34 Years Builder Sentenced To 15 Years for penetrating on a 8yrs old Girl


By Feima Sesay

Justice Monfred Sesay of the Freetown high court has on Tuesday 7 July 2020 sentenced one Mohammed Bangura to fifteen years imprisonment for penetrating an 8 years old girl- child.

The accused was standing trial before the learned judge on one count of sexual penetration contrary to section 19 of the sexual offense Act of 2012. According to the indictment, the state alleged that the accused Mohamed Bangura on 12 March 2017 in Freetown engaged in an act of sexual penetration with a child.

Justice Monfred Sesay before sentencing the accused stated that the State prosecutor Joseph Sesay called six witnesses to support the case, four factual and two formal witnesses including Dr. Matilda King of the Rainbow Center.

He said the voluntary caution statements of the accused were also tendered in court.

Based on the evidence and exhibit tendered in court, the accused is guilty of the said offense. According to the judge, the evidence adduced by the prosecution was not only sufficient against the accused but overwhelming to warrant his sentence.

Defense counsel from the Sierra Leone Legal Aid Board Mamoud Karimu made a plea of mitigation on behalf of the accused, stating that he is a first time offender and a family man, and in that light pleaded with the judge to temper justice with mercy on the accused. The accused also pleaded with the judge for mercy on the grounds that he had a son and was the breadwinner of his family.

Justice Monfred Sesay in his ruling, having listened to the plea of mitigation sentenced the accused to 15 years imprisonment. The accused has been in prison since the inception of the case.


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