NPPA releases first quarter 2023 public procurement price standard


The National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA), with appropriation to the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Finance for every support, published the First Quarter 2023 Public Procurement Price Norm at the Main Conference Hall, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Tower Hill, Freetown.

The Director of Procurement at the Ministry of Finance, Foude Konneh expressed gratitude to the NPPA for the timely release of the 2023 Public Procurement Price Norm. He explained that the Price Norm, which comprised a market survey of common users’ items by MDAs is more beneficial to procurement practitioners in the ongoing difficult global financial crisis. He advised them to be fair, tolerant and transparent in their daily work to reduce Audit queries in procurement.

The Chief Executive of NPPA, Ibrahim Brima Swarray said that the quarterly Price Norm is intended to serve as a guiding tool for Ministries, Departments, and Agencies including Local Councils to undertake the required and acceptable Public Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services.

He noted that the NPPA remains highly committed to delivering great value for money in line with the core mandate of transforming the public procurement landscape in the Country, adding that the Authority expects valuable inputs from all MDAs in the preparation of the Quarterly Price Norm as they are all partners in the public procurement business.

“As the regulator, we have clearly shown our tireless commitment to ensuring the regular market surveys are done to facilitate the timely release of the Price Norm. This document is mandated to be used by procurement practitioners at all levels as it entails realistic prices that will enhance value for money,” he said.

Mr Swarray accentuated that the Price Norm is a legal requirement that guides procurement officers to obtain value for money and it is published on a quarterly basis as provided for in the Public Procurement Act, 2016.

He further conveyed dissatisfaction over the consistent procurement queries in the Auditor General’s Reports over the years. He blamed the procurement practitioners for failure to read the procurement ordinances. He explored them to make themselves acquaintance with the Public Act of 2016, the Public Procurement Manual 2020 and the Public Procurement Regulations 2020 to enhance sound service delivery. The program was colorfully graced by Procurement practitioners of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, Local Councils, staff of NPPA, and the Media among others


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