By  Fofana-Fofana

 Indigenes of Port-Loko hailed President Bio for appointing (2)two prominent Stakeholders as Cabinet Ministers from Northwest Region

The Cheap and mischievous post making the rounds on social media from Lawyer Ade Macaulay of the APC bashing H.E President Bio for appointing Dr. Alpha Khan is not just  misleading statement but very unpatriotic and misinforming.

Ady Macaulay, made mentioned of the COI  investigations against Dr. Alpha Khan for alleged corruptions which Ady Macaulay questioned President Bio appointment for Dr. Khan as Resident Minister Northwest, which most political analysts glances the statement made by the so-called Ady Macaulay as baseless, unpatriotic and unfortunate.

HE President Bio has the constitution prerogative to appoint whoever he deems fit and has the requisite qualification to serve his government. Ady Macaulay, I advice you focus on reading your law books to appear in court in the adjournment case in defense of Samura Kamara’s New-York-Building alleged Corrupt case.

Ady Macaulay severed as ACC Commissioner during the regime of EBK without prosecuting neither retrieve a single Leones from any of the APC Politician’s under EBK’s  administration. when the COI was setup Lawyer Ady Macaulay severe as defense lawyer in the COI for corrupts politician in EBK’s administration, what a double standard and cheap defense.

Lawyer Ady Macaulay was appointed by EBK as ACC Commissioner, which the very Ady Macaulay was part of those corrupts cabal of Politician’s that established the corrupt Cartel and Misappropriates, embezzles state resources by using his office to protect those corrupt politicians in the EBK administration.

 The Truth, is Ady Macaulay was part of EBK’s 11years corrupts system of governance that collapsed our economy and end’s up in Austerity.

Ady Macaulay Should know that few politicians in the EBK administration were invited by the three(3) Judges of the COI and were not found guilty including Dr. Sylvia O. Blyden, Dr. Kefala Marrah, and Dr. Alpha Khan etc.

Dr.Alpha Kanu is fine gentleman with a vast experience in national and international politics who has contributed immensely in the political landscape of Sierra Leone. Dr. Alpha Khan is one of the political strategist that gave the APC and EBK landslide victory in 2007 and 2012 National elections. The appointment of Dr. Alpha Khan as Resident Minister Northwest region is right step in the right Direction, when its comes to  inclusive governance and national Cohesion.

 H.E President Bio has proved his critics wrong by Appointing a Key figure in the APC, what Next? (APC If una nor able the yagba una pull hand.)

As for, Madam Haja Isata Abdulia Kamara is another household name in Portloko district. she was the former running mate to Mohamed Kamaraimba Mansaray of the Alliance Democratic Party ADP in 2018 elections. When H.E Bio took over governance, He appoints Madam Haja Isata Abdulia Kamara to served in the capacity of Resident Minister Northwest region, which she wholeheartedly performed her duty diligently with all sincerity of purpose in the best interest of the country. The political Journey of Mrs. Haja Isata Abdulia Kamara Keep soaring in executing her duty as Resident Minister Northwest, which so many political prudent heaped praised for her excellent performance and classed her as the best Resident Minister under the New Direction government.

Haja Isata Abdulia Kamara been seen all over the Northwest region executing her duty diligently to fulfill H.E President Bio Commitment on human capital development.

Bringing, Dr. Alpha Khan onboard to serve as Resident Minister Northwest is more value added to the New Direction government, to change the narrative and political ideology of some Sierra Leoneans more especially th…


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