Mrs. Samura Kamara Supports Blind School


By Emmanuel K. Kanu

The wife of Dr. Samura Kamara donates to the School for the Blind and sets of families at Brima Lane community respectively. This is part of her traditional intervention agenda to help humanity in a time of need and adversity. Her regular effort is primarily geared toward contributing significantly to human existence, those accomplishment serves as the creed of history.

However, one of the residential quarters of School for the Blind was engulfed by fire which created a huge setback for students that are using the facility. Their situation was emotional which caught the attention of Mrs. Samura Kamara.

Meanwhile, at the Eastern party of Freetown as well, sets of families were faced with the same disaster which rendered them homeless. In both circumstances, Mrs. Kamara provided these patriotic citizens with rice, onion, oil, and other cooking condiments to aid their suffering.

Mrs. Samura Kamara’s words of solace, she thanked and appreciate all individuals present for being part of the historical exercise. She was in a dejected mood when she got the fire disaster news and the devastating condition of the incident, but further encouraged victims to be hopeful as God is the greatest solver of all difficulties and promised to be visiting them from time to time, she concluded.

In that regard, stakeholders and beneficiaries of her humanitarian aid registered their profound delight regarding the items delivered by Mrs. Elizabeth Massah Samura Kamara. They believed that her philanthropist action was timely and that is what God Almighty can best appreciate on earth. Prayers were offered and they pledged to utilize the items well.

AI Professional College Matriculates 300 Degree Students

AI Professional College located at Bolling Street Kingtom, Freetown has on Saturday 16th April,2022 matriculated its first set of three hundred students admitted in the Computer Science, Business Administration and Management and Accounting degree courses for the 2021/2022 Academic Year.

The Director of AI Professional College welcomed students, parents and well-wishers to the matriculation ceremony and described the event as historic.

He thanked all those who made it possible for the institution to successfully commence its degree programs.

He congratulated the first set of students for this great achievement and urged them to prepare themselves to face the daunting task ahead of them.

The Registrar of the College, Dr.Adikalie Sesay described matriculation ceremonies as long standing traditions of universities across the world where students are obliged to take an oath to abide by the rules and regulations of the institution during their period of study.

He warned students that they would only become bonafide members of the College when they had fully honored their financial obligations and registered with the College.

Mr. Sesay congratulated the students and reminded them of the challenges ahead of them in the next three to four years and encouraged them to concentrate on their work and use their new found freedom responsibly.

He concluded by calling on them to strive for excellence, work hard and make themselves and the College proud.

 Principal AI Professional College, Mr.Saidu Timbo told the matriculants that the institution started operations in the country in 2014 as a Professional Centre providing tutorials for courses such as ACCA,CIMA, CISCO and ABE in the country with affiliation from Oxford Brooks University in the United Kingdom.

Mr.Timbo referred to the matriculation ceremony as a traditional ritual and physiological contract between the institution and the students.

The institution he went on is in transition from a Professional Centre providing tutorials for professionals courses to an academic institution and that such a transition requires some processes and procedures to be in parity with other academic institutions in the country.

He assured all present that the College would work closely under the close supervision of Njala University and the other regulatory bodies as its successfully transitions to its new status.

The Principal concluded by warning students against joining and importing cult groups into the college.

This according to him will be strongly resisted by his administration.

He assured the students that he will work with the Student Union Government to provide a conducive environment for teaching and learning.

Representatives from Njala University,the Tertiary Education Commission, the National Council for Technical and Other Awards and the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on Education assured the students that the College is fully registered and accredited to operate as a College in Sierra Leone and as such has the fullest concurrence from their respective institutions.

They also registered their impression about the nature of the courses the College offers noting that they are in tandem with the 21st century job market demands which according to them is the new trajectory of Government.

In February 2022 the institution gained affiliation from Njala University and accreditation from the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and the National Council for Technical and Higher Education (NCTVA) to commence degrees’ programs in Accounting, Business Administration and Computer Science.

This affiliation with Njala University was approved together with that of the Freetown Polytechnic by the Njala University Court and Senate in its inaugural meeting of the 23rd March, 2022 after recommendation   by the University Affiliation Committee.

