President Bio Initiates Dialogue with Civil Society Groups


His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio has inaugurated the Government Civil Society Organizations (CSO), dialogue Series and hoped that the public engagement will help strengthen and consolidate the country’s democratic values.

“I am tasking my Government to infuse more candor and transparency in Government business through regular interactions with civil society as representatives of the interests of our citizens. I want to have a frank dialogue about what is working and what is not working.”President Bio said.

He observed that for too long, the conversation between government and civil society was embittered, shrouded in mistrust and a belief that civil society could only do its job by criticising the activities of government, creating the impression that those who didn’t criticise government were complicit.

“There is a serious need for a paradigm shift in this relationship. It is this shallow binary view that I hope this dialogue series will unravel. The truth is, the relationship is complex and dynamic and more importantly, can be a catalyst to promote good governance,” he said.

European Union, EU, Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Tom Vens, said that he was delighted to join the President at the start of a national dialogue series, hoping that the day’s event would translate into action. He praised the commitment made by President Bio to enhance consultation and collaboration with civil society organizations in addressing the crisis engendered by the COVID-19 pandemic and other broader governance and development issues.

He observed that it took a good leadership to rethink and take affirmative action to reinvigorate the state-society social contract, even more so during such difficult times.

“To foster economic development and strengthening peace and democratic rule is not only your priority but has been the principal aim of the European Union from the very outset some 70 years ago. As a community of like-minded states, the EU promotes the pursuit of peace and democracy both internally and in all its external actions, political and diplomatic relations with the rest of the world,” he explained.

Speaking on behalf of all CSOs, John Caulker of Fambul Tok International, expressed gratitude for the opportunity given to them by President Bio to involve in the dialogue session, adding that they would not take such a unique opportunity for granted. He urged his colleagues to engage constructively in ensuring that they make meaningful contributions that would help in the development of the country.

“We want to assure your government that this is a new beginning. We want to make sure we engage constructively. The principle of our future engagement with the government after his dialogue will be with trust, honesty and frank conversation,” he noted.

Vice President Dr Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh said that the dialogue is born out of the belief of His Excellency that deepening the relationship between Government and civil society is critical to promoting good governance and establishing robust accountability systems.

“HE, following your meeting with CSO on May 20 this year, you tasked me with the responsibility to develop a framework to constructively and sustainably engage civil society. I was extremely excited to take on this challenge because as you all know, I have a very long history with civil society organizations in Sierra Leone.

He expressed optimism that the engagement would also provide a unique opportunity to address some of the challenges that civil society organisations had faced in getting the requisite support to contribute meaningfully to the national discourse.

“I, therefore, want to take this opportunity to appeal to our partners to continue to support Civil Society Organizations to play a key role in promoting good governance and accountability,” he said.

Orange Money Shorki Love Dashes 43 Million  To  Second Set of Winners

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By Feima Sesay

As Orange Money Shorkie Love host it second edition in order to put a smile on the faces of their valued customers across the country, Orange Money which is one of the reliable offers  of Orange Sierra Leone has on Saturday  31st October, 2020 dashed out 43Million Leones to their second set of winners of their “Orange Money Shorki Love” promotion.The event was screened at a live TV programme hosted by Saio the comedian  and Martha at the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) New England Ville Freetown.

The second sets of winners were John from Makeni who happens to be the first winner in the second edition that won Le5Million, Isata Kamara  from Makeni won le 3 million from the Orange money shorki box, Sediatu a student from Black Hall Road Eastern won Le5Million, Samuel Kanu Murray Town won Le4 million, Osman a carpenter from Portloko won Le5Million, Mary Bah won le 2 million, Wuya a hair dresser  from Jalloh Terraces Kissy won Le5Million, Phillip Kamara from Makeni won Le5Million, Zainab from Sumialia  Town won Le5Million and Mohamed from Angola town Goderich won Le4 million. 

The “Orange Money Shorki Love” promotion is part of the company’s end of year promotion which was disclosed at an event held in its Bo District Office and it offers 3 Billion Leones as prizes including 5 Brand New Cars to be won also by customers.

Orange SL is one of the reliable telecommunication company in the country that cares for its subscribers and is very determined to change the lives of it customers in order to give them improved standards of living. “It against such a backdrop that the company decided to launch such a promotion with the strong belief that it will be helpful during these COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

Therefore, Subscribers are encouraged to grab the opportunity in order to do transactions using Orange Money which will qualify them to win the Le 3 Billion worth of prizes on a weekly basis including 5 cars to be won as a grand prize at the end of the promotion.

This promotion is aimed at making Orange Money customers richer and above all empowered.

However also, to qualify for the “Orange Money Shorki Love” promotion, subscribers must be registered with Orange Money and do transactions using Orange Money by sending money, cashing in, paying for EDSA or DSTV, buy airtime or data bundles from 15th October to January 2020 which will put them at vantage positions to get a chance to win those attractive prizes.

