with his competitor Alusine Sesay trailing behind by more than 200 votes.

Residents further accused the minister of orchestrating violence behind the scenes that led to postponement of the elections from March 2019 to September 2019.

Waterloonians have confirmed that the minister supports a violent group that paraded during the elections, stabbing people with the aim of creating chaos and disorder during the electioneering period.

According to reports, the ring leader of the group called Junior John was perambulating the township with a 190 unregistered Benz unleashing physical aggression and destroying the electricity meters of perceived OsehWhenzle Supporters.

“Some of the suspects perceived to be responsible for the violence were apprehended and handed over to the Police, but the Deputy Minister used his influence to   released them.” One of the residents also disclosed.

In reaction to the allegations; Eldred Tunday Taylor, the Deputy Minister of Energy and Power said all the allegations are based on insinuations because he is the most prominent waterloonian in president Bio`s government.

Mr Taylor challenged Waterloonians to provide any evidence to confirm that he is supporting Alusine Sesay.

“Any one with evidence of financial and legal support made to Alusine Sesay let the individual bring it forth”. The Minister noted.

He continued that he is a proud indigene of Waterloo and presently all his relatives still resides in the Village, adding that he would one day return to Waterloo to live among his people.

He concluded that if Alusine Sesay who contested the headman election felt aggrieved due to election malpractices and decided to seek justice through an election petition, what does that have to do with Eldred Taylor? The Minister wondered.

It should be noted that the Election petition matter between OsehWhenzle Williams and Alusine Sesay has been adjourned 3 times by Justice Momoh Jah Stevens.

The next hearing is slated for the 21st February 2020. 

US Coast Guard visits Maritime Administration

The Outgoing U.S International Port Security Coast Guard, designated Coordinator to Sierra Leone, Natalie J. Moyer has visited the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration at head office.

The thrust of the visit was to discuss findings of audit conducted by the US Coast Guard on ports facilities, safety and security in the country in respect to the International Ship and Ports Facility Security (ISPS) Code.

The team, which was led by the outgoing US Coast Guard Designated Coordinator to Sierra Leone, Natalie J. Moyer also included International Port Security Liaison Officers, Christopher Svencer and Daniel A Gonzales who were introduced by Natalie. 

While reading findings of the reports, Natalie said, threats to the Maritime transportation industry are not limited to storms, shoals and other natural perils of the sea, highlighting that the actions of terrorists, pirates, smugglers, stowaways and criminals exploiting the sea for illicit ends have demonstrated the need for the world’s flag and port states to cooperatively reduce risk. Thus the reason, “the International Maritime Organization ((IMO) and its Members States developed the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code,” she added.

Moyer also mentioned that as an internationally accepted blueprint for maritime security measures, the ISPS Code serves as a sound foundation from which countries can build their own domestic maritime security system.Through it IPS Program, she said that the U.S Coast Guard is committed to assisting those nations that have not fully implemented the ISPS Code .

She stressed that the U.S Coast Guard is also committed to further engage with other maritime stakeholders to dialogue on security issues within the Maritime industry especially those partners that are going beyond the ISPS Code through advancement in their maritime operational capabilities, maritime situational awareness, and maritime governance. She pointed out that the effort to reduce threats in the maritime industry requires international cooperation in all flag and port’s nations.

Natalie applauded Government’s efforts in enhancing Maritime Safety and Security and Ports Security in the country; she especially commended SLMA and SLPA for stepping up in the execution of their mandates.

She mentioned that the U.S Coast Guard will consider providing training for SLMA and SLPA where necessary to enhance sea safety and ports security .She continued to say that the team will visit ports facilities in the country in order to ensure security compliance with the ISPS.

SLMA Executive Director Ken Philip Sondai said it saddened him when news broke out about the departure of Natalie. He said her expertise in the maritime and port security is unmatched.  He welcomed Svencer and Gonzales and hoped for better partnership in the International Port Security and safety business. He reaffirmed SLMA commitment to ensuring maritime safety and security in the country.

The Director of Marine Safety and Security at SLMA, Ibrahim Wurie, expressed his profound thanks and appreciation to the team. While reading the report on compliance of ports’ security in Sierra Leone, Director Wurie emphasized that SLMA has done its own draft of regulations to meet the ISPS code.

The U.S Coast Guard’s International Port Security (IPS) was established in 2003 to reinforce implementation of the ISPS Code in order to reduce risk to U.S Ports and Ships to their entire maritime transport systems.

