Stroke victims call for support


By Paul Kargbo

The Sierra Leone Stroke Victims Organization has called on the Government of Sierra Leone to come to their Aid.

as they need serious attention because they are helpless.

The organisation briefed journalists last Friday at the Ministry of Social Welfare, New England Ville, Freetown on the challenges they face on a daily basis.

 Mr. Alex Jongo Alie , who is the Chairman of the Organization said, in celebrating this year’s world stroke day, the country needs to recognizes them as  key partners in development and the need for their concerns to be addressed .

He said they had been very venerable as a physically challenged group since their voice had never been heard by  Government and key development partners in Sierra Leone.

He noted that  they have been helpless victims in the country, and  they should not be treated like any good citizens . , “ I cannot tell the real cause of stroke, but what I can assure you is that the sick is caused by stress, and anyone discovered with this type of sickness that individual becomes a baby where In he or she needs to be taken care of because the inner organs becomes weak and he cannot do anything without people assisting the individual” said the chairman.

He thanked the Government for opening an account for them at the Rokel Commercial Bank of Sierra Leone.

 One of the members of the organisation, Charilaos S.M Koroma who is the Chairman for the House of Jesus for the Disabled appealed for Government to provide them with medical equipment and other support especially ones that will aid them to do physical exercises.

 He also called on people to desist from the habit of keeping those suffering from stroke at home rather they should them to move out to easy their stress.

‘’when we are close to each other, we  are happy together ‘’. He stressed.

Parliamentary Female Caucus meets with female police personnel

 By Anthony Vandy

A cross-section of the Sierra Leone Parliamentary Female caucus has met with the female police officers in Bo.

AIG Aiah Edward Samadia Regional Police Commander South thanks and welcome all percipients.

The commander assured them that as a regional officer he will make sure that their safety throughout the engagement is rest assured.

Honourable Veronica Kadie Sesay, President of Sierra Leone’s female Parliamentary caucus, informed people about a United Nations Resolution advocating for female empowerment in peace, security, and good governance.

She also underlined the importance of having 30% of women in leadership and other important command roles in the Police Department. She cited Rwanda and Kenya, two countries they visited, as examples of countries with higher female representation in leadership positions.

She pleaded with AIG Aiah Edward Samadia to express their concerns to IGP Sovula about the lack of women in the ranks and ranks of the SLP in terms of recruitment, promotion, training, and leadership roles.

The Honourable Rose Marie Bangura complimented AIG and the female police officers for a “great reception and good interaction,” as she put it.

“She closed by stating,” that

“We’ll go to Gondama Military Barracks to engage female military people in an attempt to spread the same themes.

She went on to say that all comments and concerns voiced by female police officers were taken into account and that required procedures were taken”.

With reference to his Deputy Regional Police Commander South CSP Mabel Fallah, AIG commended the female Parliamentary caucus for their initiatives and informed the delegation that the SLP considers female empowerment and capacity building as a foundational principle in the SLP’s Strategic Development Plan.

AIG Samadia closed by assuring the delegation that the SLP will always respect women and place them in positions of strategic leadership

Day Two Update on the AU High Level Retreat

The African Union (AU) 12th High Level Retreat on the Promotion of Peace, Security and Stability in Africa, has continued Tuesday 2nd November, 2021 at the Sarit Expo Centre in Nairobi, Kenya. The dialogue revolves around the theme:

“Lessons learned on Mediation in Conflict Contexts”

There’s clear consensus on the need for harmonisation and more effective collaboration in the various mediation efforts. Critically, the participants also demonstrate an increasing appreciation for Africa to rise up to its challenges and be in charge of its destiny.

At the same time, there has been considerable emphasis on conflict prevention, now dubbed ‘Preventive Diplomacy’. President Ernest Bai Koroma, who recently in Zambia led one of AU’s most successful preventive diplomacy efforts said, “Just because the guns are silent doesn’t mean there’s peace. We have to address the issues of good governance, human rights and economic development.”

Sierra Leone’s statesman further underscored that, “this requires us to take a hard look inward, identify the weaknesses and act swiftly and strongly.”

