Leadway Leads in Deforesting S/Leone


The Government of Sierra Leone under the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio is reported to have received $54 Million Dollars as proceeds generated from timber revenue. About 65 to 75% of the said timber was logged in Falaba district and other areas of the Northern part of Sierra Leone.

It can be recalled that a sole exporter, the Leadway Trading Company with Mr. Babadi Kamara as the head, was appointed by the Bio led Government to regulate the export of timber from Sierra Leone to the outside world.

It is insightful to note the exported timber is transformed into finished products by making upholstery and other furniture a process that could be have been done in Sierra Leone whereby thousands of jobs could have been created for our young people.

Looking at the huge amounts of timber that have left the shores of Sierra Leone since his appointment, it is strange that Mr. Babadi Kamara recently told this nation that between June 2018 and February 2020 only a total of eighteen thousand containers of timber had been exported from the country generating a revenue of over one hundred billions Leones.

As if to assuage the sensibilities of the communities where the logging is mostly done without much benefit to the people, Mr. Babadi Kamara brazenly announced that they have invested over Le62 billion in reforestation projects which, he claimed, is over 39% of total revenue generated within the period under review.

In our investigations we have found out that this claim lacks credibility because a visit to the communities where the logging is done bespeak of abject poverty with lack of basic social amenities like hospitals, good roads, portable and pure drinking water, schools and recreational centres.

One glaring example of total neglect of timber logging enclaves are the Falaba and Karene Districts which are touted as the remotest districts in terms of the lack of infrastures and social amenities.

It is disheartening to note that timber logging has endangered the livelihoods of the villagers in those communities while it could have served as a very reliable source of income to boost the country’s fragile economy.

Pay a visit to these places and see the massive destructions that have been done there with nothing to show for such activities except the environmental hazards that may lead to climate change which can cause more harm to farmers as their crops and animals bear the risk of perishing.

Farmers have persistently decried deforestation as the major cause for the change in weather patterns that lead to droughts. Without adequate rainfall, agriculture could be seriously affected, which in turn could have an adverse effect on food production. Where food production is hampered, the achievement of food security would be farfetched; and the resultant effect will be hunger and starvation.

With deforestation, the rearing of animals is also seriously hampered as the animals largely depend on the vegetation of plants for food. With the falling down of trees, these animals are also exposed to arid plains that will lead to starvation. Deforestation also dries up rivers and streams leading to the shortage of water for human and animal consumption. It is therefore not surprising to daily see troops of children trekking miles to look for water. It is even more disheartening to see pregnant women and lactating mothers trudging miles to access the few and far flung nearest peripheral health units in these remotes communities.

It is therefore very ironical that while the poor, illiterate community people continue to suffer and die for lack these basic social amenities, the Leadway Trading Company only focuses on promoting the deforesting of their bushes in order for the operators and their family members to live decent lives.
Perhaps we also need to mention that hundreds of mostly young men have suffered life changing injuries when extracting the logs and particularly during the uploading and offloading of the timber in trucks when the logs normally fall on them and broke their legs or arms which mostly end up being amputated. Sometimes logs even hit the heads of these young men which result in death.

Sadly, after all the labour intensive exercise that drains the health and energy of the workers, they are grossly underpaid and without any form of risk and accident allowance or insurance cover.

It is this sad of affairs that continue to bemuse the large majority of Sierra Leoneans who continue to wonder , what is the real essence of generating millions of Dollars in the timber sector, deforesting the bushes and depriving the indigenes in the producing areas of the benefits generated from the timber revenue.        

China Braces for More Ties With Africa

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

Wang Yi State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). On 12 October, President Xi Jinping and President Macky Sall of Senegal, the current African Co-Chair of FOCAC, issued a joint congratulatory message to mark this important occasion. Embracing the dawn of the new century and the trend of peace and development 20 years ago, China and our brothers in Africa decided to initiate FOCAC to promote win-win cooperation. Since then, the family of China and African nations has had its own platform for collective dialogue and mechanism for practical cooperation, ushering in a brand new chapter in China-Africa relations.

The past twenty years have been a journey of productive cooperation. FOCAC has bolstered high-level interactions and political trust between China and Africa, delivering a leap in China-Africa relations from “a new type of partnership” to “a new type of strategic partnership” and to “a comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership”.

China-Africa cooperation has made impressive achievements. In 2019, direct Chinese investment stock in Africa topped US$49.1 billion, up by nearly 100 times from the year 2000; China-Africa trade reached US$208.7 billion, 20 times the size of 2000. China has been Africa’s largest trading partner for 11 years in a row, and has contributed more than 20% to Africa’s growth for a number of years. Many flagship projects — the African Union (AU) Conference Center, the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, and the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway, to name a few — have been completed and put into use. Cooperation in other fields, from science, education, culture, health, to people-to-people exchange, peace and security, is also making significant headway.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), President Xi Jinping has set great store by China’s relations with Africa. He personally laid down principles guiding China’s Africa policy, including sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, and pursuing the greater good and shared interests, and called for building a stronger China-Africa community with a shared future. His devotion to leadership diplomacy with Africa has given a strong boost to the relations between the two sides.

