NRM Crisis Deepens

NRM Members

The National Reformation Movement (NRM) has been in crisis in recent months; as power struggle has been the bane of the organization.

The faction group led by Mohamed Sheridan Kamara and Osman Bikal Kamara has been drawing daggers with another faction group led by Hon. Seragin Rawlings Kamara, Alfred Minkailu Koroma Jnr and Co.

Each group says it is the legitimate executive of the organization which controls the full running and functioning of the NRM across the globe, and that its membership is intact for the betterment of the ordinary Sierra Leonean.

Leadership struggle has been at the helm of the NRM; especially within the rank and file of its leaders some of whom claimed that there are ‘’rebels and betrayals’’ among them.

  Spokesman, Osman Bikal Kamara said his leader Mohamed Sheridan Esq, is the true and legitimate head of the Movement.

According to him, the group led by Hon. Kamara is a ‘’rebel group’’ that seeks not the interest of the key objectives of the movement but ‘’personal gains ‘’.

He said the group spokesman, Alfred Minkailu Koroma Jnr. had not been seeking the interest of the movement but rather ‘’selling out’’ the ideology of the organization for personal gains; thereby forming an executive that is not recognized by the general membership.

He described the Press release issued by the Hon. Kamara’s group as a none starter; nothing that their move to withdraw the NRM-APC  case in court will be futile.

‘’ We are the plaintiffs, nobody knows Minkailu Jnr, he seeks personal gains, will we move on with our case and objective for the betterment of the APC party and the nation; they are a power-thirsty group of ‘rebels’ who have mortgage the gains and integrity of the movement.’’

Bikal told the Public Review.

He continued that ‘’ we are all members of APC, we want peace but not that peace that seeks to benefit individuals who are selfish and don’t think for the general good of the party. Our message is very clear; we want a deal that will be sustainable with clear written terms for fair play ideals and democratic processes in the party, not one that will muzzle the rights of a whole lot of the Party’s members ‘’

‘’ we are surprised at the moves taken by Minkailu, he has always been fighting to lead the NRM. He is a power-thirsty and selfish guy who seeks only his personal gains,. That is why he brought people like Hon. Kamara and Co, and formed an executive that is not even recognized by NRM members. Minks wants the position of PRO of the APC party, that is the deal, so he is selling out now for him to be given that post. We are not worried. ’’

Osman Bikal Charged.

He says no body has expelled them from the movement but that it is a ploy by the ‘’rebels’’ to taint them bad. He told Public Review. The public would recall that there was a press release from other factions of NRM that said the Mohamed Sheridan Esq led executive had been dissolved. Again another statement said Mohamed Sheridan and Osman Bikal Kamara had been expelled from the NRM.

Osman Bikal Kamara told the Public Review they have spent 17 United States Dollars since they started the NRM. He revealed that senior party members have called for dialogue, but they declined because they would prefer an accredited person from the party to engage them in dialogue and consultation.

He further declared that they are not worried about Alfred Minkailu Koroma breaking away from them and said Minkailu is not the only one who took the party to court.

Bikal, as he is normally called, revealed further that they are going to introduce another plaintiff in the court case. He added that the NRM is not responsible for choosing a flag bearer for the party, but said they are only pushing for reformation in the party that will benefit every party member.  Furthermore, he stated that they will continue to push until the party adopts a democratic constitution, adding that they do not trust the leadership of the party.

He said the press statement expelling them is “total rubbish” because they are still recognized as members of the NRM and that the sponsors of the Movement are on their side.

In conclusion, Bikal said Minkailu Koroma is no more the spokesperson for NRM and declared that Minkailu’s camp is a rebel group.

Responding to the allegations, Alfred Minkailu Koroma,  a new NRM executive headed by Hon. Sirajin Rawlings Kamara has been formed of which he is still the official spokesperson of the Movement. He said they took the decision because the executive of Sheridan did not live up to expectation and that they deviated from the original objective of the NRM because they do things that are inimical to the progress of the movement; adding that they will not settle for such.

Alfred Minkailu Mansaray told this newspaper that they had formed a new NRM executive which is headed by Hon. Sirajin Rolings Kamara, and that he is still the official spokesperson of the movement. He said they took the decision because the executive of Sheridan did not live up to expectation.

Moreover, it had deviated from the original objective of the NRM because their actions are inimical to the progress of the movement, hence not acceptable to them.

He categorically stated that Sheridan is no more the leader of the movement and that majority of the members have voted Hon. Sirajin Rolings Kamara as the interim leader whose election was done online.

He explained that the former Secretary-General, Osman Bikal Kamara was an ‘’embarrassment’’ to the movement because he couldn’t to produce any membership attendance list or minutes of any meeting (s) of the NRM; this he said had rendered the movement handicapped over time.

  ‘’Bikal was not able to man the affairs of the movement and the secretariat , he has no idea of the movement , and he has reduced the movement to begging and extorting money from senior party members, we can’t accept such from him, and so we thought it right to expelled them from the NRM. We have what we stand for and we will not deviate from that ‘’

For him, Sheridan Kamara is no longer the leader and that they are poised to strike a deal with the APC party leadership in the interest of the party and the nation; nothing that a deal that will address their core concerns and demands.

He accused Bikal and co as selfish people who care less but the general good of the movement, citing instances that they had not been true and effective in their dealings with the NRM.

He denied all the allegations heaped on him by Bikal but described them as a sham; noting that he is still the ‘’lead plaintiff of the court case; and also the principal applicant’’. 


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