NaCSA: Multi-purpose Hall for Baiima Town


 National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has commissioned and turned the sod for the construction of a masterpiece multi-purpose hall for the people of Baiima Town, Mandu Chiefdom, Kailahun district. The construction package includes a story building with furniture, solar panel, kitchen, office space and water facilities.

In addressing the jubilant people of Baiima and its surrounding villages, NaCSA’s Deputy Commissioner – Dr. Sao-Kpato Hannah Isatta Max-Kyne reaffirmed government’s commitment in bringing development to people as part of the fulfilment of the campaign promises. She gave a vivid description of the multi-purpose hall and its impact on the ordinary citizens of Mandu Chiefdom, specifically Baiima Town.“This project is part of the Community Driven Development Project implemented by NaCSA. It is exclusively funded by the Government of Sierra Leone and it is part of many other development initiatives powered by President Bio’s led government to ensure an effective service delivery at community and national strata. For today’s purpose, we have commissioned and turned the sod for the construction of a Multi-purpose hall with a full package. This project is highly community driven as the community people have directly contributed to the project in terms of resources and commitment She explained. 

In the gathering, was the honorable presence of the Resident Minister- East; Andrew Fatorma, who ushered the people into the development strides of the New Direction; noting particularly that the President is providing a sustainable development for the people of Sierra Leone devoid of ethnicity or political affiliation. He called on the people to take ownership of the project stating that ‘’the people of Baiima town are developmentally oriented, this has been tested and proven and I am certain that the construction of the multi-purpose hall will not be an exception. This statement was also supported by the Chairman, NaCSA’s Board of Directors – PC Foday Musa Gbogbotor and other stakeholders who graced the occasion.

In an exclusive interview with Brima Kamara, a thirty-five old trader who has spent more than twenty years in Baiima Town, it became clear that the building as per its description will be the best within the chiefdom. I say this without fear or emotional attachment, the construction of a multi-purpose hall is a welcoming development and I have personally pledged myself to monitor the implementation of this project. I thank NaCSA, the Government of Sierra Leone and most importantly, the President of the Republic for keeping to his promises. We will revert at the appropriate time, this is the new direction we yearned to see.’’

Forming part of the ceremony was the official commissioning of the project by the Deputy Commissioner whilst the Director of Field Operations handed over the contractor to the people of Baiima. 

The Community Driven Development Project (CDDP), according to Patrick Lebbie (the Programme Manager-CDDP), is a community based intervention, designed to respond to requests that come from communities through community structures to the Commission, that are related to construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of community facilities. The project he advanced, is built upon lessons learnt from past community development projects implemented by NaCSA across the country. The overall objective of the project is to increase access to social services for vulnerable rural communities through construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of community facilities. The objective is in line with Clusters one, three and six of the National Development Plan.


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