The political foundation has been cemented. In 2013, President Xi Jinping chose Africa as the destination of his first overseas visit as the Head of State of China. So far, he has visited Africa four times, covering all sub-regions of the continent. In 2015 and 2018, Chinese and African leaders convened two historic FOCAC summits: one in Johannesburg and one in Beijing. In June this year, the Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity Against COVID-19 was held at a critical moment in tackling the coronavirus. Political interactions between the two sides are more frequent, extensive and unprecedented in scale. For example, on the sidelines of the FOCAC Beijing Summit, President Xi Jinping attended more than 70 bilateral and multilateral events in eight days. With the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between China and The Gambia, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Burkina Faso, the China-Africa family has been further expanded.

Practical cooperation has been fruitful. China-Africa economic and trade cooperation has been growing at a higher speed, demonstrating three encouraging shifts: from government-driven to market-driven, from trade in goods to industrial cooperation, and from engineering contracts to investment and operations. Together, the two sides drafted and implemented ten cooperation plans and eight major initiatives, taking practical cooperation to a new level. China-Africa Belt and Road cooperation is progressing with a strong momentum: 44 African countries and the AU Commission signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with China, and a host of projects such as railways, roads, airports, ports and power stations have come to fruition, enabling remarkable change in Africa’s economic and social development.

People-to-people exchanges have been thriving. Events across a diverse range of areas, including the China-Africa Youth Festival, Think Tank Forum, Joint Research and Exchange Program, Poverty Reduction and Development Conference, and the China-Africa Press Center, have been successful. And the China-Africa Institute has already been inaugurated. So far, China has provided about 120,000 government scholarships to African countries, set up 61 Confucius Institutes and 44 Confucius Classrooms in collaboration with 46 African countries, sent 21,000 doctors and nurses in medical teams to 48 African countries, treating around 220 million African patients, and forged 150 pairs of sister cities. All these efforts have consolidated popular support for China-Africa friendship.

Mutual support has been further strengthened. China and Africa fought side by side against both Ebola and COVID-19. The two sides have supported each other on issues of each other’s core interests and major concerns. China-Africa peace and security cooperation has been deepened. The two sides have jointly supported multilateralism, opposed unilateralism and protectionism, safeguarded the international order and international system with the United Nations at the core, and promoted the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and other basic norms governing international relations. Such collaboration has effectively upheld the shared interests of developing countries as well as the overall interests of the whole international community.


The past twenty years have been a journey of overcoming challenges and enhancing partnerships. FOCAC has withstood the test of the volatile international landscape, and scored historic achievements. It is a vivid epitome of China’s pioneering efforts in foreign affairs under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy. It is also a source of aspiration for further growth of China-Africa relations.

We have always pursued solidarity, consultation and cooperation. China is the largest developing country and the African continent home to the largest number of developing countries. When China-Africa cooperation prospers, South-South cooperation will prosper. When the voice of the 2.6 billion people in China and Africa are heeded and respected, the world will have genuine fairness and justice.

From the very beginning, we have always taken China-Africa relations as part of South-South cooperation, and have advanced FOCAC in the spirit of solidarity and cooperation. FOCAC, composed of China and 53 African countries and the AU, is by no means “one vs. 54”, but “54 plus one”. We would sit down in consultation whenever there is an issue, and solve it through discussion. And that is the guiding principle for our conduct. China never interferes in African countries’ pursuit of development paths that suit their own national conditions, never imposes its will upon others, never attaches any political strings to its assistance, and never seeks selfish political gains in investment and financing cooperation.

We attach great importance to the Forum’s role in drafting overall plans and providing strategic guidance, and we give equal attention to China’s ties with each FOCAC member, so that the Forum mechanism and bilateral cooperation can complement each other in forging a strong network of partnerships between and among countries. The Forum has significantly increased the international profile of China-Africa relations, and has become a pacesetter for South-South cooperation and for cooperation by the international community with Africa.

We have always advanced win-win cooperation for development. Both China and Africa are at a crucial stage of development and rejuvenation. The Chinese and African peoples are entitled to live a better life. President Xi Jinping has made it clear that no one could hold back the Chinese people or the African people as we march toward rejuvenation. Cooperation and development have always been FOCAC’s top priority. We have fully leveraged our unique strengths, such as the great complementarity between our economies and development stages. We have developed greater synergy between our development strategies and embarked on a path of win-win cooperation with distinctive features.

Our cooperation is about action and results. Every three years, FOCAC rolled out a package action plan. The 2018 Beijing Summit alone produced more than 880 deliverables. We always deliver and we do not make empty promises. We have kept pace with the times and kept our mind open to break new ground and tide over challenging times. According to African friends, FOCAC is a cooperation mechanism that truly delivers.

We have always supported each other in trying times. China-Africa friendship was born in the formidable years of national liberation and is deeply rooted in our peoples’ heart. As President Xi said, China and Africa are friends tested by adversity, and such friends must never be forgotten.

During the 2008 international financial crisis, China and Africa rendered each other valuable support. Instead of reducing assistance, China bucked the trend and increased its support to Africa. During the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa, when others chose to leave, Chinese doctors and nurses braved difficulties and rushed to the hard-hit regions to help local people fight the disease, leaving an indelible chapter in the history of humanitarian assistance of the People’s Republic of China. Faced with the onslaught of COVID-19 worldwide, China and Africa have again stood shoulder to shoulder to help each other tide over the challenges.

What we have gone through together shows that China and Africa are more than just partners. We are comrades-in-arms. The more severe the difficulties, the more determined and confident we are about China-Africa cooperation, and  the more capable FOCAC is in pooling our strengths to forge ahead, making itself the key driving force for the time-honored China-Africa friendship.

