Floods destroy Tonko – Karene District Bridge


The bridge that link Tonko/Sella Limba and Kerena District has been completely washed away by massive floods as of the  heavy down pour of rains in that part of the country.

This incident occurred on Sunday 16th August, 2020 when residents in these areas were awoken by the shock of the cut off that has left many people stranded along the river banks and the sea side villages that occupy the chiefdoms and the district .

Chiefdom authorities in the area say inter chiefdoms/districts trade activities have been halted naturally at the moment.

Local petty Traders who ply this main link are now being stranded on either side of these areas, A local Resident, Foday Sorie Kamara, told Public Review.

The waters, he said are stilled in the middle on the river ocean like ; with onlookers bemused with frustration and hoplessness.

Hundrededs of school pupils who are taking public exams are now using bush pathways to look for alternative routes; a local journalist, Mohmed Dafe told Public Review .

He continued that ‘’this is serious for the inhabitants for their survival and business people going to the Thambie lumah that feeds part of Sella Limba, Tambakha and sanda Magborlonton.

The bridge also link Madina town, which is the chiefdom headquarter town of Tonko Limba Chiefdom and has a very big Luma (Market).’’  The journalist said.

Mr Dafae who heads the only  community radio in Tonko called Cat Bamin further described the situation as   ‘’ugly ‘’ as it  has ‘’left many resident to suffer Presently, the road network is deplorable  here, every thing has come to a standstill  and it is  not easy for people from afar to access Madina town.  Economic activities have been disturbed.

School children coming to the only secondary School at the upper part to Kamasasa  are now being  stranded.’’ He said.

He concluded that the Stakeholders of Tonko Limba chiefdom kambia District are calling on the government, especially SLRA to come to their aid.


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