Justices Brown Mark Fight Back

Few days ago, the Chief Justice (CJ)of the Judiciary of Sierra Leone, Justice Babatunde Edwards took a decisive move to send on leave a high court Judge, Justices Brown Mark.

His decision followed huge and bantering debates among legal minds, activists and the general public as to whether the Chief Justices has got the fiat and legal backings to take such decision which some legal minds have described as a bad president for the country’s democracy.

Others have also argued on the contrary noting that there are legal provisions within the law of the country citing provision in the constitution which they say give him the power to send any one on his register on leave.

Some have argued that the learned Judge, Brown Mark has not taken his leave due him for years which contravenes the laws; and administrative principles and procedures of the country.

Others have said that whether Mr. Mark is due to go on leave or not, the CJ has gotten no right to take such decision.

 Well, Justice Mark has not said a word in public since this incident happened a couple of days ago.

Now,  he(  Mark) has fought back to reply the CJ; see below Justice’s Mark letter addressed to the CJ.        


Orange Rescues S/Leoneans   

By Feima Sesay

Since the declaration of the COVID-19 as a global pandemic, Orange Mobile Company SL stands in solidarity with Sierra Leoneans and has remained mobilized and committed to work with the government during this trying period.

The company is poised to providing tremendous support in the form of resources and Psycho- Social support to the people who are been diagnose with the virus.

At the same time Orange Mobile Company S/L, recognizes the power of information in demystifying the pandemic and correcting the myths and misconceptions about the disease.

As a responsible company, they are aware that the voice and data services are of critical importance during this period. This is why Orange Mobile Company has implemented robust additional measures to ensure the maintenance of quality services. It is expected that these measures would prevent the disruption to their network for the benefit of the government, development partners and their valued customers.

 Orange Mobile Company S/L is cognizant of the role of information distribution to the public to mitigate the spread of the disease. As part of its support in the fight against the current Corona virus, the company has provided a zero-rated internet service that would enable customers’ access to tips and information regarding the virus. The company is disseminating hand washing information and physical distancing measures of at least six feet from other people. Moreover, the use of facemask is recommended as one of the ways that would limit access to the virus. The company has also encouraged the use of facemask in combating the disease.

  The use of Facemasks is a recommendation by health experts, as one of the preventive measures in combating the spread.  For that reason, Orange has made it part of its distribution packages to members of public. People    are being advised to refrain from eating wild animals or raw seafood as it is suspected that the disease is contained in them. With the free internet facility, it would enhance subscribers to earn accurate information about the virus. Subscribers are further urged to call 117 whenever there is a suspected case of the COVID 19 in their respective localities. For further direction of the mode of transmission and preventive measures, Orange Mobile Company is persistently urging people to call the 117 free toll line.

The member of parliament, Hon Miatta Amara applauded the company for their judicious intervention and urged other telecoms companies to follow the leading example of Orange.  However, upon receiving the package Hon Miatta Amara advised The Company to down load the above link and share it with all social media groups in the country in order to maximize the number of beneficiaries. There is an available link that subscribers must click:MOHS:https//health.gov.sl,CDC:Https://www.cdc.gov.and WHO:https:www.who.int.

Constituency 112 is one of the beneficiaries the first beneficiaries of the humanitarian gesture from the Company. Orange Mobile Company admonished the Honorable in delivering the package to Hon Miatta Amara. Desmond Spain of Orange Mobile Company categorically stated that the donation should be dissociated with the divisive nature of Sierra Leone politics. The timely gesture by Orange Mobile Company is to “stop the Bush radio” information transmission which has the potential to derail efforts in the fight against COVID 19.In another development at the company’s headquarters, Orange Mobile Company donated personal protective gears to the member of parliament of constituency 128 Hon Benjamin Turay. The move is part of the company`s effort in implementing their cooperate Social responsibility in the fight against COVID -19.

A lot of veronica buckets, hand sanitizers and personal protective gears were offered to both constituencies that receives the donation.

