in Tonkoh Limba :
… blackout ; Qcell Implicated


BY Mustapha E. Dumbuya

Qcell being one of the Mobile Telecommunications in Sierra Leone has been implicated over power Leone faulty meters supplied to residents of Madina, Tonkoh Limba Chiefdom in Kambia district.

According to investigation carried out by this medium, power Leone is a solar energy provider company in Sierra Leone that was signed and approved by the Ministry of Energy in 2019 with a view to offer a reliable and affordable electricity to some rural communities .

Investigation revealed that Qcell Mobile Company Sierra Leone limited had recently erected its telecommunications pole and connected it directly to the main source of power supply where residents of Madina acquired their solar energy supply from Power Leone.

“The connection that has been carried out by Qcell Mobile company had caused residents to suffered from multiple power outage, low power supply and to the extent that some residents lost their electronics equipment which has been a great distress to them” sources said.

According to investigations carried out by this medium, the connection that has been done by Qcell Mobile company and Power Leone is a well calculated poly to destroy electronics equipment as well as food items of some residents in Madina Tonko Limba Chiefdom.

“We have never experienced power outage and low power supply at first, but since Qucell connected their mobile telecommunications pole to Power Leone, it is only that time we started facing or experiencing such a problem” Salieu Foday Sesay explained.

He further explained that there are several people whose properties had been damaged and destroyed by power outage and low power supply.

Speaking to Mr. Edward Nelson Pratt, Manager of Marketing at the Qucell Mobile Company, said that the statement made by the Town Chief was not true.

According to him, he said the Town Chief is knowledgeable about their pole installation and connection to Power Leone at Madina Town, adding that they also have a standby generator and solar battery system.

The Manager also stated that Qcell is the only Mobile company that is fully complying with the Environmental Protection Agency conditionalities in Sierra Leone.

He added that Qcell is not having any problem, but he acknowledges the problem between Power Leone and some residents of Madina Town, Tonko Limba Chiefdom over faulty meters and low power voltage supply.

He concluded that residents should not take the law into their own hands by threatening to disconnect their connection adding that they should report to Power Leone if they have discovered any problem instead of going on the contrary by making attempts to disconnect Qcell connection.


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