We have always embraced openness and inclusiveness. FOCAC was established to answer the call of the times for peace, development and win-win cooperation. It serves as a fine example of multilateralism. China and Africa have all along upheld the principle of openness and inclusiveness. A closed-door policy or exclusiveness is never an option. Colonial plunder and the Cold-War rivalry brought excruciating sufferings to the African people. That part of history must not be repeated. Africa must never again be an arena for major-power rivalry. This belief is widely shared by people across Africa, and should be respected by the entire international community.

Openness is vital in cooperation with Africa. It is important to share experience and learn from one another, so that Africa’s peace and development can benefit from the common effort and contribution of the international community. Africa’s cooperation with China has improved its development capacity and business environment, which in turn has created favorable conditions for other countries’ cooperation with the continent. China has taken part in more Africa-related trilateral and multilateral cooperation in recent years. We commend and encourage such cooperation and will continue to support it.


The past twenty years have been a journey of China and Africa coming together as one community with a shared future. Today, the world is being shaped by changes unseen in a century, a process accelerated by COVID-19. China and Africa are good friends, partners and brothers, and more importantly, an important force for world peace and development. In this changing world, China and Africa need to stay united and work more closely together to make FOCAC a greater success and further deepen China-Africa relations, so as to further enhance our friendship and justice in the world.

China and Africa can and should be a new shining example in building a community with a shared future for mankind. The more complex and fluid the international landscape is, the greater the imperative for China and Africa to adhere to the fundamental direction of building a China-Africa community with a shared future. We should continue to follow the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith and the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests. We need to maintain the momentum of high-level exchange, share more governance experience with each other, build a stronger bond between the Chinese and African peoples, and continue to elevate the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership. We need to promote the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, step up mutual support on issues involving each other’s core interests and major concerns, and work together for greater democracy in international relations. We need to take the side of the overwhelming majority of the international community, stay committed to multilateralism, and align global governance reforms with the common interests of developing countries. With these efforts, we will make the China-Africa relationship a trailblazer and a shining example in building a community with a shared future for mankind.

China and Africa can and should set a new benchmark for international anti-epidemic cooperation. China and Africa have fought hard for what we have achieved in tackling COVID-19. As the virus continues to spread globally, both China and Africa are confronted with the formidable task of combating the virus while stabilizing the economy and protecting people’s livelihoods. We will speed up the implementation of the important measures that President Xi Jinping announced at the Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity Against COVID-19, and make China’s contribution to making vaccines accessible and affordable for African countries as soon as possible. China will continue to provide COVID-19 containment supplies, send expert teams, and facilitate Africa’s procurement of medical supplies from China. China will strive for breaking ground for the construction of the Africa CDC headquarters by the end of this year. These are concrete actions that will show the world that China and Africa have the determination and strength to defeat COVID-19 together.

China and Africa can and should unleash greater potential in practical cooperation. COVID-19 will not hamper China-Africa cooperation. As one of the first countries to fully reopen the economy, China aims to foster a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. This will bring new opportunities for China and Africa to deepen, transform and upgrade their cooperation. China supports Africa’s effort to develop the African Continental Free Trade Area. We encourage Chinese companies and financial institutions to take an active part in infrastructure connectivity projects in Africa, which will facilitate cross-border logistics and customs clearance. We are ready to work with the international community in supporting Africa’s integration process and sub-regional economic community-building. China hopes to work with Africa to deepen the integration of our industrial and supply chains, and encourages Chinese businesses to step up investment and technological cooperation in Africa. We will support Africa’s agricultural modernization and industrialization drive to raise the added value and competitiveness of Africa’s exported energy, mineral and agricultural products. China will work with the international community to support Africa’s integration into the global industrial and supply chains. China and Africa need to join hands in pursuing green, low-carbon, circular and sustainable development. This will contribute to African countries’ ability to tackle climate change.

An ancient Chinese verse reads: “Having scaled a cloud-shrouded mountain peak, we rest our horses and set sail for the vast ocean.” The China-Africa relationship will never stop moving forward. The development of FOCAC will never take a break. Standing at a new historical starting point, China will continue to follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy and, with the personal commitment and support of Chinese and African leaders, increase the cohesion and influence of FOCAC, take China-Africa ties forward against all odds, and achieve greater success in our journey of building a China-Africa community with a shared future.

Njala University Complements Govt’s Human Capital Development Agenda

The Njala University has over the weekend supported President Bio’s human capital agenda by partnering with Sierra Leone’s Embassy in Seoul, South Korea and the Medical Peace Foundation for the construction of the country’s first Emergency and Trauma Centre in the country at Moba Town, Moba section,Kori Chiefdom, Moyamba District, Southern Sierra Leone.

The ceremony for the commissioning of the construction phase of the project was held on Friday 16th October ,2020 at the project site at Tiama and was graced by the Chief Technical Higher Education Officer,Dr.Josephus Brimah representing the Minister of Technical and Higher Education,Deputy Minister of Health one ,Dr.Anthony Sandi ,Acting Chairman Njala University Court ,Joseph Munda Bindi ,Paramount Chief Borbor Gbappie 4th of Kori Chiefdom,traditional leaders of Kori and Kamajei Chiefdoms and the Media.

The Chairman of the ceremony, the Acting Chairman of Court, Mr.Bindi recounted that Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to South Korea, H.E. Kathos Jibao Mattia had secured a fund amounting to USD thirty –six thousand United dollar ( USD 36,000) from the Chairman of the Medical Peace Foundation in South Korea for the construction of the Madam Yoko Emergency and Trauma Care Centre at Kori Chiefdom.