The fulfillment of its cooperate social responsibility in the midst of the fight against COVID-19 is a demonstration of the company`s unparallel position and passion in ameliorating the sufferings of Sierra Leoneans. On the other hand, the members of parliament are expected to utilize the items base on the intended purpose.

In addition, People in quarantine centers has benefited from the humanitarian offers of the company. All the quarantine centers across the country received food items such as rice and other consumer goodies including bundles of sachet water. During the three days lock down, Orange Mobile Company contacted vulnerable groups such as disabled, blind, deaf and dumb and donated immeasurable number of food items to help mitigate the impact of the lockdown. In anticipation of another two weeks lock Orange S\L to stem the growing tide of the disease, the company is also in readiness to do whatever it takes to render indispensable services to Sierra Leoneans.

The eagerness of Orange Mobile Company (SL) to come to the immediate rescue of Sierra Leoneans is rooted in the esteemed value it attaches to its customers. 

It should be noted that this is not the first time the company has interceded in a timely manner to save Sierra Leoneans.

During the Ebola outbreak, Orange mobile company made innumerable contributions to help cushion the effects on the government and the people of Sierra Leone.   

SOGEFEL & Minister Kai-Kai Donates COVID-19 Items to Pujehun District  

The Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai has donated hand washing facilities to the people of Pujehun, through the District Emergency Operations Centre in efforts to strengthen the districts and augment government’s efforts towards containing the novel Coronavirus pandemic in the country.

The Items which came through courtesy of SOGEFEL Construction Company, through the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development include items such as 150 Veronica Buckets of 50 liters each, 150 Buckets of 12 liters each, 150 Rubber Stools, 14 Cartoons of Carbolic Soap and 70 Cartoons of Chlorine were delivered at the Council Hall in Pujehun town, as a sign of the Minister’s commitment to supporting District Response Structures, especially during this crisis period.

The items were handed over to the Paramount Chief SAS Gbonda, who received them on behalf of the 14 paramount chiefs in the district. PC Gbonda, in his statement, expressed his delight at the gesture demonstrated by Minister Kai-Kai for remembering his people with such donation during this period. He noted his appreciation to the Minister for the leadership he has demonstrated and further pleaded with other stakeholders to follow suit.

Similar sentiments were expressed by the District Council Chairman, Swaibu Sowa who also thanked Minister Kai-Kai for the support to the District EOC, emphasizing that the items would be put into good use for the benefit of the people of Pujehun District in practicing health protocols of hand washing and physical distancing.

This donation comes as part of many other philanthropic gestures rendered by the Minister to the people of Pujehun District.

Chinese Ambassador Donated COVID-19 Medical materials

The Chinese ambassador to Sierra Leone Ambassador HU Zhangliang has donated COVID-91 Medical Items to the government of Sierra Leone.

The items were handed over to Dr. Alpha T. Wurie, the minister of health and sanitation and the head of EOC Brig.(Rtd.) Kellie Conteh. This is the third batch of donation from the Chinese side to help Sierra Leone fight against COVID-19.

The donated items include 10,000 medical masks, 2,000 N95 masks, 2,000 PPEs, 500 forehead thermometers, 2,000 medical goggles, 10,000 pairs of medical gloves, 10,000 pairs of medical shoe covers, and 5 ventilators.

The hand-over ceremony was graced by H.E. Chinese Ambassador HU Zhangliang, Hon. Minister of Defence and Interim National Coordinator of COVID-19 Emergency Operation Centre Brig.(Rtd.) Kellie Conteh, Hon. Minister of Health and Sanitation Dr. Alpha T. Wurie, Hon. Minister of Youth Affairs Mr. Mohamed Bangura, Country Representatives of WFP, WHO and UNFPA, Deputy Ministers of the MoHS as well as newsmen from the fourth estate.

Ambassador Hu, commended the resilience and solidarity shown by the Sierra Leonean Government and people during this difficult time of fighting the pandemic. He pointed out that COVID-19 is the common enemy of humankind and global solidarity and leadership are needed at this time.

He added that China’s huge sacrifice has bought the world time and he refuted those who wasted the time and failed to take robust prevention and control measures at the initial stage but now blame or scapegoat others for their own failings.