Six to Die by Hanging

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By Feima Sesay

The Criminal Session of the High Court of Sierra Leone held in Magburaka, Tonkolili District has ended with six (6) convicts convicted to death by handing and twenty-eight (28) to face sentencing for several offences including sexual penetration and rape.

The Judiciary Public Relations Officer Moses Lamin Kamara said that the session was successful as justice was not only delivered but was effectively delivered by his Lordship the Hon. Justice Aiah Simeon Alieu. He said the Hon. Chief Justice Hon. Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards assigned eight-two (82) criminal cases and eighteen (18) were murder and others were assorted criminal cases including sexual penetration. 

The PRO further  said that  the two weeks criminal session secured twenty-nine (29) convictions among which were six (6) murder, five (5) manslaughters, seven (7) sexual related cases, six (6) wounding with intent, ten (10) larceny cases. He further revealed that three cases were acquitted including one murder case involving two accused persons and two persons were discharged. 

Moses Lamin kamara said, those who were convicted for manslaughter did killed by the judge said, the killings were without intent to kill or to cause grievous bodily harm but still unlawful to take the life of a being and there were therefore convicted and sentenced for the same.  

The holden of the session in Magburaka created an opportunity for over one thousand pupils at the Missionary Church of Africa (MCA) to be educated on the Sentencing Guidelines on Rape and Sexual Penetration. It was revealed that Section 7 (B) of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2019 and the same empowers the Hon. Chief Justice to issue compulsory sentencing guidelines within three months of the coming into force of the same. 

Mr. Kamara said notwithstanding the provisions in Section 24 (1) of the Children and Young Persons Act (Cap 44) and section 70 of the Child Rights Act, a child who engages in an act of rape and sexual penetration with another person or child or any other engaged on aggravated act will be guilty of an offence and liable for conviction as provided for in the Act. 

 Moses Kamara said, if the accused is between ages of twelve (12) to seventeen (17) years and is convicted for the aforementioned crimes, should be sentenced to imprisonment not less than five (5) years and not exceeding ten (10) years. The Young Person Offender is one that is between the age of eighteen (18) to twenty-three (23) and if convicted on the same will be sentenced to minimum of fifteen (15) and a maximum of Life Imprisonment and finally is an Adult Offender which is someone who is twenty- three (23) years and above and if the same is convicted for rape or sexual penetration shall be sentenced to minimum of fifteen years in imprisonment and a maximum of Life imprisonment.

Paramount Chief Baifacakma111 appreciated the Hon. Chief Justice for what she described as affirmative and he appealed on him to ensure that a sitting judge is made available.

NRM Agrees on Peace Deal

The National Reformation Movement (NRM) an offshoot of the All People`s Congress (APC) has on Sunday 1stNovember, 2020 signed a memorandum of understanding with the leadership of the APC.

 According to reports the MOU was signed at the residence of the Chairman and Leader of the APC in Makeni, and the main aim of the signing of the MOU is to create unity amongst the vast membership of the party.

The move is also meant to reconcile the differences among the two factions by way of ignoring the impasse that have plagued the party. A motion was earlier filed to the Supreme Court, by the NRM that saw the imposition of an injunction on the convention of the APC.

The NRM had accused major stakeholders in the APC of dictatorial tendencies by way of preventing the democratization of the party. It has resolved that any occupant of any position within the rank and file of the APC must be acquired through popular consent by way of a free and fair voting by the delegates of the party.

The bone of contention between the two factions revolve around the selection/election clause that determines who occupies influential executive positions in the party such as Chairman and leader, flag bearer, Secretary general etc etc.

After the much anticipated reconciliation has materialized, it is expected that the case between the APC and the NRM will be removed from the court, paving the way for the much anticipated convention of the party to be held in December 2020.  

AFBA Condemns Warrant Of Arrest for Lawyer

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African Bar Association (AfBA) Condemns Sierra Leonean Supreme Court`s Order For the Arrest of a Lawyer For Allegedly Criticizing A Judgment Of The Court. The continental Bar Association Vows To Ensure that the Rule Of Law Prevails. In a strongly worded statement AFBA has expressed concern over the victimization of the lawyer by way of issuing a warrant of arrest for lawyer Augustine Marrah.


The African Bar Association (AFBA) is deeply saddened and disturbed by the Order of the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone said to have been issued on October 28, 2020 for the arrest of Lawyer Augustine Marrah, for allegedly criticizing the Judgment of the Court in a matter of general concern to the Bar and Bench.

We believe that that this order is, not only an assault on the Legal Profession and the Freedom of the Press, but also an attempt by the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone to muzzle the Constitutional and Universal Right to Freedom of Expression. Lawyers everywhere are trained to be fearless, critically analytical and defenders of the rule of law and the independence of the Legal Profession.

The African Bar Association believes that the duty of the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone as a bastion of the constitutional defence of Sovereignty and the Rule of Law should be well guided, not to ponder to the whims and caprices of political gladiators, but by the Court`s obligation to defend, and be accountable to, the dictates of the Rule of Law and the independence of the Judiciary.