He continued that, Medical supplies, furniture and other equipment worth thousands of dollars had already been shipped into the country from South Korea to help equipped the centre when eventually completed.

Njala University, he went on  was not only keen in providing the educational needs of the host communities but was also interested in providing the health needs of the people of the host communities which according to him had propelled the University to partner with the country’s Ambassador in South Korea and the Chairman of the Medical Peace Foundation.

Chairman Bindi thanked the people of Kori Chiefdom for providing the land for the establishment of Njala University and hinted that they might have to consider providing more land to accommodate the expanding nature of the University.

Paramount Chief, Borbor Gbappie 4th of Kori Chiefdom while welcoming the dignitaries to the ceremony disclosed that they are happy to witness the construction of the Emergency and Trauma Care Centre in his chiefdom and assured Njala University and the country of their willingness to provide land to support future developments projects.

Acting Vice Chancellor and Principal, Professor Sankoh thanked his predecessors, the outgone Vice Chancellor and Principal and Pro-Vice Chancellor in the persons of Professor Abdullah Mansaray and Professor Bob Kandeh respectively for working hard to bring such a laudable project to the people of Kori Chiefdom.

He gave a background to the origin of the project and cited the contribution of his predecessors, his administration and the Paramount Chief and People of Kori Chiefdom to the eventual commissioning of the project.

The Acting Vice Chancellor and Principal assured the people of Kori that his administration even in his absence as Vice Chancellor and Principal would put all the necessary resources and energy to ensure the project is brought to fruition.

Dr,Josephus Brimah,a representative of the Minister of Technical and Higher Education emphasized the justification for the construction of such a facility in the country especially taking into consideration the consequences of the eleven years rebel war and the high incidences of trauma cases in the country.

He committed the support of the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education to the project which according to him is tandem with the Government Human Capital Development project.

In his Keynote Address, Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation 1, Dr.Anthony Sandi commended the Administration of Njala University for partnering with the Ambassador of South Korea to complement the Government of Sierra Leone flagship project.

He recounted that Njala University has a long history of contributing to the country’s health sector through the training of Community Health Officers and other middle and junior level health practitioners in the country.

The Deputy Health Minister announced that the Ministry of Health would fully support the Hospital with subvention and other related issues to enhance the effectiveness of the centre.

He lauded the geographical location of the centre and noted that it will help in addressing the many accidents cases occurring along the highway.

The Member of Parliament for Constituency 98, Dominic Lavallie-Tshombie urged the Administration of Njala University and the contractor to make available the project document and the original designs of the project so as to put them in a proper footing to monitor the project.

Director Physical Plant Services, Njala University, Mr.Santigie Sesay presented the design of the project and the structure of the proposed complex.

Chief Executive Officer,Mogbwe Engineering and Construction Services, the contractor for the project assured the participants present that his company would execute the project in record time and will fully utilize the locals in terms of available employment.

He urged the community stakeholders to protect the property of the project so as to ensure that his company delivers as expected.

The Registrar Njala University who was responsible for largely coordinating the highly successful commissioning ceremony had earlier on introduced the Chairman of the ceremony, the Acting Chairman of Court, Mr Joseph Munda Bindi.

The climax of the ceremony was the pouring of libation by the traditional people of Kori Chiefdom to officially commence the construction process.

Credit : Public Relations Officer ,Njala University

Rokel Bank Ends 47th AGM

The Rokel Commercial has ended its Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Friday 16th October, 2020 at the Vanilla Complex, Aberdeen. The meeting comprises of minority and majority shareholders from the second largest and fastest growing Bank in Sierra Leone.

Rokel Commercial Bank have read and adopted the Banks’ 2018 and 2019 Financial Statements. 

A key highlight of the event was when the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Buffy Bailor openly bestowed confidence on the Bank’s current Management headed by a UK trained Economist and Banker, Dr.Walton Ekundayo Gilpin.

In spite of the negative impact of COVID -19 on the financial sector, Buffy Bailor said the Bank is on an upward trajectory with enviable prudential statistics. 

“The Banks revenue increased significantly by 48% in 2019, compared to 2017 on the back of strong interest income on Government securities, which accounted for 68% of total revenue,” he revealed.

The 2019 Financial record of the Rokel Commercial Bank reveals it is in a very healthy position – with positive retained earnings amounting to Le966m.

A Le79, 439, 041 Billion Leones Profit Before Tax may not have been significantly higher compared to its  2018 profit after tax of 79, 270, 123 Billion Leones.

However, a significant leap from Le46Billion negative retained earnings of 2018 means the Bank now has stable profit and can be in a position to pay dividend to its shareholders. With enhanced operational capacity, the Bank was recently able to pay some 29,000 beneficiaries of a NaCSA safety net programme. 

Speaking on behalf of Government, the Financial Secretary, Sahr Jusu whose prepared statement was read by a senior official of the Finance Ministry, Charles Conteh had this to say; “After several years in the negative, the Bank has been able to register positive retained earnings in 2019. The Banks’s capital has been cured, recording a capital adequacy ratio of 57% by end of 2019, a 42.2 percentage point above the minimum threshold of 15% set by the regulator. For the first time in several years, RCB is declaring dividend to its shareholders. We hope that the Central Bank will ease restrictions to allow actual payout to shareholders.”   

With 65% shares, the Government of Sierra Leone remains the majority shareholder of the Bank while the remaining 35% shares are held by private individuals. The AGM also attracted the Chairman of the National Commission for Privatization, Prince Harding.