He also said that the work of WHO and Director General Dr. Tedros should be firmly supported rather than undermined.

Ambassador Hu emphasized that China,s support and assistance to Sierra Leone and other countries in combating the pandemic in Sierra Leone is another solid step in building a community with a shared future for mankind.

“China and Africa are genuine friends through thick and thin and China doesn’t have any discriminatory policy or practice against Africa and the African people”.He said.

 He furthered that some occurrences in a local place caused by misunderstanding should not be blown out of proportion, nor should it be allowed to detract China-Africa friendship.

On behalf of H.E. President Julius Maada Bio and the Sierra Leonean government, Hon. Minister Conteh and Hon. Minister Wurie extended their sincere appreciations to China for the assistance. They applauded China’s valuable assistance for the prevention and control of epidemic in many countries including Sierra Leone, saying that China is a friend indeed who always stands alongside to offer a helping hand and Sierra Leone will continue to work with China to win the final victory against the pandemic together.

Govt Meets 105% of

SLAJ Launches Wear A Mask Campaign

The Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) today, Sunday, 19th April, 2020, officially launched the ‘Wear A Mask’ campaign to support the Government of Sierra Leone in encouraging everybody in the country to wear a face mask when going out in public.

When you wear a mask you help protect yourself and others from contracting and spreading the Coronavirus disease.

The use of mask is partly responsible for the low infection rate in some countries, especially in Asia.

Therefore, we call on every journalist and the general public to ensure you wear a face mask when you go out in public.

However, this campaign does not replace other preventive measures such as washing your hands with soap and clean water regularly, staying at home if you don’t have anything important to do outside, maintaining social distancing and calling 117 or going to the hospital when you have fever or difficulty in breathing. They all go together.

Socialization Mobilization Strengthens Measures against COVID-19

Making the donation at the Brigitte village

By: Amara Kargbo

The Social Mobilization Pillar in the Public Information, COVID-19 Response Emergency Operation Center (EOC), Freetown, through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, has carried a fruitful sensitization, donated hand-washing gears to far-end communities in Western Rural district.

Alfred Jamiru, Public Information and Social Mobilization Unit, on 19th April, said that communities really need to be informed in order to strengthening measures against the pandemic.

He described that sickness from corona virus can array from not too serious to very serious and even serious death, for most people, the sickness is not serious.  

Jamiru explained that one of the key message they conferred to all the visited communities was that if someone is experiencing cough, fever as well as difficulty in breathing, they should immediately contact the health hot-line (117), neither voluntary go to any health facility for treatment because the most risk impacts of spreading COVID-19, is when people are undergoing such signs and symptoms decided not to go for medical attention.

The Social Mobilization personnel also mentioned that the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended one of its critical preventive against the Coronavirus is to regularly wash hands with soap and water.

  Alhaji Abu Bakarr Kabba, Imam of Hamilton Village applauded the team for remembering them because the community is so large but there were no veronica buckets to observe one of the fundamental medical advice against COVID-19, but with such donation and sensitization from EOC  will enhance them a long-way in protecting their lives.

Nurse Aminatu Hanah Mansaray, Maternal and Child Health Aid (MCHAid), Sussx Village, expressed appreciations because their health post is serving six communities and educating environs about COVID-19 has become their daily exercise and receiving veronica bucket, soap and hand-sanitizer could in several ways complement their efforts in awareness raising.

Alieu Mansaray, crew member of Brigitte village depicted admirations, he said things are hard for them this time when they could not even afford hand washing items but with such facilities have led them to join the fight against the deadly virus in their village. 

While engaging people at the Tombo Wharf, John Obie, Harbor Master, assured the team that they are implementing stringent measures including if someone does not have anything at wharf should not be allowed in the wharf, boats are not allowed to berth at the wharf after 7:00pm and not allowing foreign boat to anchor at the wharf. Hence, the wharf is working collectively with the maritime personnel in enforcing it by-laws.  


The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) wishes to inform the general public that it has established and launched the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Response Transparency Task Force, with the primary role to ensure and instill integrity, accountability and transparency in the utilization and management of funds appertaining to the COVID-19 response activities.