Judge to Hands of Petition Case


 Lawyer Ade Macauley Esq. has made an application for  appeal court judge Justice  Ivan Sesay s name to be stroke out on  the panel of judges  to preside over the Election petition l Appeal cases  supposed to be heard on Monday 17February 2020.

This application was made shortly after Justice Sengu Koroma Presiding Judge over the Election Petition Civil Appeal announced the names of Justice Ivan Sesay and Justice Tonia Barnett as judges in the matter

Lawyer Ade Macauley whiles objecting to he inclusion of Justice Ivan Sesay revealed that he    contested for parliamentary seat between 2007 and 2012 Election at constituency 86 Rotifunk in the Moyamba District under the ticket of the  Sierra Leone Peoples Party

In this view; Lawyer Ade Macualey said it will be improper for Justice Ivan Sesay to adjudicate in a matter of an election petition appeal for Member of Parliament between APC candidate as Appellant and SLPP as Respondent.

He added that, his clients are not questioning the Integrity of the learned Judge but said  for the purpose of the law, he had once shared an Emotional commitment with the SLPP in his previous life as a politician and also emotional and ideological attachment to the SLPP and contested election twice under it symbol and  being part of the proceeding he noted that he will be Bias in his judgments.

Lawyer Macauley stated further that justices must not only be done but must be seen to be done.

He  added that, on the issue of Recusal of the learned Judge and what is before the court is a situation where the court do not  know the background of the learned Justice of Appeal Justices Ivan Sesay  that have  contested for the SLPP member of parliament  not just once but twice in 2012 and 2007 respectively.

 He said that Justice Ivan Sesay is in a panel to determine an issue on the Election petition case of a member of parliament between the SLPP and APC t which he said involved an emotional attachment.

 Lawyer Macauley stated that the appearance if Bias as emphases is of auto most concern which the lay man will make out of the fact stated and that when counsel raised the issue of Bias, he need not show justification but said just the appearance of it and therefore said  that he will be Bias when giving judgments.

He noted that for one to belong to an organization for such period of time you must have been emotional and ideological , adding that if one do not believe in the ideology of a party he will not contest under their platform.   

At this stage, the learned Justice Sengu Koroma requested  the Appellant lawyer to file a notice of motion and supporting affidavit on the 24 of February 2020 whiles he said the Respondent lawyer Musa Mewah  who objected to application made by Ade Macauley said  should do same on the 2 March 2020.

All the names of the Appellants and Respondents were mention in court;

Election Petition Civil Appeal  52/2019  Osman A. Timbo of the APC Vs A.S Mario Conteh of the SLPP  and the NEC, John Sati Kargbo APCVs Rev. Oris E. Vicent SLPP, Momoh KamaraAPC Vs Tennison H. Sandy SLPP, Mohamed Sheriff Kasim Carew APC Vs Alieu Ibrahim Kamara SLPP, Abu Bakarr F. Sillah APC Vs Benjamin Turay SLPP, Hariatu A Bangura APC Vs Emmanuel Gbekie SLPP, Sirajin Rollins M. Kamara APC Vs John T. Koroma SLPP, Kadie Kallon (nee) Vadis APC Vs Josephine H.M Jackson SLPP, Ahmed Mansaray APC Vs Abdulai M. Lansana SLPP, Kemokoh Conteh APC Vs Ahmed Joseph Kanu SLPP.

The said Election Petition was against the National Electoral Commission and the SLPP Members of Parliament that took oath of office last year after the ruling of Justice Komba Kamanda, Justice Momoh Jaih Stevens.

Lawyer D.E Taylor was representing NEC, however said he will apply to the commission for his name to be stroke out of the matter.

Justices Sengu Koroma before passing adjournment commended both counsels for the practicality shown during the process and urged junior lawyers to copy such, adding that they should know that lawyers are not the case but only there to defend or prosecute.

 He said they are all colleagues and it is the glue that keeps them together as a profession, whiles admonishing the members of the public he expressed appreciation to them for their conducts during the proceedings, adding that it is always good for them to know that they were in the court of law   

He further advice  that now that the case is sub-judicay, the lawyer should advice the respective sides to ensure that any doubt on the matter must be cleared by their lawyers, stressing that if there is any Radio discussion touching .