NDMA cracks down on Forest Arsons

The National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), in collaboration with the Republic of the Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), the National Protected Area Authority (NPAA) and the Ministry of Public and Political Affairs, on Tuesday raided individuals who have been illegally burning the forest reserve within the Guma Dam – for almost a week – arrested two suspects who are helping the police with investigations, and deployed military officers and forest guards to protect the facility.

According to eye witnesses, these individuals would arm themselves at night with machetes and other dangerous weapons to challenge forest guards who are most times on duty to protect the area. There have been instances of serious clashes between land grabbers and forest guards, leaving the latter with severe injuries. The primary aim of burning the forest reserve along the peninsula is to illegally claim these lands and sell them. 

The said forest fires and other environmental hazards have contributed to a significant forest loss within the Dam; which have the proclivity of disrupting the water cycle and lead to a drier climate and drier soil. Thus, the ground will no longer contain and receives much water to supply residents in Freetown and its environs.

Throughout last week, the NMDA received numerous reports of forest burnings along the peninsula. The NDMA through its Directorate of Relief and Response, Risk Reduction and Preparedness, together with NPAA, the Ministry of Public and Political Affairs and RSLAF visited the various scenes and arrested two perpetrators while searching for others who are on the run.

The Deputy Minister of Public and Political Affairs, Amara Kallon, said that there was need for inter-agency and inter-ministerial approach to addressing the twin crises of climate change and nature loss. According him, deforestation leads to climate change, nature loss and human suffering. He also pointed out that the unprecedented deforestation within the Guma Dam forest reserve should be stoped immediately to save the it from completely drying up.

NDMA’s Director of Relief and Response, Sinneh Mansaray said addressing deforestation requires tough decisions to regulate land-use and enforce legislation. He went on to say that the NDMA will continue to work with the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Country Planning, the Sierra Leone Police, the Office of National Security and other security institutions to devise workable strategies to protect Sierra Leone’s forest reserve.

Head of Operations at Mile 13, Sargent Foday, called on the security sector to re-institute operation “Restored Hope”, which was established in 2009 wherein joint security patrols were frequently undertaken across the forest reserve areas to repel land grabbers and/or illegal timber logging. He said this will help the forest guards to execute their duties efficiently. 

About two months ago, the World Food Programme (WFP), through a request made by NDMA, hired the service of a consultant to assess the risk Guma Dam is exposed to using high-tech drone technology. According to his report, there are new established settlements as a result of rapid deforestation and land acquisition by locals at a close proximity to the Dam from various ends.

The report also points out that about 2,850 hectares (5,550) acres has been captured as settlement areas close to the Dam, where water level is considered as the lowest in history which is currently on layer four (4), and about 40% of the surface area within the perimeter of the Dam has been compromised.  

The National Disaster Management Agency will continue to engage relevant stakeholders within the security and environmental sectors to provide adequate security for the protection of the Guma Dam.

Kuwaiti writer Abdullah Jarallah has died. He is the writer of these very touching words

I will not worry upon my death nor be unduly concerned about my body, for my Muslim brothers will do the needful. They will disrobe me, wash me, enshroud me, take me from my home, and carry me to my grave. Many will come to participate in my Janaaza. They would have taken time off their jobs or canceled appointments in order to attend my burial.

My belongings will be disposed of.

My keys, books, briefcase, shoes, clothes and so on.

If my family is amenable, they will donate my things to benefit me.

Is rest assured the world would not mourn my death, and the movement of the world wouldn’t stop, and trading will continue, and someone else will do my job, and my wealth will be lawfully inherited by my heirs, whilst I will be taken to account for it.

A little, or a lot, nothing will be unaccounted for.

The first thing I will lose upon death will be my name. Upon my death they will ask: “where is the body?” They will not call me by my name.

When they want to perform the salah for me they will say: “bring the janaza.” They will not call me by my name.

When they are ready to bury me, they will say “bring the deceased.” They will not mention my name.

Due to this, I will not be deceived by my clan, nor tribe, and neither my status nor fame.

How insignificant this world is, compared to what we will face.

O, you who are alive right now, know that sorrow for you are of 3 types

Those who really knew you, they will say poor fellow (miskeen)

Your friends who will remain sad for hours or days, then they will return to their discourses and entertainment.