The ACC wishes to implore all those engaged in the receipt and utilization of COVID-19 funds to be mindful of the provisions of the Budget and Accountability Act of 2006 and the Anti-Corruption Act of 2008 as Amended in 2019, dealing with Mismanagement and Misappropriation of Public and Donor Funds and Property.

As such, all National and International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are encouraged to make public any moneys, donations and pledges received for and on behalf of the people of Sierra Leone in regard the control and containment of this pandemic. Any complaint of suspected acts of corruption and/or corrupt practices in the Corona Virus Response programmes will be investigated as a matter of priority and urgency under the Anti-Corruption Act 2008 as Amended in 2019. 

Therefore, the public is urged to make any complaints or reports to the ACC, at its 3 Gloucester Street, or Lotto Building, Tower Hill offices in Freetown, 10 Bo-Pujehun Drive, Kebbie Town in Bo, Reservation Road, Off Maxwell Khobe Street in Kenema, Mena Hills in Makeni, 27 Conteh Street in Port Loko and 37 Masingbi Road, 555 Spot in Kono; or on hotlines 077-985-985,077-986-986, or 515-free on all networks except Qcell.

The Commission wishes to further reassure the public of its undeterred commitment to controlling corruption at all levels.

EU Sign 60 Million EURO Jobs    

NAO Conference Hall, Tower Hill, Freetown, April 17th 2020—The Government of Sierra Leone, through the National Authorizing Office, has signed a Sixty Million Euro (SLL 630 Billion) European Union jobs and growth program to boost sustainable and inclusive economic development and job creation in the agriculture and education sectors. The grant would also contribute significantly to the government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy.

The Jobs and Growth Program is a 60-month program aimed at improving skills and education and creating a more enabling investment environment in the agricultural sector. The program would improve the investment climate and business environment focusing on improving access to finance for the private sector and improve rural road infrastructure by creating jobs for young people in feeder roads maintenance. The program would also improve human capital, better aligned to the labor market— supporting schools and the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector.

Signing the agreement on behalf of Government, the Minister of Planning and Economic Development, who doubles as the National Authorizing Officer, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai said the jobs and growth program was an important investment in young people and our agricultural productivity. He said the program would address the need to equip young people with skills to cope with future aspirations, and the importance of an environment that delivers employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Dr. Kai-Kai said the support, which was also aligned to government’s “Quick Action Economic Recovery” would provide affordable financial services, better maintenance of roads, improved basic education as well as job-oriented training for young people, and also women in starting businesses.

“In addition to testing the resilience of our people and our healthcare systems, COVID-19 would have a significant impact on businesses and the economy. The Government of President Julius Maada Bio’s response recognizes that we must maintain economic stability and mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 shock on businesses, jobs and households, while minimizing the human toll of the disease. President Bio’s Quick Action Recovery Program aims to ensure essential commodities are available and maintain price stability, support hardest-hit businesses, provide assistance for the local production and processing of staple food items”, he ended.

Tom Vens, The EU Ambassador to Sierra Leone said the signing symbolized the partnership between Sierra Leone and the European Union. He said the EU stands with Sierra Leone in these difficult moments, which would continue to strengthen solidarity among both entities.

Mr. Vens said the program would be implemented together with the Government of Sierra Leone and some of the strongest partners for development including: the United Nation’s Capital Development Fund, the International Labour Organization, the World Bank and GIZ. He further announced that under the jobs and growth program, the EU was already expanding its support to the fight against COVID, with an additional 5.5   Million Euro (SLL58 Billion) earmarked to reinforce the Social Safety Net Program of the Government of Sierra Leone.

Other dignitaries in attendance included: the Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Robert Chakanda, the Deputy Development Secretary, Umaru Conteh and the Director of the National Authorizing Office, Mr. Ambrose James among others.

$10m Supplementary Funding For Pendembu-Kailahun Road Project

The Government of Sierra Leone has on Friday 17th April, 2020 completed negotiations for supplementary financing of $10 Million with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) for the construction of the Pendembu – Kailahun road project at the Ministry of Finance’s video conference room.

