A tribute that could have come at age 90?


Oh Major! My Smart Major. Mohamed Lamin Suma (MLS) I deliberately called you Major League Soccer (MLS) knowing how well yourself and Khalil Emmanuel Sesay (Shaban) loved the US. I added Smart to Major because during our final year at the Mass Communication Department, Fourah Bay College, you were opportune to do your internship at the then Smart Mobile Company at Lumley in Freetown. Those days are still fresh… Your jovial nature is unquestionably appreciable. I find it hard to believe that you are no more.

SP the Ultimate! Putkaaa! SHEKU Peee! The ways you used to call me are just too welcoming. I loved every bit of it, but I am saddened to note that you’re no longer here. Your last audio in our S4 WhatsApp forum (Suma, Shaban, Samba and Sheku) is still with me. Why now bro??? Why???

In 2010/11/12, we were uncomfortably and comfortably spending the rest of the nights on the cold shores of Mount Aureole FBC, burning the candles when the NPA will decide to shun us. It was not surprising that like all of us, you graduated with an excellent result. You had love for humanity and that was something that greatly added to your dignity. Major the Major, the English Version of the Qur’an which you gave me is still in my library. It has been a very powerful tool to and for me. May Allah forgive your sins my brother.

For whatever reason, you were a strong advocate for me to join your campus brotherhood. However, even though we were closed buddies, I resisted those temptations from all the camps. I entered the University at a time when whatever my mum and dad say had to be FINAL and so you see? Even at that, our relationship was not affected. You are a friend turned brother. I can vouch how much excellent your humanistic and individualistic intelligence was. You’d be a big and an irreparable plus an irreplaceable loss.

Oh! Our man who recently got married. The man whose father and mother would not have imagined that we’d be talking and writing about this nature, just like all of us. Rest in peace my brother.

That you could even speedup, heading to the Kissy Road cemetery showed that unlike us, you were ready for the journey beyond. Go well, bro. May the Almighty make things easier for you. I look forward to meeting you and yes, Paradise has always been the target. You’re lucky to taste it before us.

This is not a tribute bro. It’s not and it should not be. I am still unable to comprehend your demise. It reminds me of how much the Almighty would do and could do the unthinkable; the unimaginable and what have you.

See you bro, sleep 😴 on. Get the rest. I pray for ease, calm and victory over there, Aameen.

Shaban will still call me Borbor. Samba will still call me Me Man, but your SP the Ultimate? We’re devastated, but God knows best. Samba knows that ‘u na senior man’ and as how we’d say ‘borbor u dae on nowwww.’😭

😭 ©️ Sheku P (Sheku Putka Kamara)


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