 In ordering the arrest of a Legal Practitioner and barring him from practicing his Profession merely for criticising a Court’s judgment, the respected Learned Justices have made mockery of the awesome judicial Powers of the Court; they have themselves the accusers, the prosecutors and the Judges in their own cause, and thereby desecrating the sacred principles of Nemo Judex in Causa Sua and Audi Alteram Partem.

While the African Bar Association concedes that the Learned Justices have a right to feel uncomfortable about any criticism, their actions must be guided by the Constitution and the Rule of Law. The African Bar Association wishes to state categorically that the assault on Mr Augustine Marrah is unacceptable and should be withdrawn forthwith.

We shall be working with the Leadership of the Sierra Leonean Bar Association to see that this assault on the independence of the Bar does not stand.

Tonkolili Receives Samura Kamara’s COVID – 19 Grants

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When he ran for President in 2018, social protection for the vulnerable grassroots was an integral component in Dr. Samura Kamara’s campaign manifesto.

That campaign promise is being fulfilled even as he continues to remain the frontrunner for the APC party ticket for the 2023 elections.

Yesterday in the Tonkolili district headquarter, Magburaka, the campaign team of Dr. Samura Kamara providess Millions of Leones as grants to support individuals and groups.

This was part of a nationwide project to cushion the economic burden occasioned by the COVID – 19 pandemic on ordinary Sierra Leoneans. The grant presentation was preceded by a COVID -19 sensitization sessions done by the campaign team.  Part of the funds had come from a foundation established by Mrs Betty Samura Kamara, a medical professional and wife of Dr Samura Kamara.  

Addressing beneficiaries, regional, district and constituency representatives of the APC party via electronic means; Dr. Samura said Sierra Leone and the APC party are on a “knife’s edge” and that only unity, determination and a strong sense of purpose could bring about meaningful change in the lives of people. He specifically called on the APC family in Tonkolili District to choose the path of reconciliation by working hard to bring back those members who felt marginalized from the party.

Beneficiaries, Members of Parliament, District and Constituency Executives pledged their support for the candidacy of the Dr.  Kamara and reiterated their desire for peace and reconciliation in the district.  

The COVID -19 relief project was launched in the Western Area and has already being rolled out in the South and East. Yesterday’s event in Tonkolili was the first of several districts in the North and North -West regions of Sierra Leone

Where this much needed nation – wide relief is due to take place.

Chinese Ambassador to S/Leone Speaks onChina-Africa Cooperation Forum

Continuously Composing New Chapters of China-Sierra Leone Friendship Under the Framework of FOCAC

–In Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

H.E. Hu Zhangliang, Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone

In October 2000, China and African countries jointly established the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), ushering in a new era of historical development of China-Africa relations. This year marks the 20th anniversary of FOCAC. Not long ago, H.E. President Xi Jinping of China and H.E. President Macky Sall of Senegal, the current African Co-Chair of FOCAC, issued a joint congratulatory message on this significant occasion.

Over the past two decades, a total of three Summits and seven Ministerial Conferences of FOCAC have been successfully held. Under the FOCAC mechanism, China-Africa relations and cooperation have been constantly enriched with fruitful outcomes produced. The concept of “China-Africa community with a shared future” has been deeply rooted in the hearts of both Chinese and African people. In 2019, the stock of direct Chinese investment in Africa reached US$49.1 billion, up by nearly 100 times from the year 2000. China-Africa trade reached US$208.7 billion in 2019, 20 times that of 2000. China’s contribution to Africa’s economic growth has been over 20% for several consecutive years. Being the largest developing country and the continent with the largest number of developing countries, China and Africa enjoy huge complementary advantages, which greatly boosted their cooperation in various fields. China-Africa relations have been elevated from “a new type of partnership” to “a new type of strategic partnership” and now to “a comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership”.

For the past two decades, FOCAC has been a dynamic platform for dialogue and an effective mechanism for practical cooperation between China and Africa. It has been a pacesetter for upholding multilateralism and achieving mutual benefits. By taking the “FOCAC Express Train”, China-Sierra Leone friendship has also embarked on a new journey.

China-Sierra Leone mutual trust has been enhanced over the past 20 years through high level visits and other harmonious exchanges. From participating in the First Ministerial Conference in 2000, to the attendance of H.E. President Julius Maada Bio at the FOCAC Beijing Summit in 2018 and the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mrs. Nabeela Tunis at the Coordinators’ Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the Beijing Summit in 2019, Sierra Leone has always been an active member of FOCAC. Over the past two decades, China and Sierra Leone have maintained close exchanges and frequent high-level visits. Three Sierra Leonean presidents visited China five times. There have also been over 20 important exchange of visits by Presidents’ special envoys/special representatives, Vice Presidents, Speakers of Parliament and Foreign Ministers between the two sides. A good number of Sierra Leonean Ministers were invited to visit China. These high-level visits not only set the direction for the development of China-Sierra Leone relations, but also laid the foundation for enhancing mutual political trust and promoting the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries. By implementing relevant FOCAC projects and initiatives, the two-way people-to-people exchanges have also been on rapid increase. Various seminars, training courses, think tank exchanges, cultural visits and other activities have been conducted, effectively consolidating public support for the friendly and mutual beneficial cooperation between China and Sierra Leone.