It could be recalled that in 2012, the Government of Sierra Leone signed a $15.45 Million financing agreement with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) for the construction of the  road.  The civil works was awarded to China Henan International Construction Company (CHICO) for $24.168 Million of which 68% was IsDB’s Contribution and 32% Government of Sierra Leone.

According to Ing. Amara Kanneh, Director General SLRA, the project was faced with some challenges because over the years Government was not able to pay its share of the total project cost. This is why he said the Government approached the Bank to ask for supplementary funding to cover the gap and allow the project to be completed.

Unfortunately, it is been revealed since the project was launched in 2017, not a single cent was paid by the previous administration. When the SLPP took over, the Government has committed Le6.0 billion and paid compensation to project affected persons over Le2.0 billion, realizing the money is insufficient to get the road to the Kailahun Court Barry, President Bio intervenes directly to ensure that 100 percent funding is made available to finish the project.

In his presentation, Mouchili Mayoua, Operation Team Lead (Transport and Connectivity) of the Islamic Development Bank stated that concluding these negotiations indicates that the Bank has agreed in principle to provide the funds depending the board’s approval when they meet in June.

The supplementary funding he said, will be provided under the same terms and conditions of the previous loan signed in 2012 and that it will take the total cost of the Project to $26.05 Million with IsDB financing 98% and the Government of Sierra Leone 2%.

In his statement, the Financial Secretary  Sahr Lahai Jusu commended the Bank for this development, stating that the people of Kailahun can now be assured that this road project will be completed and the road will enter Kailahun town.

He also informed IDB team that the African Development Bank President, during his recent visit to Sierra Leone committed to President Bio  $40.0 million as financing to the Kailahun-Koindu road.

On this note, the IDB negotiating team also committed that the Bank is examining the Government request to contribute to the Kailahun-Koindu Road and they will reach decision in June 2020.

He continued that the Government is pleased to continue with the same terms and condition as he considered the loan to be highly concessional.

He appeal to the Bank and relevant agencies of government to fast track all necessary arrangement to ensure timely cabinet approval and parliamentary ratification after the IsDB board approval in June.

The negotiating team from the Government of Sierra Leone includes the Deputy Minister of Finance 2 Ahmed FantaMahdi Bangura, the Financial Secretary Sahr L. Jusu, Director General of the Sierra Leone Road Authority (SLRA) Ing.Amara Kanneh and other technical staff.

Nigerian president’s chief of staff dies from coronavirus

LAGOS (Reuters) – The Nigerian president’s chief of staff, Abba Kyari, died on Friday after contracting the new coronavirus, two presidency spokesmen said on Twitter.

Kyari, who was in his 70s and had underlying health problems including diabetes, was the top official aide to 77-year-old President Muhammadu Buhari and one of the most powerful men in the country.

“The Presidency regrets to announce the passage of the Chief of Staff to the President, Mallam Abba Kyari,” said presidency spokesman Garba Shehu in a tweet, using an honorific title for Kyari.

“The deceased had tested positive to the ravaging COVID-19, and had been receiving treatment. But he died on Friday, April 17, 2020,” he said in a second post on Twitter.

Spokesman Femi Adesina also confirmed the death.

Kyari’s was the highest profile death due to the disease in the West African country, which has 493 confirmed cases and 17 deaths, according to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control.

Kyari acted as the gatekeeper to Buhari. He travelled to Germany in early March with a delegation of other Nigerian officials for meetings with Siemens AG. He attended meetings with senior government officials upon his return to Nigeria.


SLP Tighten COVID-19 Measures

The Sierra Leone (SLP) police has on Wednesday 15TH April,2020 give out a press statement on the measures to fight the corona virus in sierra Leone. See press release below. 


            15th April, 2020.


1. The restriction on inter-districts movement is still in force.

2. Curfew is still in force and is observed between the hours of 9pm and 6am.

3. Checkpoints have been erected by security personnel at strategic locations across the country, to enforce 1&2 above.

4. Essential workers with genuine Identification Cards will continue to enjoy unhindered access or passage through mobile and permanent checkpoints.