Deep sorrow at home. Your family will be sad for a week or two, a month, two months or even a year after which you will be but a memory.

Your story has ended amongst people, but your real story has just began, and its the hereafter. You have been divested from: Beauty, wealth, health, children, houses, castles, and your spouse.

Nothing remains with you except your deeds. You have now begun the “real” life. The question here is what you have prepared for your grave and your hereafter right now?

This reality needs some deep reflection.

So safeguard:The fardh prayers and duties. Nafl and Sunnah prayers.

Secret charity. Good deeds. Tahajjud prayers. So that you may be saved

Help to remind people through these utterances, while you are still alive. If Allah wills, you will find the effect of your reminder in your scale of good deeds on the Day of Judgement.

And remind, most certainly, reminding is fruitful for the believer.

Why do you think the dead wish to perform charity if they return to the Earth?

As Almighty Says: {And donate from what We have provided for you before death comes to one of you, and you cry, “My Lord! If only You delayed me for a short while, I would give in charity and be one of the righteous.}

He didn’t say I’ll perform Umrah or so I could pray or so I could fast.

The dead mentioned charity due to what (s)he saw of its great effect after his/her death.

So give plenty of charity, and the best of charity you could possibly do at this moment is to spend 10 seconds to forward this advice as a reminder; after all a good word is a charity.

Misappropriation of Public funds, abuse of public office for private gain, or fiscally indiscipline laws?

By: Joe Pessima

In all my writings, my fuel source is the benefits from exposure to the west, compared to the frustration from an underdeveloped system; it is not an attack on the SLPP government, the APC government, or specific people. Sightless individuals serving in various leadership capacities are for rouge systems. Because someone is allowed within the scopes of the Law doesn’t mean that a lousy leader cannot misuse the loopholes within such a law. Depending on your use of a binocular lens for reading or just your eyes from 1,000 meters afar, our sense of understanding behind the reason for my write-ups will either be planets away or galaxies apart.

Amidst the degree gate saga, the call for reformation is not a situation propelled by hate. We must realize that human capital development is a leading plan in this government, but it is also the gateway to innovation, transformation, and INTEGRITY. Though others may say fake degree holders are the problem in the civil service, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are incompetent and are the primary reason for our underdevelopment. It is all about their integrity, and they serve as trailblazers for the next generation to think hard work is useless where they can buy degrees.

Still, Integrity is the foundation of a corrupt-free society.

From all this, relating integrity to the management of resources, it is convenient to say that Sierra Leone struggles because of misappropriation of public resources, abuse of public offices for private gain, or fiscally indisciplined laws. In every sector, one or all of the above has been an expansion problem.


Simply put, it is an act of converting monies meant for the development or running of a particular sector into something else. Irrespective of where the money goes, if the industry or project for which funds were allocated is deprived, one may be guilty of misappropriation. So misappropriation can be wrongfully or unlawfully done. For instance, if Mr. Pessima is the head of NASSIT and a budgetary allocation was to provide a fast-paced internet facility or kiosk within communities populated with pensioners, I took the same money and bought a staff bus; though transportation may be a problem for staff; I wrongfully allocated the resource. Because the unavailability of these facilities hindered the efficiency and productivity of staff, I am guilty of misappropriation. Check section 36 of the ACC act of 2008 (as amended in 2019).


It is Section 1(C)of the ACC Act 2008 (as amended in 2019) that categorizes this as an offense. Furthermore, Section 42 of the ACC Act of 2008 (as amended in 2019) defines abuse of office. Following this article, through the Rights To Access Information Commission, I will request disclosure of the privileges that come with the capacity as Head of the ACC and all other Heads of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies. The public should know if when Francis Ben Kaifala travels around the globe to receive awards from his alma mater or on private trips, the Commission should sponsor it. And if so, how many private trips is he entitled to as a part of his package? Waste might be a privileged package across all MDAs.


What is fiscal discipline? In a simple sense, it is a situation that portrays an ideal balance between government revenues and expenditure in an economy. Upholding fiscal discipline is vital to maintaining macroeconomic stability and reducing vulnerabilities. A fiscal discipline nation will reduce its exposure to twin shocks and the economic impact of the corona. So if being the Director-General of NASSIT means that I am entitled to having Le30,000,000 school fees for up to three kids when there is a free education policy, then a privilege, even though hinged on every sense of illegality, is fiscally damaging.