Smuggling Causes Challenges to Revenue Collection

-Joseph Rogers

By Mohamed Osman Bangura  

The management and  staff of National Revenue Authority    has raised concerns over the smuggling of goods by Sierra Leoneans and foreign traders at Gbalamuya Custom, kambia district . According to them, custom charges have poised serious challenges for revenue collection.    

Mr. Joseph Rogers, Manager in charge of Gbalamuya Customs in an exclusive interview revealed to this medium that smuggling has posed serious challenges in the collection of government revenue.

He said that most Sierra Leoneans and foreigners don’t want to pay tax and always look for alternative routes to evade custom charges,

 He stating that the Kambia post is a hub for smuggling  that   has caused  serious challenge to revenue collection in that part of the country. 

Mr. Rogers further disclosed that they have discovered over eighty two smuggling points in their operational area and that even though he has a well determined team to curb the smuggling points, the smugglers he added were always in search of new points to smuggle their goods.

 He referred to revenue collection as a collective team work and that they are all very supportive in preventing the smugglers.

  He also revealed that they have put in place a robust anti-smuggling measures to dismantle the 84 smuggling points.

 , On the recent closure of the boarder at about 6am, a team of military personnel he revealed told him that they have instructions to close the Gbalamuya boarder and that no reason was disclose for the closure of the boarder which he added   seriously affected the drive for the revenue collection. He commended the district security committee for their   effective cooperation adding that they are

  always ready to assist  on issues of smuggling and that   despite  the challenges they faced revenue collections increase in time.

 He ended that government needs money to continue supporting the Free Quality Education program that lots of people are benefitting from.

 Bonthe Correctional Centre gets new boat

The importance of the boat cannot  be overstated, according to Mr. Joseph Lamboi, Director General of the Sierra Leone Correctional Service.

He said in the past, Bonthe Centre used to spend a lot of money on ferrying inmates’ and officers’ supply.

The boat has been on a test run, and will be commissioned at the end of February 2020.

He  also said they  had being faces  with several challenges in terms of  transportation  and   had being  calling   the  attention of  the president  to provide them with technical support to remedy the  situation.

He said that through his regime they have work tremendously to transform the Sierra Leone Correctional Centre in a modern place.

Director mention on different area they have developed since he steps in as Director General of the Sierra Leone Correctional Centre.

“Upon its commission, we will use it immediately to transport the Centre’s supply,” Mr. Lamboi revealed.

African History Month 2020-

We continue our look at great African women in the African Liberation Struggle. These women played leadership roles for the liberation of their people.

Today we go South Africa to meet Zenzile Miriam Makeba was one of the “Mothers of Pan-Africanism”. Her role in ending Apartheid was great.

Did you know that Makeba performed in Sierra Leone? Does anyone here was old enough to remember her performance in Salone? Pls tell us more about n j her visit to SIerra Leone in the 70s I think.

The article below was written by Sister Amma Fosuah Poku , a pan-African sister (based in UK) and she lived in Sierra Leone in the 1990s with her late Salone husband – Olu Awoonor Gordon (Journalist and Pan -Africanist).

I present to you  – Zinzile Miriam Makeba – A Great African Freedom fighter also known as Mama Africa.


(by Amma Fosuah Poku)

Zenzile Miriam Makeba was a singer and political activist. She was born on 4th March 1932 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

In 1959 Makeba attended the Venice Film Festival in Italy, for the première of the anti-apartheid documentary, “Come Back, Africa,” in which she made a short guest appearance. This was to be the beginning of over 20 years of exile from her homeland, following the cancellation of her South African passport by the apartheid regime for her politically charged comments and activities. But as Makeba later said:

“Everybody now admits that apartheid was wrong, and all I did was tell the people who wanted to know where I come from how we lived in South Africa. I just told the world the truth. And if my truth then becomes political, I can’t do anything about that.”

During her exile Makeba actively campaigned against apartheid in South African speaking about the evils of the system. After settling in Guinea with her then husband, Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael), Makeba was appointed Guinea’s official representative to the United Nations by President Ahmed Sékou Touré. In 1969, accompanied by her husband, Miriam Makeba travelled to Sierra Leone from Guinea to perform concerts.

Makeba was very proud of her African heritage and she refused to be pressurised into wearing tons of make-up or relaxing her hair, preferring to promote her natural African beauty.

She finally returned home to South Africa on 10th June 1990, encouraged by Nelson Mandela following his release from prison.

Know as Mama Africa above is a short biographical video of Miriam Makeba’s life.


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