China-Sierra Leone win-win cooperation has been deepened and expanded over the past 20 years through joint efforts and contribution. FOCAC has brought important opportunities for China-Sierra Leone cooperation. Over the past two decades, China-Sierra Leone economic and trade cooperation has made great progress. The bilateral trade increased from over US$8.6 million in 2000 to US$510 million in 2019. Despite the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, the trade volume between the two countries still hit US$320 million in the first eight months of 2020. China has been Sierra Leone’s largest trading partner for more than ten years in a row. China’s high-quality and cost-competitive products have enriched Sierra Leone’s market, saved Sierra Leonean people’s expenses, and helped improving production conditions and economic efficiency for Sierra Leone. At the same time, dozens of Chinese companies have come to invest in Sierra Leone, creating about 4500 direct jobs and injecting vitality into the development of infrastructure, transportation, telecommunications, tourism, manufacture, fishery, and mining etc.. Projects under the Chinese government assistance such as the Office Building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bo Stadium, hydro-power stations, hospitals, schools, roads, bridges, vehicles, rice aid, medical and health assistance and agricultural technical cooperation etc. have been implemented. More than 500 Sierra Leonean students were awarded Chinese Government Scholarships to study in China, and over 5100 personnel from all walks of life in Sierra Leone have been invited to China to attend various short-term training courses. Such practical cooperation has given a strong boost to Sierra Leone’s economic and social development, contributing to the enhancement of welfare of the Sierra Leonean people.

China-Sierra Leone friendship has grown stronger over the past 20 years as the two sides rendering precious support to each other. China and Sierra Leone have always stood together to overcome one challenge after another. When FOCAC was just founded, China worked with the international community to help end the civil war in Sierra Leone, support the post-war reconstruction, and assist the consolidation of peace and stability. When Ebola epidemic broke out in 2014, China rushed to the rescue immediately by sending more than 300 Chinese doctors and nurses to Sierra Leone and supplying planeloads of medical equipment, which contributed immensely to the final victory over the epidemic. In 2017, when the tragic mudslide hit Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown, the Chinese side provided urgent humanitarian assistance and took an active part in the relief work. At the initial stage of China’s hard battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, H.E. President Julius Maada Bio sent a message to H.E. President Xi Jinping expressing sympathy and solidarity, the Parliament of Sierra Leone awarded a certificate of solidarity to the National People’s Congress of China and passed a special resolution to support China’s fight. Friends from various circles in Sierra Leone also showed their solidarity with China. On her part, in spite of huge difficulties and pressure in pandemic prevention and control at home, China made every effort to help Sierra Leone fight against the pandemic. The Chinese side has provided several rounds of urgent donation of most needed medical supplies to help Sierra Leone enhance her prevention and control capacity. The three Chinese medical experts teams sent to Sierra Leone under the Chinese government aid program have been working day and night with their local counterparts in virus detection, patient treatment and technical training. In the international arena, China and Sierra Leone have been working closely on issues of common concern and upholding justice and shared interests. Sharing weal and woe, China and Sierra Leone have proven themselves to be genuine friends.

20 years of age is in the prime of youth and expects a splendid future. Currently, the international landscape is complex and fluid with unilateralism and protectionism on the rise, but FOCAC is in the prime time, and China and Sierra Leone are forging ahead towards their respective development goals. It is important for China and Sierra Leone to continue marching forward together and rewriting new chapters of cooperation. As H.E. President Xi Jinping pointed out, “as long as the baton of China-Africa friendship be passed from one generation to the next, China and Africa, working together, will build an even more vibrant community with a shared future. The day will surely come when the Chinese nation realizes its dream of national renewal and Africa realizes its dream of unity and invigoration!”

Orange Money Signs Orange Money Bank To Wallet MOU With Access Bank

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By Feima Sesay

In a bid to put smile on the faces of it esteemed customers, Orange Money SL has last Friday 30 October 2020 at their Rawdon Street Officer signed Orange Money Bank To Wallet Partnership agreement with Access Bank SL Ltd.

Access Bank is now the fourth bank in the country that Orange money has signed bank to wallet Partnership agreement with.

They started with UBA and Eco Bank last year November 2019 and early this year with Zenith Bank and now Access Bank.

This Bank To Wallet product is to enable customers easy access to be able to transfer money to and from their Access bank account to their orange money wallet.

Sadia Kanu of Orange money SL in her presentation prior to the launch said that Orange money has made business transaction for their customers very easy, adding that with the partnership, customers of both orange money and Access Bank can be able to transfer and withdraw their money easily.

She stated further that the bank to wallet is just another added service for their customers that has made it very easier for customers to access their money everywhere in the country.

Madam Kanu added that the bank to wallet service    is going to cater for all their customers and that it will enable one to transfer money as low as   ten thousand Leones (le10, 000).

And that the maximum amount that subscriber could withdraw or transfer per day is fifteen million Leones per individual.

