CRIG Compensates Over Le16M to Leicester Road Residents


The China Railway International Group (CRIG) has paid a sum of Le16, 300,000.00 as a compensation package to residents who got affected by stormy drainage water that flooded and destroyed their properties and homes  at Leicester road community in Freetown.

The incident occurred on the 18th of October 2021which led to the destruction of properties worth millions of Leones when the company began the construction of 1.7 Kilometres road linking Leicester peak to Berry Street Freetown.

China Railway International Group(CRIG) is one of the construction companies in Sierra Leone that has the potential in responding to humanitarian issues and other needy supports they provide to communities as part of their Cooperative Social Responsibility move.

Aruna O. Kanu, Personnel Safety and Security Manager of CRIG said when the office received the complaints from the affected victims they wasted no time but to visit the scene and take an assessment of the destruction. He explained that after they finished the assessment report, they paid five affected people.

He noted the overview of the road construction is a long term development project for the people of Sierra Leone especially the Leicester Peak, Leicester road and its environs will benefit greatly from such development.

He continued that the company has been commenced to construct Six (6) roads in Central zone Freetown and currently they have just commissioned a road linking Murray town to Macaulay street.  

One of the beneficiaries, Fatmata Mansaray, explained that even though the company had caused serious damages to their properties they appreciate the support given to them.

She noted that the payment came at the right time especially at a time when they were expecting citing the fact that they were surprised because of the swift intervention by the company .

George Conteh, another beneficiary said that they appreciated the effort made by the company by acting promptly to their concerns.

“Even though the money which they pay us is not equivalent to what we requested for, we thank God it happened ” he said.

Mr George continued that his estimated cost was over Six million Leones (6,000,000) but that he received over five million Leones (Le5,000, 000)     

Sao Kamara, another resident said he had never got such a huge  amount  of money throughout his life thanking CRIG for such compensation.

“it has taken some decades without sleeping on new foam but today I will utilized this money to get another brand new one” He said.   

Bollore Supports Communities with School Materials

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Bertrand Kerguelen, General Manager making the distribution at the Moa Wharf Community

By: Amara Kargbo

Bollore Freetown Terminal, an international transport and logistics operator company has supported school materials to Sea Side and Moa Wharf communities, which worth Le, 250,415,225 million, which is its intended purpose of helping pupils in their academic pursuance, the event took place yesterday.

Bertrand Kerguelen, General Manager of Bollore Freetown Terminal in his remarks said the school donation package includes 1,303 school bags, notebooks, pens, pencils, and other assorted items that will make the learning process very conducive, easy and help cushion the burden parents are going-through in acquiring school materials for their children.

The company has been carrying out this support for three years across the above-mentioned communities, and assured them that the company will continue to support pupils through this architecture which in return will empower their human capacity.

The Bollore management admonished pupils to desirously take care of the donated items.

Manika Bangura, Community Chairperson Moa Wharf community, expressed appreciation to Bollore management for their exceptional capacity-driven assistance. He however mentioned that on several occasions, as they are living in a slum community, the company always ready to give them helping hands.

 He continued that the company has magnanimously been rending such gestures to their pupils every year, which the community has equally received and utilizing the education items for the intended purpose.

Madam Regiatu Fulla Conteh, Sea Side Community jointly applauded Bollore after she has received the items on behalf of the pupils, she added that the company has not only distributed school items but they had done a lot of things at the Sea  Side community.

 “The donated school items have financially reduced our expenditures, and we cannot support our children’s education because, most of us are widows”, she said.


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Some heads of the security institutions in Sierra Leone, represented by the Office of National Security (ONS), Sierra Leone Police (SLP), Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), National Fire Force (NFF) and Sierra Leone Correctional Services (SLCS) has held a roundtable dialogue with the leadership of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) at the ONS Conference Room, Tower Hill, Freetown.

The meeting is to commemorate 2021 globally as the ‘’International Day to end Impunity for Crimes against Journalists”. In observance.

A cardinal objective of the roundtable dialogue was to look at emerging issues that threaten the welfare of journalists, including the responsibility of the security sector in providing the conducive environment for the prevalence of law and order in Sierra Leone.

It was recognized that the forging a formidable partnership between the security forces and journalists will not only cater for the welfare of journalists, but will also enable cohesion thereby contributing to national security and development.

The President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalist (SLAJ) Mr. Ahmed Sahid Nasrallah, highlighted major security challenges facing journalists in the hands of security sector personnel, particularly during elections periods and major presidential functions.

He stated that as an Association, he is appealing to the Government of Sierra Leone and the security sector to ensure the provision of a safe space where journalists will do their job without fear of intimidation.

The SLAJ President further requested that there is a need for security sectors to teach journalists the various skills that are relevant in their line of duty.

He ended that the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the security sectors and SLAJ will ensure the safety of journalists and the existence of a symbiotic relationship between them.

The Acting National Security Coordinator, ONS; Mr. Abdulai Caulker, pledged the sector’s unflinching commitment to the professional execution of its duties. He assured journalists of the sector’s protection as well as the willingness to share information as long as such divulgence will not compromise the security of the state.

The Acting NSCoord’s assurance was reiterated by the leaderships of the respective security sector institutions, including the IGP, CDS, CFO, DG-SLCS, and DG-CISU, who further assured the gathering that the outcome of the deliberations will be cascaded to other security sector personnel across Sierra Leone.

The engagement was climaxed by the signing of an MOU which central theme is “setting forth the understanding and commitment of the parties relating to safety and security of journalists and the maintenance of law and order in Sierra Leone”.

 Umaru Fofanah (former President of SLAJ) did the recitations of the MOU.


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