  Ministry of Energy

 Press Release

                           Monday October 19,2020.

The   Ministry of Energy  wishes to inform the general public that it has seen and read the content of a Press Release from the Anti Corruption Commission, dated 19 October, 2020 with the caption:  ACC’s Scorpion Squad hits EDSA Billing Section,arresting 3 Staff .

The Ministry  wants the general public to know that it is in full support of the ACC’s operation and further informs all that the said operation is one of the products of a Memorandum of Understanding that the Minister of Energy signed with the Anti Corruption Commission some months ago.

It could be recalled that the Minister of Energy had sought the expertise and intervention of the ACC in helping his Ministry and EDSA deal with the rampant cases of electricity theft or abstraction, instances of open or secret subornation and procedural improprieties. A few weeks after the MoU was signed ,the ACC swung into action, raiding industries and business entities suspected or alleged to be involved in acts of illegal electricity abstraction.

The Ministry wishes to make it abundantly clear that it will always cooperate with the ACC in addressing the issue of corruption in the energy sector.

The general public is therefore urged to bring to the attention of the Ministry cases of electricity theft or abstraction. The Ministry and EDSA assure all of their statutory commitment to providing affordable and reliable electricity for every Sierra Leonean.

Methodist Boys High School

Kissy Mess Mess




1. Principal, Junior Secondary School (JSS)

2. Vice Principal, Junior Secondary School (JSS)

3. Vice Principal, Senior Secondary School (SSS)

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Sierra Leoneans for the positions of Principal, Junior Secondary School ((JSS), Vice Principal, Junior Secondary School (JSS), and Vice Principal, Senior Secondary School (SSS) at the Methodist Boys High School, Kissy Mess Mess, Freetown.

Applicants must be graduates from a recognised university, with a Diploma in Education or its equivalent with at least eight (8) years post graduate teaching experience, four of which must have been spent either as a Senior Teacher or Head of Department or both.

Salaries will be in accordance with the current Grades and Scales of the Revised Salary Structure for Teachers in the Sierra Leone Teaching Service.

Applications must include the names and addresses of at least three referees accompanied with the candidate’s curriculum vitae, copies of Degrees,  Certificates, Diplomas and Testimonials, and should be addressed to:

The Chairman, Board of Governors, Methodist Boys High School, Kissy Mess Mess, Freetown.

Closing date for the receipt of applications is Friday, 23 rd. October, 2020.

Lincoln Junior and Senior Secondary School, 51 Mayenkineh Road, calaba town, Freetown and Lincoln Junior and Senior Secondary School, Port Loko Road, Masiaka, Koya Chiefdom, Port Loko District


1. Principal, Junior Secondary School (JSS)

2. Vice Principal, Junior Secondary School (JSS)

3. Principal, Senior Secondary School (SSS)

4. Vice Principal, Senior Secondary School ( SSS)

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Sierra Leoneans for the positions of Principal, Junior Secondary School (JSS) Vice Principal, Junior Secondary School ( JSS), Principal, Senior Secondary School (SSS) and Vice Principal, Senior Secondary School (SSS) at both the Lincoln Junior and Senior Secondary School, 51 Mayenkineh Road, Calaba town, Freetown, and at the Lincoln Junior and Senior Secondary School, Port Loko, Road, Masiaka.

Applicants must be graduates from a recognised university with a Diploma in Education with at least eight years post graduate teaching experience, four of which must have been spent as a Senior Teacher or Head of Department or both.

Salaries will be in accordance with the current Grades and Scales of the Revised Salary Structure for Teachers in the Sierra Leone Teaching Service.

Applicants include the  names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three referees accompanied with the candidate’s curriculum vitae, copies of Degrees, Certificates,  Diplomas and Testimonials and should be addressed to:

The Chairman, Board of Governors, Lincoln Junior and Senior Secondary School, 51 Mayenkineh Road, Calaba town, Freetown, for applicants in Freetown or to The Chairman, Board of Governors, Lincoln Junior and Senior Secondary School, Port Loko Road, Masiaka, for applicants in Masiaka.

Closing date for the receipt of applications is Friday, 23rd. October, 2020.

First Lady Donates to Kissy Psychiatric Teaching Hospital


The First Lady of Sierra Leone Madam Fatima Maada Bio has made a donation of medical supplies and assorted food items to the Sierra Leone Psychiatric Teaching Hospital on Saturday 17 October 2020 .

Speaking during the donation Chief of Staff at the office of the First Lady, Shiek Salim Fekah said the visit is part of the First Lady’s commitment to support the people of this country and to ensure that people realize they have a good system in place. He said the First Lady wants to be part of the people to see for herself the positive changes and any challenges they might be facing .

Dr. Abdul of the psychiatric teaching hospital said it is an honor to have the First Lady in their midst as this is the only psychiatric teaching hospital in the country and the oldest in sub-Saharan Africa.

He said the first Lady’s visit is a great birthday gift for them as they are celebrating 200 years of mental health service in Sierra Leone.

He said the hospital has been neglected for decades but positive reforms by the present administration has transformed the hospital .

He also said they have been working with the First Lady’s hands off our girl’s campaign by providing care for sexual and gender-based violence victims for free, also providing free psychiatric care for children

According to Dr. Abdul, 80% of the patients admitted at the hospital are abandoned patients and they take full responsibility for them by providing care and 3 meals daily. The visit and donation are timely especially as they are celebrating global mental health.