Sadia noted further that since the outbreak of COVID-19, orange money has been very instrumental in o their customers, adding that bank to wallet has made it very easier for their customers to sit at home  to transfer or withdraw their money.

Whiles she was explaining on how to connect, she said the short code to for orange money is #144#, adding that for customers to be able to connect in order to transfer or withdraw their money, they need to get their key(password) that they will take to access bank that they will use to link your bank account to orange money wallet.

She also stated that hence the customer 

Has received the key, he/she should be at the bank within. 30 minutes or else it will expire.

The Chief Executive Officer Orange Money SL David Mansaray in his statement expresses his excitement over the partnership agreement with Access Bank.

He described the launch as part of it company  cooperate social responsibility, adding that Access Bank is now the fourth bank in the country that Orange Money is partnering with.

He also disclose that Orange money have started this journey with Access Bank for quite a long time now and have finally reached the integration process.

CEO Mansaray also noted that the partnership agreement with Access Bank is a key to the development and achievement of both companies.

Whiles he was explaining the quality of the product said all what the customer need to do is to go to his/her phone remove the money from their Access Bank account to their orange money wallet and locate any of their agent nearby in order to transfer and withdraw their money easily at the comfort of their homes.

He added also that the product would enable customers to access their money everywhere in the country.

” It’s comes with a lot of advantage, this is the message we are sending to our customers that Orange money is here to elevate and improved on financial inclusion right across the country” he said.

Martha Kpakima Head of Marketing Access Bank in her statement also on behalf of their Country Managing Director expresses her profound thanks and appreciation to Orange money for making the launch a reality.

She added that they have waited for long to see the partnership agreement becomes a reality, noting that their customers have been yearning for such integration basically because access bank is not present in all entire districts in the country.

Therefore they believed that with orange money integration, it will help the bank a lot in terms of meeting the needs of their customers beyond areas that the bank is not operating.

” Getting this product  launch today is indeed a joyous day for us, the project of orange money is going to be used by our customers in order to increase the customers base for orange money” she explained.

In conclusion, she assured orange money of the bank continues support that will ensure the increase of customers base for not only orange money but access bank as well.

However also the Orange Money Bank To Wallet Partnership agreement with Access Bank was officially Launches by the CEO Orange Money SL David Mansaray and the Head of Marketing Access Bank Martha Kpakima.

Old Boys of CKC Support School With 10 Classroom Blocks

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The President of Christ the King College (CKC) Old Boys Association (COBA), Edward Kwame Yankson who also doubles as the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Political and Public Affairs, has informed this medium that the old boys of the school, both home and abroad have successful supported the school with 10 classroom blocks, an office space, a toilet and water facility to enhance quality learning.

President Yankson said that the provision of such infrastructure has prompted the school to return to a single shift system as of Monday 19th October 2020.  He explained that before this time, the school has been running a double shifts system for over 10 years, and such has greatly affected the academic performance of the pupils.

He noted that Dr.David Sengeh, Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education have provided furniture for the 10 classrooms. He assured that with a single shift system, the school is sure to regain its lost glory of academic excellence.

He disclosed that over Le1.8 Billion was spent on the construction of the 10 classroom blocks, and he also admitted that Mercury International provided funds in that direction.

President Yankson revealed integral future plans that have to do with the construction of additional 3 classroom blocks, bordering home, assembly hall, tennis court, basketball court, volleyball court, and more.

Nigeria High Commissioner Takes Leave President Bio

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High Commissioner of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and former Dean of the Diplomatic Community in Sierra Leone, His Excellency Dr Ibrahim Habis Igbada, has called at the Presidential Lodge to bid farewell to His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio.

He thanked the President and people of Sierra Leone for what he said was an opportunity to serve his country, adding that he really admired his principles and determination to develop his country.

“Your Excellency, the steps you took in prioritising education and establishing the Single Treasury Account is very important and quite commendable. Even as I have come to the end of my service in Sierra Leone, Nigeria will continue to abide by the spirit of brotherly love in deepening and strengthening the bilateral relations that exist between the two countries for a very long time,” he said.

High Commissioner Igbada further stated that he was pleased with the manner in which frontline workers, in the fight against COVID-19, handled the situation at the very start of the outbreak in the country.

In his remarks, President Bio thanked the outgoing High Commissioner, noting that he had done well during his tenure to strengthen the existing relationship between the two countries.

”We have enjoyed working with you. The relationship you built whiles working here will continue to link you up even in your next endeavour. On behalf of the people of Sierra Leone, I want to use this opportunity to say thank you very much and wish you well,” President Bio noted.

Guma Management Inspects Tombo Water Supply System

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A cross section of the Management of Guma Valley Water Company led by the Managing Director Maada Kpenge have on Friday 30th October visited the project sites of the Tombo Gravity Water Supply System Project to assess progress on the works carried out so far.

The project which is part of improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene in Tombo Village and other fish Landing Stations in the Western Area Rural is funded by UNICEF with support from the Government of Iceland and implemented by Action for Development Program (ADP-SL) in partnership with the Ministries of Water Resources and Fisheries and Marine Resources.

