Orange CEO Boosts the Kroo Bay Maternal Screening Booth


Our CEO is always concerned about supporting lactating mothers, which is at the center of her heart, she noted. Madam Katta assured the people of Kroo Bay of their continuous support.

Jestina Sheriff, one of the beneficiaries expressed gratitude to Orange and its partner for providing such support to them at this trying time of COVID-19 pandemic.

“We will remain grateful to orange for such support,” she assured.

Another beneficiary reveals that if not for the intervention of Orange-SL, she would have lost her life, adding that Orange has given her hope. 

Dr. Mame Awa Toure, ICAP’s Country Director in Sierra Leone, the implementing partner for Orange  SL, thanked Orange for the support and urged lactating mothers to continue to breastfeed their children, which she said is very key to the development of the child.  

In a very short statement, the proactive Chief Executive Officer of Orange, Aminata Kane said they will continue to give support to the Maternal Screening Booth at the Kroo Bay community. She furthered that the project is part of Orange Foundation’s commitment to support deprived communities through its safeguarding maternal health projects in partnership with ICAP and the Ministry of Health. The CEO appreciates the role of the staff and health personnel at the Orange Kroo Bay Community Multi- Disease Screening Booth.

On behalf of the beneficiaries, ZainabKamara, expressed thanks and appreciation to Orange and its  partner ICAP for their support to women of Kroo Bay Community. She added that the support is timely.

The programme was climaxed with a conducted tour on the different facilities at the Kroo Bay Community Health Center.

SLCB Boosts King George Vi Home

In the Christian spirit of charitably giving to the poor, needy and the elderly, the Management of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank on behalf of the Board and Staff on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, donated a large assortment of food items, suppositories and cash to residents of the King George VI Home in Grafton.

Managing Director, Mr.Abdulai Fidelis Turay said the donation which included cash for administrative support, 20 bags of rice, cooking oil, salt, adult diapers, digestive biscuit, Dettol, among others, was a symbol of the love SLCB has for the Home.

Head of Corporate Affairs Mr Leslie Bola Williams noted that the relationship between SLCB and the Home dates back to over a decade. He said that the donation was part of the Bank culture of giving back to the community in which it operates.

The Acting Administrative Officer of the Home appreciated the donation. She noted that the Home has had a healthy relationship with the bank for some time and has always been kind to them. She prayed for God Almighty to return many folds of what the Bank donated to the Home. However, she reminded the Bank that they have other challenges, such as the need for a borehole to supply the home with water.

She also spoke about completing the erecting of the right side of the perimeter wall to discourage land grabbers. She prayed for the staff of the bank and their families to be protected from the COVID-19 disease.

The SLCB Director of Business Development Mr. Moses CumbohSesay assured the Home that their needs had been heard.

Managing Director Mr.Turay said it would be addressed in the not too distant future. He stated that the small token to the Home came out of profits made and to show that SLCB is a friend who always cares for them. This is not our last visit, he said. “We shall always be coming to you. He promised that SLCB will always remember them every year. He appealed to them to accept what was donated, adding that he was happy that almost the same faces that they saw last year were present and hope to see them again next year.

The program ended with a donation of the items to the Home by the SLCB Director of Audit Mrs.Olayinka Phillips.


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