Her Excellency Fatima Maada Bio said she is honored to be of this all-important hospital that is so dear to the president, to render her support. She is impressed with the transformation and improvement made so far, thanking the team for their dedication to work in a facility like this, saying their job is one of the most difficult in the country.

The First Lady also said this is the first time she is donating to this facility in person and she will continue to do it. Going on to state that His Excellency the president is dedicated to seeing more improvement, and she looks forward to working with the management of this hospital as she is thinking about more ways to help in improving the facility.

First Lady Fatima Bio concluded by saying mental illness should be prioritized as no one will want their family members to be mentally ill without proper care. As a nation we have to take care of of our citizens with mental illness .

CSO Raises Concern Over Transportation Problem

A Civil Society Activist representing Lifeguard Children’s Foundation Sierra Leone, Mohamed Osman Bangura aka POLITICAL, who doubles also as Journalist has raised serious concern over the manners in which commercial drivers are maltreating passengers and called on the Sierra Leone Police, Anti-Corruption Commission and law enforcers to act promptly.

He said that, drivers plying from Freetown to Waterloo and the provinces are forcing passengers to pay above the government price. Adding that drivers are taxing people to pay le5000 from Bombay to Waterloo, le3000 from Eastern Police/Bombay to Shell, Portee, Wellington and Calaba town while the Provincial drivers are collecting le50,000 from Shell/Texaco or Waterloo to Kambia, Makeni, Mile 91 Bo and other provincial places official price is 35000 or 40,000 Leones.

“The problem of transportation is still a menace for residents in the Western Area, especially Waterloo residents. Even though vehicles have been assigned to different destinations, yet there are difficulties in transport due to the attitude of some drivers who intentionally create unnecessary suffering for the people. Almost all the drivers change their destination and leaving the people/passengers in a hurry”, he narrated. Adding that he sometimes piety people who struggle for transportation to and from their houses.

 He it is disappointing to see a vehicle is boldly written on bonnet for Waterloo,Abardeen or other areas but ply half way. Stating that it is sometimes done out of proportion because of the too much pressures drivers faced in the hands of traffic Police Officers in the name of booking.

He said this will create an inconvinence for the smooth running of public transports especially when this we are in the midst of the COVID-19.

He said sometimes drivers and conductors are collecting extra money from passengers for the front seat which they claimed to be a special seat.

Mohamed Osman Bangura (Political) noted that 70% of the people that are trading in the streets and other markets areas in Freetown are residents of Waterloo,Hastons,Jui, Grafton, Calaba town Wellington etc.

He said the development of a nation lies in the attitudes of its citizens.

Task Force on Sexual Based Violence Presents Case Study to President Bio

Members of the task force on sexual and gender based violence in the Office of the First Lady have called at State House to present their report and explain their findings to His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio.

Before their presentation, Her Excellency the First Lady, Madam Fatima Maada Bio, said that the team had put together a quick report on their achievements since they were formed into the task force charged with the responsibility of looking into cases of rape and sexual based violence in the country.

She also stated that the team of very experienced people was also mandated to provide solutions to the many challenges affecting the fight against rape and sexual based violence, adding that that was as important to make sure that women and girls were safe as it was also necessary to attain gender equality.

“Thank you very much, Your Excellency, for making this fight one of your priorities and for believing in this task force to work together to find an everlasting solution that will definitely see the end of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in the country,” she noted.

She added that the task force had a memorandum of understanding with some strategic partners dealing with rape and sexual based violence in the country, citing the likes of Don Bosco, Aberdeen Women’s Centre, the National Emergency Medical Centre, LAWYERS, to help strengthen their commitment to the cause.

“We have also signed an MOU with the Sierra Leone Female Medical Association, a group of young doctors who are willing to work with us in their respective hospitals, to make sure that victims who are brought to the hospitals are treated immediately,” she explained.

Director of Public Prosecution, Easmon Ngakui, said that since President Bio’s Proclamation of a State of Emergency regarding Rape and Sexual Violence in 2019, they had secured 152 convictions. He added that after the establishment of the Sexual Offences Model Court in July this year they had secured 64 convictions.

“We are very happy with the progress so far. There was a culture of silence on rape and sexual based violence in Sierra Leone, but since that pronouncement and after the establishment of the Sexual Offences Model Court, there has been a rapid flow of complaints dating back five years ago,” he said.

The law officer also noted that they had observed that in many cases the perpetrators and children were between the ages of 5 -17 years, and that if something was not done, socially to combat the menace, the country could lose out on the current generation.

In response, President Bio thanked the First Lady and the task force on sexual and gender based violence for their commitment and the things they had done to help in the protection of girls and women.

“This is about our children. As we prepare the grounds for prosecution and case management at different stages, I want us to pay more attention to heightening prevention. If we can, let us prevent it, so we don’t have a reason to go to court or to go to the hospital,” he said.

Leone Stars Return to Training

By Athanasius wisdom kamara

After playing two friendly matches in the FIFA international friendly calendar Sierra Leone senior national team Leone stars return to training on Monday 19 October 2020 ahead of the African cup of nation qualifiers with the super eagle of Nigeria in a back to back fixture.

After two friendly matches with Mauritania and Niger it was good for the home base players wish played for their country for the very first time all of the home base players was looking forward to represent their country even when we lost the matches the players hand a lot and they are now looking forward to the African cup qualifiers against Nigeria in November 9 -17.