Summarily, I spoke about the ACC possibly financing a trip for Francis Ben Kaifala to Nigeria and the UK for the collection of his awards as Alumni of these institutions. Ben might indeed be entitled to this as a package, or a finance manager misappropriated funds meant to run the ACC because the Boss wanted to travel. The laws that created and approved this package are cancerous to fiscal prudence. As much duplication of duties through multiple MDAs is part of the reason for an over-bloated budget, one cannot erase the possibility of budgetary indiscipline. Yes, I am conscious of the law that protects the reduction of Ben’s salary to his disadvantage, but does this apply to privileges? If yes, must we maintain such a law for HEADS OF MDAs even when we know they are fiscally unhealthy?

“Requesting and misusing” the meager available resources to satisfy the quest for personal recognition and accolades and using the same mouth to cry for funding displays incompetence, negligence, or “it’s our time to eat, and we must eat legally.”

Though the game of misappropriation, abuse, and indiscipline vs. Mama Salone’s development is not an enticing one to watch, I STILL LOVE THIS GAME


“Brown envelope” journalism in Africa and how to combat it

byLungelo Ndhlovu

Apr 11, 2022 in Specialized Topics

 Brown envelope often going unreported, corruption in journalism is a major concern across Africa.

Commonly referred to as “brown envelope” journalism — as it typically involves monetary bribes enclosed in brown envelopes — it seeks to influence journalists to produce more positive reporting on an issue or to kill a negative story.

Improving journalists’ pay and working conditions, and offering more training on reporting ethics, could help proactively combat efforts to corrupt reporters, according to Italian journalist, researcher and activist Anna Meli.

“The International Federation of Journalists and the Trade Union of Journalists are all over the world trying to fight for equal payment and equal treatment from the economic point of view of the journalist, just to avoid this phenomenon of brown envelopes,” said Meli. “We know that in some situations of precarious work, this might be a problem and journalists can be more influenced. It is important that we are working together with all journalists to have this kind of treatment at their economic level.”

Joseph Asomah, an assistant professor at St. Thomas University in New Brunswick, Canada noted that this corruption can be challenging to address as it happens mostly in secret between the journalist and the one paying the bribe.

“However, efforts are being made by some nongovernmental organizations to address the problem. For example, in Ghana, the Media Foundation for West Africa has established “The Fourth Estate” an investigative reporting project to promote accountability and make those in power answerable,” said Asomah, who is from Ghana himself.

In Zimbabwe, many media watchdogs, experts and journalists agree that more training for journalists on reporting ethics is needed to combat the brown envelope journalism. Journalist Lulu Brenda Harris from the Centre of Innovation and Technology emphasized that to do away with brown envelopes, ethics must be ingrained in journalists.

“We have a duty to our audiences to adhere to ethics and be responsible not only in our reporting but in the way we also source for stories,” she said. “Audiences trust us to tell them the truth. As journalists we are in the influence business, and if that trust is broken the media will crumble.”

Denouncing the corruption, Tapfuma Machakaire, a veteran journalist and the ethics chairman at the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe, acknowledged, too, the pervasive issue of poor wages in the country’s media industry.

“Brown envelopes are not part of journalism. They don’t fit anywhere in the transaction of getting a story published,” he said. “We have been aware that the brown envelope syndrome has been with us for some time now and this is a result of the poor performing economy of this country. Journalists are not well paid, and working conditions are very poor. As a result they are tempted to accept something that can improve their living standards.”

In Zimbabwe, the issue of bribery of journalists was reignited after one journalist, Nyaradzo Nyere wrote about how she turned down a US$2,000 bribe offered by tobacco company representatives while reporting a story about how tobacco farmers are getting a raw deal from contractors in the country.

There have been reports in recent years of brown envelope journalism in Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, noted Pretty Nxumalo, a research and advocacy officer at Transparency International Zimbabwe. “Some journalists have called out government officials, and the editors would accept bribery to kill a story. Some have written stories and [later] retracted them,” she said.