The Tombo Gravity Water Supply System Project is located along the West side of Upper Tombo Community. The Project works packages includes construction of concrete intake weir structure, laying of Transmission pipeline from intake weir to storage tanks, construction of a 150 m3 and a 100 m3 storage tanks; rehabilitation of a 300m3 storage tank, laying of Distribution pipelines, laying of service connections and construction of over 200 public stand posts.

The Tombo Gravity Water System project aims to provide clean and safe drinking water to over 40,000 residents in the community who predominantly rely on fishing for their survival.

In another development, the Guma team also paid a courtesy call on the Chairman of the Western Rural District Council, Kasho Holland-Cole at his Old York Road Office.

The purpose of the visit was to discuss about the water situation in the district and also follow up on an earlier request for land space to be made available for Guma to construct an office and a bowser water collection point.

Chairman Holland-Cole stressed his willingness to partner with Guma in addressing the water challenges in the district and informed the visiting team that a plot of land has already been allocated to Guma.

The Managing Director of Guma Maada Kpenge thanked the Management of the Western Area District Council for their swift response to the Guma request for land.

Mr. Kpenge briefed the Chairman and his Deputy about the Freetown WASH and Aquatic Environment Revamping Project which will extensively benefit the Western Area Rural District; as water supply systems will be constructed at Mongeba, Baoma, Angola Town, Hamilton, Waterloo etc.

The visit was climaxed by an inspection tour of the allocated parcel of land to Guma Valley Company.

Orange-SL & Thinking pink in Breast Awareness

By Feima Sesay

Sierra Leone leading mobile network  Orange-Sierra Leone in collaboration  with Thinking pink Breast Cancer Foundation has on Monday October 26th, 2020 carry out Breast check for orange staffs as part of world Breast cancer awareness month which is been celebrated- worldwide.

In his statements, Desmond Spaine Corporate Social Responsibility and foundation manager Orange Sierra Leone said yesterday was declared as breast Cancer day and for several years orange Sierra Leone has been working with Thinking Pink Breast Cancer Foundation so that they can be able to create a platform and opportunity for women who do not have the opportunity to go to the hospital to do their breast Cancer check up.

He said this opportunity is not only been limited to their staffs but also they are going to markets places to meet the grassroots people and give them the opportunity to check their breasts.

He said Orange is also supporting the treatment of breast Cancer victims to the extent of financing operations that are needed to be done on the victims.

Desmond continued that because of the corona virus in the county, this time around they are doing an awareness campaign by doing a cross country marathon to raised awareness about breast Cancer and they will sensitized people about breast Cancer and what they should do to prevent it.

He said they are also going to educate people on how to check themselves to know if there is a lump on their breast and to make a report if been discovered.

He said lot of women that are victim of breast Cancer are seeking for help for them to undergo operations so that they will be heal and become healthy.

Annie Wonnie- Katta Public Relation and Corporate Affairs Head Orange Sierra Leone said this campaign is not only limited to women but men as well because breast Cancer did not only affects women but men as well.

She said there is no awareness among men that they also need to take caution and to check their breast.

She said the total money in cash that they donated to Thinking Pink Breast Cancer foundation is Le 75M plus other added items given to them for the campaign.

She said Orange Sierra Leone also provide cars for Thinking Pink Breast Cancer foundation to do sensitization in the communities for men and women to be aware that their breast should not be left in any kind of way but need to be checked and if detected earlier that there is a lump on the breast it will be treated and lives will saved.

She said in as much as there is corona virus in the country other sicknesses should not be forgotten and so this move will compliment the affairs of health for the people and said that people should aware that  it is not only corona virus that can kill but other sicknesses like breast Cancer can also kill.

The Chief Executive Officer for Thinking Pink Breast Cancer foundation Cremenda Pratt applauded Orange Sierra Leone for their support and said it is good  when an office is taking care of their staffs because a health work place is a positive and reproductive one.

She said breast Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally and Sierra Leone is part of the globe.

She said people have to learn to be breast aware by checking their breast ten days every months after menstruation.

Madam Cremenda continue that women have to understand what to look for in their breast and investigate on their breast because it is about early detection and if notice quickly it will be cured and if notice late it will cause mobility or death or the breast of the person will be cut because the Cancer have gone far and has spread.

She appeal to the nation that early detection can save lives

She said yesterday was celebrated all over the world and said that women have died in numbers because of the silence that breast Cancer has been.

She said one person, one organization or one nation cannot fight this sick except everybody come together as one.

She further that during the check up if they found out that a person have breast Cancer it will be confidential and they will explained to the person the protocol involved or all that is needed about the treatment.

She said after that the person can choose the best option whether to do the operation in Sierra Leone or abroad.

She said Sierra Leone is trying but if a person needs proper treatment unless the person goes to Ghana or India.

She ended that the support given to them by orange is not enough but it will take them far and she pleaded with the government to help in the fight of this sickness.

