The Minister of Employment, Labour and Social Security, Mr. Mohamed Rahman Swaray , has on Friday, 3rd November, 2023 inaugurated members of the Overseas Employment and Migrant Workers Committeeas well as the National Technical Steering Committee for Decent Work Country Programme phase II.
The Committee on Overseas Employment and Migrant Workers will advise the Minister on all matters relating to overseas employment. The National Technical Steering Committee for the DWCP2 will provide policy guidance, supervise and coordinate the implementation of the DWCP2 in Sierra Leone. The DWCP2 is a European Union- funded programme that is being implemented by the International Labour Organization.
The Ministry provides oversight and monitoring of the implementation process. The Minister entreated the Committee Members to engage him with ideas on how to make things better.
‘’Bring your ideas, suggestions, and innovations and we will work on them together. We all need to play our parts to tackle the problems of illegal migration,’’ the minister said.
He stated that the current moves to increase the fees on work permits are all geared towards securing decent jobs for Sierra Leoneans. He thanked the Members for availing themselves of the meeting.