“Playing friendly matches is good for the country that was where we have opportunity to test some of the players in the national  team for the very first time some of them show great performance while others did not perform to expectation” John Keister said.

The national team coach John Kiester told this medium that he is very happy as head coach for the Leone stars playing two friendly matches away from home. “I  know that the  fans want wining even when it is a friendly match fans does not want to lose we are in a rebuilding process so the fans must be patience the match against Nigeria in November will be a different game” The coach said.

The African cup of nation qualifiers would continue in November, which for over 20 years Sierra Leone has not yet qualified. According to the coach, the fans believe this is the time to qualify for the African cup of nation finals. He said it would be very difficult against Nigeria one of the best team in African football presently but our boys will come out to give them a difficult game. He stressed that we need four points out of the six points in the back to back fixture for us to have a chance to qualifier for the African cup of nations.

SLFA Membership Disappoint With FA

The Sierra Leone football Association membership on Friday 16th October 2020 issued a press release to the general public responding about the press release the Sierra Leone Football Association(SLFA) issue early last week that three person from the 42 man delegation who travel to Mauritania and Niger for the Leone star friendly match are covid-19 positive. The team captain Umaru Zaingalay  Bangura fitness coach Philip koroma and national sport authority media officer Eric Batilo Fomba  are all positive from covid-19.

In the press release the membership issued to the general public, they are condemning that the SLFA did not have any right to issue the names of the individual positive from covid-19.According to them people at the SLFA are working for the football family and country as a hold so they must do things professionally.

The membership also said people will start pointing finger on this individual that they are covid-19 victim which will very bad for them, because this people are representing sierra Leone they are ambassador for us, let us show respect to them all of us as sierra Leonean will be behind them in November 9-17 against Nigeria in the African cup of nation qualifiers.

The membership are wishing them speedy recover  so that this guys will get fit for Leone stars next encounter and call on the general public to embrace them.

  EU Supports Local Council and CSOs in Kambia District

Minister of planning calls for effective coordination, ownership and people-centered approaches in implementation.

Kambia District Council Hall, North-West Province, 15 October 2020 The Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai has reiterated that coordination, ownership and people centered processes are critical to achieving objectives of the Medium-Term National Development Plan (2019-2023), urging the Kambia District Council and Civil Society grant holders to embed these during implementation.

He made this statement on the occasion of the official launching ceremony of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) grant contract for Kambia District, following the unveiling of the five-year EU grant by His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio in July 2020. The grant would target District Councils and respective Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Pujehun, Kenema, Bombali and Kambia.

“These complementary grants to Kambia District and the two CSOs in Kambia will improve their respective capacities to work together, coordinate well together to deliver to the people of Kambia District. The grants should make them more effective and better able to contribute to the democratic transition and socio economic development of this District and, by extension, Sierra Leone.

“This launch is an important step forward in our journey towards achieving the development goals President Julius Maada Bio’s Government and you, the people, have set out for yourselves and nation in the MTNDP (2019-2023), which was founded on a strong political commitment to deliver development results that will improve the welfare of Sierra Leone’s citizens, places decentralization at the core of citizen engagement and poverty reduction,” Dr. Kai-Kai said.

Chairman of Kambia District Council, Mohamed Yayah Bangura, said that the grant would enable them address some of the challenges of the council. He said the grant would build the necessary capacity and making right investments that would unleash both the socio economic potentials and participation opportunities for every Kambia citizen. Mr. Bangura called for more collaboration and better coordination, during the implementation of the proposed guest house in gbalamuya, rehabilitation of the council building and building of market stalls at Bamoi Luma.

In her keynote address, the Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Melrose Kargbo, commended the government for the level of support they had given to local councils, stating that it was a manifestation of President Bio’s commitment to the decentralisation process in the country. She stated that they had commenced the process of developing a strategic plan that would engage local stakeholders and development partners while commending the EU for their support to that process.

Head of European Union Delegation in Sierra Leone, Ambassador Tom Vens, said that the aim of the project was to support effective decentralization and efficient service delivery to the citizens, especially in remote areas. He said that the project would contribute to economic growth and social cohesion for the benefit of Sierra Leone. He also acknowledged the President’s strategy and long-term vision in placing decentralization at the core of the government’s New Direction.

Journey to develop an ECOWAS Regional Joint Border Post (JBP) Intensifies

The Minister of Planning pays a working visit to the proposed JBP site in Jendema

The Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai on Saturday 17th October 2020 spent the entire day in Jendema, Pujehun District to meet with local authorities and the Technical Team in order to identify and select the site and prepare the design studies for the establishment of the ECOWAS Regional Joint Border Post project between Sierra Leone and Liberia.

The JBP seeks to support the attainment of a functional regional economic and business environment through the development of a border crossing infrastructure that would facilitate inter-state trade and free movement, ensuring a well-connected corridor that would aid transit traffic along the entire corridor.

Leading a high-powered delegation of MDAs, the Minister, in his statement, said with the establishment of the border post structure, including the EU road works, approaching Jendema, would enable the border town to become a great city and that President Bio was determined to bring the much needed development to the people of Jendema.

He said the project was a timely venture, which was in line with President Bio’s vision of economic integration and cross border investments and facilitation. This he said, “would open up Jedema for economic activities and development”.

The Minister said together with the technical team, a general layout of buildings and facilities, detailed architectural drawings, engineering designs, civil structural and electrometrical drawings among other things would be carefully looked into in order to ensure that issues, such as, flooding and other environmental hazards do not affect the JBP, when established. He called on the people to continue supporting whatever development was being undertaken in the area, which includes the road works done by the CSE Roads Company.