NPPA chief drops massive bombshell…

33 Major Local Companies Banned

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The National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) has suspended 33 local companies from doing business with any public sector institution until the outcome of the Commissions of Inquiry appeals process is decided.

Acting in accordance with its mandate to regulate public procurement practice in Sierra Leone as provided under Section 14(2) of the Public Procurement Act 2016, all businesses named in the COI Report that had adverse findings against them in the White Paper are suspended. Notably, they include Poly-technologies Inc., for the sum of $12 million for the supply of 100 buses that were not factored into the procurement plan of the Ministry of Transport and Aviation, Barrows Construction Ltd., for $5 million as direct payment received from government and Capital Infrastructure Partners for $872,712 for Sewa Grounds project supervision.

Kingdom Logistics, for Le33,643,447 and $1,050,000 for Ebola Response, Limkokwing University for $340,000 for student fees, MKD Jazz Company for $18,262,972 for construction of Sewa Grounds project and Bullom Construction and General Services for Le243M meant for National Youth Village project.

Host of others are Splash Mobile Communications, BDO, African Sunshine Co .Ltd, Club Tourism and Entertainment Ltd, West Africa Trading Co, Masada Waste Management Co, Union of Musician, Music for Girls, Street Life Family, West Stars General Supplies, Al-Umar Ventures, Group Delta Logistic Ltd, Sahr James Trading Enterprises, Lawrence Bia SL Ltd, Godstime Enterprise M.K General Construction Ltd, Agibbs Construction Enterprises, Guoji Construction Ltd, SMRT Co. Ltd, TS and Co Ltd, Sogefel SARL, Institue of Advanced, Sierra Leone Opportunity Industrialization Center, Christian Faith Orphanage,  Quanticos Associates Ltd, and Davis and Dan.

They would, according to the NPPA CEO, Ibrahim Swaray, be removed from the suspension list after the Attorney General and Minister of Justice orders their names to be struck from the list on a case by case basis.


The Northern Region office of the National Commission for Democracy (NCD) has organized public lectures in the Northern and North-Western Regions on the Theme: “Political Tolerance, National Unity and Cohesion as a Tool for Democratic Consolidation in Sierra Leone.” The Public Lectures were hosted in the District Council Halls in Magburaka and Portlokoon the 7th and 13th October, 2020, respectively. The Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Senior Lecturer of the Ernest Bai koroma University of Science and Technology (EBKUS&T), Dr. AlieuBadaraKabia and the Head of Department of Political Science at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone (FBC, USL), Reverend Father (Dr.)Leonard Omar Bangura delivered comprehensive lectures in Magburaka and Portloko, respectively, even as they elucidated on the theme to provide a clear picture of the nexus between political tolerance, national unity and cohesion and democratic consolidation.

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The Public lectures are designed with a view to providing civic education, capacity building and support to the citizenry so that they can actively participate in the governance process to promote democratic consolidation in Sierra Leone. Each of the events attracted eighty participants who were drawn from various spheres of the two districts and the programmes were aired live on SLBC Magburaka and Advocacy radio in Portlokoin order to provide the wider public the opportunity to be part of the discussions. The programmes were very interactive and educative as participants actively contributed during the plenaries and made salient contributionsreflecting the need to enhance democratic consolidation in the country.

Presenting the purpose of the Public Lectures, the Commissioner of the Northern Region, NCD, who also doubled as the Chairman for the occasion noted the illusion people seem to have as a result of the democratic good governance credentials and advice for concrete actions. Bai John Conteh stated that “the practice of Constitutional Democracywith evidence in its democratic good governance credentials seems to be eluding us as a country and the earlier we agreed and took concrete steps to check, retrace, retract and rethink our collective aspirations as a civilized nation of the 21st Century, the better it would be for us and our coming generations.” The Commissioner informed his audience that the public lectures are organized in pursuit of realizing the mandates of the Commission in actualizing its role in providing citizens’ education, capacity building and support to all Sierra Leoneans. He further intimated that public lecture is one of the key deliverables in the Annual Work Plan of the Commission titled “Promoting and consolidating democratic good governance in Sierra Leone.”

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In their presentations, Dr. AlieuBadara and Reverend Father (Dr.) Leonard Omar Bangura underscored the need for citizens to uphold the tenets of democracy and enhance national unity and cohesion in order to have a consolidated democracy. The academic heavy weights attempted to give a clear picture of the status of our democracy and emphasized the need to respect the rule of law and follow due process.

The Dean of Social Sciences at the EBKUS&Tnoted that one of the major elements undermining our democracy is the fact that people’s political interest far overrides national interest when the reverse is what ought to prevail. Dr.Badara stated that resources ought to be distributed equitably with a view to impact on the local people.

The Reverend Father, (Dr.) Bangura reiterated the significance of the component of citizens participation in a democracy and said that “the most important aspect of democracy is participation in community affairs,” noting that for democracy to be fully consolidated the culture of the concept must be inculcated in the citizenry in all spheres of the society.

He said democracy should be seen as putting the good of society ahead of immediate personal gain, and, most importantly it should be about participation not leaving all the responsibilities to others.

