SALWACO Presents 2021 Annual Report


The Board of Directors and a cross section of the top management of the Sierra Leone Water Company (SALWACO) have concluded a one-day Technical Sub-Committee Management Meeting at the Company’s Board Room, at Tower Hill in Freetown.

Welcoming all present, Ing. Badamasi Savage, Chairman of the Sub-Committee who also doubles as a member of the SALWACO Board, said that the meeting was a very important aspect of the company’s growth and progress. He encouraged all attendees to treat technical issues with utmost seriousness and urged that even with some expected challenges, all hands have to be on the deck so as to ultimately attain endless institutional progress.

Making a statement, the Managing Director of SALWACO, Ing. George Lamin Vandi, said that a lot of reforms have taken place under the current SALWACO management and that such is in line with the vision and mission of the government of Sierra Leone. He spoke about the reengineering of the company and the review of the organizational structure of the company which he said was a step in the right direction.

He added that more deliverables were needed, but that management has been working assiduously to ensure that the right results were achieved. He further touched on the need for more government support so that the company will continue to achieve more progressive results.

Board Chairman of SALWACO, Ing. Mohamed Alie Jalloh, said that for the second year running, SALWACO is now able to present an annual report and urged that same should now be institutionalized for the other years to come. He noted that such should be seen as a core to the culture of leadership of the company. He said that SALWACO should also be able to determine what may be internal and external funding, noting that such will be a prudent decision to make now and in the future.

There were other meaningful contributions from other Board Members and Management Staff present on the need to be more resourceful and result oriented and that the effective implementation of policies and the absolute collaboration with other ministries, departments and related agencies should also be prioritized.


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