5. Only vehicles and people with certified Passes are allowed to move from district to district even at curfew hours.

6. Vehicles and boats carrying essential goods or food stuff are allowed passage at checkpoints or to berth at wharves even without Passes.

7. Vehicles carrying cement and building materials are allowed passage at checkpoints even without Passes.

8. Please note that vehicles carrying essential goods and building materials must only have one driver and not more than two driver’s mate (apprentices).

9. Also note that boats carrying essential goods or food items must not have more than four-member crew.

10. Vehicles falling in category 6&7 above, are not allowed to ply during curfew hours.

11. No vehicle carrying timber/logs would be allowed passage at any checkpoints. They are restricted from moving from point A to point B during this partial lockdown. Anyone who flouts this order shall have his/her timber and vehicle impounded, until otherwise decided.

12. Unhindered access at checkpoints by health care workers, does not preclude the Police and Military from executing their normal functions; especially where there are strong suspicions warranting their intervention.

13. The Emergency Operations Centre and/or the Distict Emergency Operations Centre has/have ceased issuing individual and vehicular Passes.

You are therefore advised not to attempt to apply for one, as your application would not be countenanced.

For further information and clarification, please contact the Media and Public Relations Unit at Police Headquarters, George Street, Freetown.

Hon. Abdul Turay Embarks on Bridge Development

The Honorable Member of Parliament representing constituency 105 Waterloo and the environs has over the weekend turn swards of constructing a bridge linking Missions Street at the Grass Field Waterloo community.

The project according to Hon.Turay, is to help the community get access to good roads network in the community. He said the community people approached him in other to salvage the challanges in crossing the road during the rains .

He said this project meant a lot to him for helping his people and underscores the point  that, three primary schools are in the area that are affecting school going  pupils attending schools during the rains. He Promised to undertake more  development in other part of the constituency.

 Chairman costituency 105, Alusine Mohamed Conteh, appriciated the Memeber of Parlaiment for doing  a developmental project for the  community. He commended and  prayed for God devine intervation on him and wish for more development in the constituency.

On her part,  Madam Haja Njai, Word  Committee Chairlady, welcomed the good initiatives from the MP for helping the community with a modern bridge in linking the community.

 Haja noted that ,this is the first ever development a Memeber of Parlaiment of that constituency are helping the  community,”it is a legacy for the community and Hon Abdul Turay”,she stressed.She pleaded with the  MP for more development for the constituency

S/L brewery Donates Hand Hygiene Items 

The Managing Director of Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, Laurent Bukasa, has donated assortment of hygiene products for Coronavirus prevention to Wellington and Calaba Town Communities, covering more than 12,000 inhabitants in Wellington Industrial Estate, Peacock Farm, Loko Town, Koya Town, Pamronkoh, Bottom Oku, Old Wharf and Matokor Community, through the Honourable Members of Parliament and the Freetown City Council Ward Councilors.

The items include Milla Hand-washing machines, Veronica buckets and liter basins, Hand-washing soap, disposable towels and tissues, dustbins and containers of 70% alcohol based sanitizer.

“We hope that you will use them within your various areas to create the right signal and enforce improved hygiene conditions. We need a healthy people to ensure our positive contribution to the economy.”

 The Managing Director noted “We pray that COVID-19 will be driven out of Sierra Leone and that we will continue to enjoy all the privileges of modern day life.” We must continue to go according to the current guidelines and to wash our hands regularly and stay healthy.

“We once again stress that as we continue to be partners for growth and development in the country, we will always remain relevant to our corporate social responsibility strategy to support our local communities in their development as well as in times of crisis and need.

“Go out there and tell the people that COVID-19 WILL NOT PASS THROUGH ME and let us all keep our communities safe and free from the deadly pandemic,” SLBL Managing Director, said.

Representing the communities were Hon. Alpha Amadu Bah of Constituency 115; Foday Kamara representing Hon. Unpha Koroma of Constituency 114; Cllr. Osman Koroma the Deputy Mayor of Freetown; Cllr. Mohamed Tholley and Cllr. Luckyn Mordings Mansaray.

