The Sierra Leone Bar Association has been following with keen interest the promises made by His Excellency Julius Maada Bio’s Manifesto. They have particularly focused on the rule of law, Human Rights and Justice. In a Press Statement signed by the Secretary General of the Association, Abdul Karim Kamara (Esq.); the associate expressed delight of the steady and significant progress made. “We note with pleasure that steady and Significant progress has been made in achieving some of these promises especially those that endangered doubt and pessimism among some sectors of the citizenry, particularly the press.”

The Association further commends His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio for rolling out of the Sexual Offences Model Court which will be specialized in handling allegations of rape and sex related Offences. According to SLBA, this action by His Excellency is timely as the menace now in the country is threats of the reckless and rampant pace of Pedophiles, and other heartless men who have become addicted to Perpetrating abuses.

In addition, SLBA also note that the “Unchained” of the press by championing and actually implementing arguably the most significant Law Reforms of Press Freedom is a laudable achievement by His Excellency. According to the Press Statement release “SLBA firmly believes that this singular action has the proactivity to create the enabling environment for press freedom, social and political accountability and generally good governance.”

The Sierra Leone Bar Association appreciates the Minister of Information Hon. Mohamed Rahman Swarray, and his deputy, Mamadi Gobeh Kamara, the Members of Parliament, the Past and Present President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalist (SLAJ), Civil Society groups, and all those who agitated in diverse ways to achieve this “great milestone.”

The end by saying “Indeed every Sierra Leonean can now say boldly that at last Freedom of Information is Free”


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