On the international stage, president Ernest Bai Koroma emphasized that, “Africa must speak with one voice on the African agenda and do more to be in charge of our affairs.”


The Parliamentary Female Caucus, chaired by Hon. Veronica K. Sesay has on Saturday 30/10/2021 concluded a three-day oversight aimed at assessing and promoting gender mainstreaming in the police and military forces in the country.

The oversight is largely dependent on the theme: monitoring the implementation of Sierra Leone 2019 action plan 2  relating to resolution 1325 and 1820 on women, peace and security.

Col. Mohamed S. Fofanah, Director of Gender welcomed female MPs at Defence Headquarters and spoke about the establishment of the Gender Directorate of the military in 2019. He also said that there was massive recruitment of female officers, whose current strength in RSLAF stands at 12%, and close to 28% in peacekeeping mission.

However, he said gender mainstreaming remains a challenge at the military due to discriminatory promotion, capacity building and a lot of female officers have given birth. He said that female officers are not part of decision making and lack of funds was affecting the promotion of gender mainstreaming in the military.

Speaking on the resolution regarding women, peace and security, Hon. Veronica K. Sesay said they would continue to advocate for women’s representation and inclusion to the military be increased and that they would also ensure that issues relating to women, peace and security were localized in cities and districts across the country.

Speaking on the need for separate gender budget in MDAs, she encouraged female officers to be steadfast amidst the challenges and described women as multipliers and developers of a country. She promised that, the challenges would be looked into with a view to addressing them.

Similar visit was done at police headquarters, where the female caucus addressed high ranking police officers including the IG and other officers on women, peace and security.

Inspector General of Police, Ambrose Sovulla thanked the visitation of the female MPs and briefed them on efforts geared toward enhancing gender mainstreaming in the police. He bluffed that the Sierra Leone Police was highly considering and promoting female participation into positions of trust.

The Female Caucus also visited Bo District and City Councils, Bo Police Station and Gondama Barracks where they had similar engagements with female officers and staff regarding a UN resolution on women, peace and security.

Unlawful Possession of Gun: Hunters Fine Le2.5M. or 1 Yrs Imprisonment Each

By Feima Sesay              

Two Hunters Mohamed Kanu and Alpha Conteh were on Monday 1st November 2021 sentence to pay a fine of two million five hundred thousand leones each  or 1 year Imprisonment each  by magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road court No 1. The accused persons Mohamed Kanu and Alpha Conteh were drag to court on two counts charges ranging from conspiracy contrary to law and Unlawful possession of Arms and Ammunition contrary to section 11(1) of the arms and ammunition act 2012. According to the Indictment, it was alleged that the accused persons on Friday 1st October 2021, at Makonkarie Village Yoni Mabanta chiefdom Tonkolili District conspired together with other persons unknown to commit a crime to wit unlawful possession of Arms and Ammunition. Whiles counts two added that the accused persons on the same date and place were found in possession of a locally made single barrel short gun without license. When the matter was first charge to court on 25 October 2021, both accused persons pleaded guilty on the offences charged and further pleaded with the court for mercy.  The witness  Detective police Sergeant 1516 Abu  Conteh Led in further evidence by Inspector Komba said he is attached at the crime writers unit CID HQ Freetown. He further   recalled the 9 October 2021, saying that on that date,  he was on duty at the crime writers unit when Detective Inspector Kargbo handed over to him one old short gun for safe keeping.  He said he took possession of the said exhibit and register them in the court exhibit book. The said gun was produce and tender in court as exhibit.  Lawyer C. A Bangura in his plea mitigation told the court that both convict are first time offender and that this is their first time they are coming to Freetown. He pleaded for mercy, adding that thought the offences for which the accused persons were charged were serious but pleaded with the court not to imposed Custodian sentence but a minimal fine that they can afford to pay . Having listening to the plea mitigation made by defense counsel on behalf of the accused persons, magistrate Sahr Kekura in his ruling fine both accused persons in the sum of 2 million five hundred thousand Leones each or 12 months imprisonment whiles the gun he said should be comfisticated to the state


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