Tonko Limba in Hopeless State


The Kambia-Tonko Limba road is a death trap and getting worse especially in the rainy season. Recent rains have seen a cut-off and no go for vehicular and even bikes plying the route from Kambia-Tonko Limba. The indigenes of the vicinity have been hoping for rehabilitation or maintenance of this road since the reign of Erstwhile President, Ernest Bai Koroma administration, who promised them in 2007 and 2012 elections.

Few of the public transportation taking the risk to go to the chiefdom are currently using a long bye-pass route from Bamoi Luma-Laiya Dee village to Madina, the chiefdom headquarter town. Most of the passengers have to pay extra fare because of the by-pass, as they have to hire bikes in order to reach their respective villages.

Before the outbreak of the COVID-19 in the country, the bid opening was done for the construction of feeder roads countrywide and Tonko Limba was among the selected roads. It seems President Bio sets to redeem the people of Tonko Limba. They are pleading to his New Direction Government through the Ministry of Works and Public Asset not to lose the ($130 million meant for the Kambia-Tonko Limba Tomparie-Kamakwie Road construction project).

The road aims to enhance connectivity for farmers and boost employment generation. It would specifically improve socio-economic activities in Kambia and Bombali districts respectively. The project of this road was included twice in the national budget publicly read in Parliament together with other roads that commenced long ago and nearing completion during the past government of Ex-President Koroma.

The aggrieved indigenes of Tonko Limba are appealing to President Julius Maada Bio’s New Direction Government to see reason and facilitate the realization of this road project for the benefit of Sierra Leone.


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