In his statement, the Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, Mohamed Sidie Tunis, thanked President Bio and the Ministry of Planning for their continued efforts in ensuring that the JBP becomes a reality. He applauded Minister Kai-Kai and team for taking the lead in this entire process. Hon. Tunis said when he got elected as Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament, he was briefed on the strides already made by the Minister and Team to actualize the project, which was very commendable.

The Speaker pledged his continued support to ensure that the ECOWAS Joint Border Post on the Sierra Leone side was completed soonest.

After the site inspection with the Technical Team, where several assessments were made, the Minister held a debrief meeting with the team, including MoPED, NAO, SLRA, key MDAs, CSE and the German consulting firm for CSE to make key decisions, such as, providing cadastral plans of the site, transferring ownership of the sites to the ECOWAS Commission, compensate and resettle where necessary the persons affected by the construction of the JBP by the 31st October 2020.

President Bio to be Replaced as University Chancellor

The process to remove and replace the President as Chancellor of the University is in high gear. Few weeks ago, higher education stakeholders converged at the New Brookfields Hotel Conference Hall in Freetown to validate a nationwide consultation report as part of the process to review the 2005 Universities Act, which will result in stripping off the title of chancellor of the universities from the president.

Chaired by the Chief Minister, Prof. David Francis, the meeting organized by the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education unanimously endorsed the report and authorized the Ministry to present resolutions to cabinet for review and approval.

The Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Prof. Aiah Gbakima highlighted that the review of the Universities Act was necessitated by the desire and policy statement of the President to relinquish his role as Chancellor of the University of Sierra Leone as dictated by the 2005 Universities Act.

This venture, according to the minister, is aimed at depoliticizing governance of the higher education sector in addition to expanding infrastructure across the country.

Vice Chancellor and Principal of the Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology (EBKUST), Prof. Edwin Momoh, who doubles as chairman of the consultation committee, disclosed that the nationwide consultation process attracted critical discussions on the nomenclature of public education institutions, establishment of new universities, removal of the position of pro-chancellors and reviewing the president’s position as chancellor, among others.

Minister of Health and Sanitation, Prof. Alpha Tejan Wurie, who doubles as a former minister of education, in addition to immensely contributing in the review process of the Act, spoke critically on the need for futuristic nametags for educational institution, while frowning on political nametags.

He further expressed elation that the resolutions dictate that chancellors of the various universities should be appointed based on integrity and competence.

Prof. Wurie said it is a bold step for the government to think of expanding higher education in the country, while noting that such move should go side by side with standardized education review for each of these universities to avoid duplication of efforts. 

The Chairman of Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), Prof. Alghali commended the ministry for accepting the recommendations emanating from the nationwide consultations.

He applauded the recommendations for the transformation of MMCET and Eastern Polytechnic into Technical Universities.

The education stakeholders unanimously endorsed, among others, the removal of the role of chancellor from the president, who will now assume the role of a visitor at the universities; the establishment of three new universities and the transformation of two polytechnic institutions into technical universities; the creation of the roles of chancellor for each university and abolition of the role of pro-chancellor, and the de-politicization of public university nomenclatures.

Over twenty NGC members declare for APC

Speaking on behalf of the stakeholders from Mange Bisson Samu Chiefdom, Sybuck said they have realized their mistakes by ignore  their own brother and the APC  party during the 2018 elections, he further assures Elder Y and the APC party that, they are coming back to their root which is the APC party, he continue by thanking Elder Y for his patient and courage even though they have hurt him he still have the heart to visit them and ask them to return to the APC party.

Mrs. Mamy Kamara  stakeholder from Samu and the current APC Chairlady at Lumley Market start by welcoming them back to the APC party, she advised them to be steadfast and start to prepare their minds for the 2023 elections.

Elder Y, start by thanking them for listening to him, he said he’s very impressed by the turnout and asked them to coordinate other sections in Samu, he conclude by beginning them for not seeing Hon. Bai Mohmoud, Chairman Thamsella, Hon. AKK, and other stakeholders of the party as they have other party meetings to attend.

Abu Bakarr Pitious, Mr Ishmael T Kamara and Mr Kamara also made statement’s on behalf of the party.

Mother’s Blessing.

Magistrate Ngegba Commits Khadija’s Alleged Murder To High Court

His Lordship Marke Ngegba has on Friday 16th October 2020 sent Mariama Sajor Barrie and Ibrahim Bah’s case to the High Court for full blown trial.

The accused persons were charged with conspiracy to murder and murder.

The Magistrate informed the court that the prosecution proved their case beyond reasonable doubt as nine witnesses testified and the same were cross examined. According to him, in a Preliminary Trial all what the prosecution needs is to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt and the prosecution needs to prove the existence of prima facie evidence in the matter.

The first prosecution witness, Dr. Simeon Owizz Koroma, said the deceased die as a result of manual strangulation due to hemorrhagic shock and the death was not accidental but homicidal. He went on to state that, the cause of death was unnatural and the manner or mode was homicidal.

The defense in their no case submission said the finding of Dr Owizz Koroma was defective and unreliable and that none of the prosecution witnesses stated that they saw the accused persons killing the deceased.

In his ruling, Magistrate Ngegba said he had carefully looked at the evidence before him, adding that he was satisfied that the prosecution has proved it case against the accused persons beyond reasonable doubt. He therefore concluded that they have a case to answer at the High Court.


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