Hon. Alpha Amadu Bah, speaking on behalf of the communities, valued the gesture and assured SLBL Management that the communities will utilize the items in every location within the Constituencies to create the right signal and enforce improved hygiene conditions.

Closing the session, Albert Ojo Collier, the Corporate Affairs Manager and Company Secretary of SLBL informed all that because of the present situation and restrictions, SLBL has strengthened home delivery supply chains and hope that people will still enjoy SLBL products in a safe way.

 Timber Truck Kills One

By Mustapha Dumbuya

At mid day last week, a fatal road accident occurred when a timber loaded truck struck and killed a 32 years old man as he was directing his driver for proper parking along Fourah Bay Road, vehicle number of APS 510, Freetown.

Alieu Karue, Chairman Driver Union of Queen Elizabeth Quay said the fatal accident was unfortunate and it was a great lost to the union.

He also said as a union, they always warn drivers to demonstrate proper caring when using the roads.  

He continued that, the union is always working with the Sierra Leone police in ensuring proper monitoring of loaded containers trucks are done properly and he promised to hold a meeting with the security sectors to discuss the increase of fatal accident.

He ended that the union will take great care in ensuring that the late man funeral will be taken care of and advised all drivers to always be careful on how to use the road.

Regiana T. Bockarie , District  Traffic Officer (DTO) Harbor Division,  said she was on duty when she received an alert call about the fatal accident and when such accident happened their first duty is to clear off the area and call for a vehicle to carry the copse to mortuary.

She explained that she was in a better position because the Joint Police Operation was at the scene.

“I have been in this job for almost one and half year and just after my advent as head of traffic in my division I ensure by warning all defaulters including those with minor offences to always monitored their vehicles before using the road”. She said.

She also said they have been holding several meetings in ensuring proper monitoring is been done but some drivers sometimes take advantage of violating the laws and they have no other option but to charge them to court

DTO revealed that since the president declared the public state of emergency they make sure that they enforce the laws to drivers in order to reduce the total number of passengers they use to carry.

Even though it was not an easy tax but we make sure they follow the preventive measures to save lives.

Paramount Chief Clears the Air

PC Alimamy Bockarie Yallan Koroma (111)

It could be recalled that a calamity that was occurred on the 26th February at Kalansogia Chiefdom, Bumbuna that was led the death of a young man Ibrahim Kamara.

According to sources gathered in the village surrounding, there is a secret society call Kolor which is been held every year.

While performing its ceremony the late man was trying to film what was happening during the ceremony but they later noticed him while he was televising.

PC Alimamy Bockarie Yallan Koroma (111), Dansogoia chiefdom Bumbuna revealed to this medium that he is the  head of all the secret societies in that part of the country for over 16 years till now adding that he has been ban the Kolor secret society not to come out and perform until further notice.

He also said that the waterfall annual sacrifices that always takes place is a men secret society mixed with different ethnic group like the Limba and  Korankoh, and the.

He unfolded that this misfortune took place on the 26th February 2020 and he can recall that every time this secret society come out, they always caused mayhems to people and chiefdom.

Paramount Chief Koroma said “I have put a banned on this society not to come out in respect of our cultural values but the chiefdom speaker pa Kerefala Dawo did this without consulting me”

PC added that on that very day he went out to allocate some pieces of land to the local council and a private college that wanted to invest in the chiefdom and the environs.

Upon on his return they notified him that the Kollone secret society came out and course a lot of bedlam in the community where he later saw the late man family and he call on the youth leader to explain the story.

The youth leader revealed the fact that the late man was televising the secret society while they were performing their secret which they could not want the public to know.

“After they discovered that the late man is currently filming them they automatically ran after him as it is a crime for someone who is not part of them to let their secret out”. He said.

PC Koroma maintained that after two days been searching for the late man without knowing the way forward he finally received a call from the office of the Office of the National Security (ONS) that the late man is finally killed.

He was called at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Freetown and police later obtained statement from him and he was later released where 16 people are currently in police net.

He ended that the chiefdom speaker and the town chief were currently under suspension for violating his command.


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