Sierra Leone Maritime Administration on Modernisation Process


The Executive Director of Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SLMA), Paul S. Massaquoi, has informed junior and senior staff of the administration about his plans to embark on massive modernisation process. He made this stunning statement on Thursday 4th June 2020, during the official handing over ceremony held at the Maritime House Conference Hall, Government Wharf in Freetown. 

In a bid to ascertain the authenticity of Paul Massaquoi’s assertion, this medium caught up with him at his Maritime office, Government Wharf in Freetown where he cataloged what he inherited and strategy  to overhaul the dreadful condition that has eclipsed the administration. 

Dilating on the current status of Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SLMA), Paul S. Massaquoi revealed that the building is in a deplorable condition, adding that the road leading to the administration is terrible.

According to the Executive Director of SLMA, the building was falling apart on people and no one gives ” ducks a tail”, pointing out that he also inherited poor and catastrophic administrative systems. 

Paul S. Massaquoi affirmed that he had no option but to put corrective measures in place that will transform Sierra Leone Maritime Administration to an enviable entity.

 “The current staff believe that the place is a farm and must be left as it is,” he said.

On the issue of the appalling road condition, the Executive Director disclosed that he has made several strides to undertake road maintenance and resurfacing.

“There will be huge face lifting work to be done on the internal parts of the building to create a conducive environment for all staff,” he said, noting that he will ensure that there is a new central Information Technology (IT) system in place to monitor effectiveness in all departments.

The Executive Director of Sierra Leone Maritime Administration made it clear that the administration will be rebranded with competent and effective staff.

Paul   Massaquoi disclosed plans of the administration’s determination to recover all its revenue and debts and report to the government.

“This is the rebranding that is currently going on at the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration,” the the innovative mindset Executive Director, Mr. Paul Massaquoi averred.


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