WARDC Launches Rehabilitation of Frandy Community Hall


The Western Area Rural District Council (WARDC) has on Thursday 26 January, 2023 handover the rehabilitation project of the Frandy Community Centre in Waterloo, Western Rural District.

The Frandy Hall is the oldest community Center in Waterloo, built in 1926.

The Headman of Waterloo Village – Mr. Oseh Whenzle said that he is happy and feel fulfilled to witness the handing over ceremony for the rehabilitation of the Frandy Hall as it the oldest and very important to the people of Waterloo.

H.M Whenzle said he was going to be the Chief Supervisor of the project to make sure that the contractors do the correct Job as stated in the BOQ of the project.

Madam Fatima Doris Webber, a civil Society rep who is also a community stakeholder spoke on behalf of the community. She joined the village head to thank the Council and its leadership for selecting Frandy Hall for rehabilitation as it going to serve as meeting point for community programs.

A representative of the Accountable Governance for Basic Delivery Project (AGBSDP) said that the project is a World Bank project that aim at promoting service delivery in different communities through local Councils.

In his keynote address, WARDC Chairman Kasho J. Holland Cole pointed that the Frandy Hall project is in his heart and he is very happy to witness the symbolic handing over of the project to the contractors. He said he “was now a happy man as his dream has come to reality and naysayers would now bow their heads in shame.”

The Honorable MP, Ward Councilor, Chairman Works Committee were part of the ceremony and made impactful statements in support of the project

The project is worth Le1, 490, 000. The hall is going to be furnished with a fully installed AC, Banquet Chairs, PVC ceiling, Roofing, a Hand dug well, an Elevated tower, a PA system with fences and mental grids.

WARDC Works Engineer Sinnah gives the overview of the project and the ceremony was chaired by the Deputy Chief Administrator, Mr. Alhassan Yillah.


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