Expressing his views on the state of the country’s political affairs, he noted that, “There is a seeming apathy and insensitivity among certain political actors who care only about achieving or attaining their political ideals with little attention to the felt needs of others, especially those on the other side of the political divide.” The Reverend Father further said that “We are facing, at the same time, a certain attitude of arrogance in some political echelons who clamour the ideal that their rights are inalienable even when they know that upholding those rights inadvertently hinders the general national good.”

Rev. Father (Dr.) Bangura expressed dismay over the ugly state of the social media in the country. He said the society is witnessing what he referred to as “uncontrollable social media activities” and that the messages play deep into the gullible minds of the millions of unemployed youth. He noted that this can directly instigate those unemployed youth to violence or indirectly lure them to use illegitimate and lawless means to resolve local conflict.

In his recommendations, the Rev. Father emphasized the need for more training in civics, public administration, economics, culture and even ethics in politics, on how a democratic government is supposed to operate. He said most of the politicians in Sierra Leone enter politics without even knowing the aims of politics, “and so they end up pursuing their selfish aims only without due regards to national development.”

The Programmes and Research and Monitoring Directors, Mr. Kallie Sillah and Mr. Idriss Din Gabisi, explained the mandate, mission and vision of the Commission with a view to providing the public with a basic knowledge about the  work of the Commission.

Statements were also delivered by the Deputy Chairmen of both Councils, Paramount Chiefs’ representatives, the VC and Principal EBKUS&T, the DVC EBKUS&T Portloko, Parliamentary representatives and Senior District Officers of both Councils who commended the work of the Commission and encouraged the institution to extend its work to remote communities across the country.

NASSIT DG Launches Customer Service Mobile Clinic

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The Director General of National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT), Mohamed Fuaad Daboh has on Monday 26th October 2020 at Youyi Building Compound, Brookfield’s Freetown launched NASSIT Customer Service Mobile Clinic’ in three locations include New England Ville via Works Ministry, Post Office and Youyi Building Compound.

The NASSIT Customers Service Mobile Clinic is an outreach service to their esteemed customers such as; active contributors, pensioners and the general public outside the normal formal office settings. It involves deployment of various teams of NASSIT staff to advantage points, to bring the Trust and its services closer to its members.

Speaking at the launch, NASSIT Director General, Mohamed Fuaad Daboh disclosed that the exercise primarily aims to deformalize its customer service centre by providing services to the customers in their communities.

He said that the mobile clinic will deepen information dissemination – raising awareness among employees and employers to register and contribute regular to the scheme which will guarantee them a comfortable future after retirement.

MP Embarks On Road Construction


Hon Sandy and the workers at the Road Construction Site


Hon Tennison Hindolo Sandy of the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) representing constituency 120 in the western area Urban has embarked on the construction of the road linking Moyiba Mamba Ridge and Gloucester Communities which is not motorable.

Speaking to this press when work was in progress over the weekend, Hon Tennison Hindolo Sandy said his reasons for this construction was to help to decongest the city in the area of traffic and to allow goods and services to be transported easily within these communities, to link the communities and to help the Gloucester Community to have direct access to the east end of Freetown.

Commenting on the funding, Hon Tennison Hindolo Sandy maintained that the funding for this project is from him alone and he is getting moral and physical contributions from the youth and stakeholders of the Moyiba Community.

On his challenges, Hon Tennison Hindolo Sandy said it is a one man show because he is not getting contributions from anywhere, Machinery and tools problems.

He is therefore calling for support from the Government, non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and well wishers for this wonderful venture.

The personal assistance to Hon Tennison Hindolo Sandy, Ibrahim Musa Kamara pointed out that he normally organises the youths for this road construction, who are very much cooperative.

He reiterated that the youths are always with the Honourable on his developmental strides and called upon the constituents to always support the Honourable in this direction.

One of the stakeholder at Upper Moyiba Community Abdul Karim Konteh said, Hon Tennison Hindolo Sandy is the only Hon that has ensure that their community is benefitting in terms of road construction. The workers described the Hon as talk and do Honourable.

As VP Certifies Forest Guards…

New Direction Govt. Creates 500 Jobs For Youths

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President Julius Maada Bio’s New Direction government has continued creating job opportunities for young people in all sectors with the recruitment of five hundred (500) Game Guards by the National Protected Area Authority (NPAA).

Speaking at the graduation ceremony held on Saturday 24th October, 2020 at National Protected Area Peace Mission Training Centre, Yams Farm in Freetown, Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh expressed delight to represent President Julius Maada Bio at the ceremony as a manifestation of government’s commitments to protecting the national protected area. He said that the Game Guards will secure government’s protected areas for effective environmental governance and ecosystem conservation.

VP Juldeh said human activities including deforestation, indiscriminate logging, charcoal production and unregulated mining disrupt ecological values of the forest which pose challenges to conservation efforts to which NPAA was established.  He further admonished Game Guards to behave in a professional manner; respect laws and community people and to desist from selling state lands in any assigned community.


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