Nxumalo agreed that poor pay contributes to why some journalists accept bribes, but added that media workers must hold themselves to a higher ethical standard. “Corruption cannot be fought using corruption,” she said. “Without clear-headed and responsible journalists who can hold government agencies accountable, we are in trouble. We cannot win the fight against corruption.”


By News Makers

RWANDAN President Paul Kagame says it is a worst form of criminality for any leader in Africa to give tax concessions to mining companies for them to mine without paying necessary taxes.

Kagame, who is a Pan-Africanist, criticized Presidents in Africa who think the continent’s solutions are a monopoly of Westerners. He says some leaders are comedians because they prefer removing subsidize on commodities but give tax breaks to mining giants.

Speaking in Congo Brazzaville recently where he was addressing that Country’s Parliament, the Rwandan President said he knows quite a lot of African leaders who have gone with a begging bowl to Western countries when back home, they have given tax concessions to mining companies.

“There ought to be a shift in thinking by African leaders to realize that the problems they are facing individually as a country and collectively as a continent can only be solved by ourselves. I have seen a number of my brothers in this continent as leaders who go to beg with a bowl to the West and say they need help. I get puzzled and pissed at the same time. Look, the gentleman is kneeling with a bowl to the west but he has minerals, plenty which he is giving out for free through criminal tax concessions. Is that right? No, we must be serious with ourselves and safeguard our endowments. I call such people criminals,” Kagame said while causing laughter in the Congo Brazzaville Parliament.

And commenting on the effects of the Russia and Ukraine war, on Africa, Kagame reinforced his stance saying the more reason why African leaders need to break free from depending on the West has been echoed by what is happening with oil prices.

“People are coming to me asking how I have reduced fuel in the midst of increase of oils in the international market and my answer is that, it is us leaders to ensure that we cushion our people with necessary interventions. Such interventions include but not limited to; cutting government expenditure and putting in measures to ensure that we save enough money and place it on programs to cushion the people. It requires sacrifice but most importantly, you must be a leader who is able to make independent choices. If you are a puppet, you will not be able to think based on what you see, they will always pull the strings and say dance to this tune. When I say these things, I want to remind colleagues in the continent that to depend on IMF to give you solutions is deadly; they can’t allow you to make those policies of cushioning the people because the people who run these Western institutions are the same ones who own the companies that sale oil in the world. It is therefore, in their interest to ensure that you buy oil at high prices and pass it to the people at the same prices”.

Biography of Dr Samura Kamara

Dr. Samura Kamara (in photo) was born in 1951 in Kamalo, Karene District. His father Pa Gibril Kamara was from Maworrko village near Rothuk and Magbanktha villages, Gberray Junction, Maforki Chiefdom, Port look District. Dr. Samura Kamara’s mother, Ya Bomporro Kamara (nee Kanu) is an indigene of Kamalo, Sands Look Chiefdom, Karene District, Northern-Western Region.

Dr. Samura Kamara received his early education at the UCC in Bo, Southern Sierra Leone. He is married to Mrs. Elizabeth Massah Kamara ( nee Rogers). Mrs. Kamara  an indigene of Pujehun District, in the Southern Province. Her mother hailed from Masam Kpaka and her father from Blama Massaqoi.

Dr. Samura Kamara continued his education at the Saint Edwards Secondary School in Freetown, stayed at Montaque Street and Guard Street, Eastern Freetown, and was very active in football circles.

He proceeded to Fourah Bay College where he earned a Bachelors Degree in Economics in 1972. He holds a PhD in Development Economics ( 1986 ) from Bongor University in Wales, United Kingdom.


He has worked internationally at the Commonwealth, the IMF, and the World Bank. In a bid to enhance protection of its funds in the military ruled war-time Sierra Leone, and enhance effective use of international resources for the average Sierra Leonean.

Dr. Samura Kamara was in 1994 appointed Program Manager by World Bank for its Structural support Programme to the country. He also served as Financial Secretary during this time apart of efforts to build trust in the management of the mainly international donor flows which constituted over three quarters of the government’s non- military Financial receipts. His presence and integrity ensured the flow of resources to pay salaries, pay for importation of rice, medicines, fuel and other essential goods. He stayed on as Secretary of State, Finance in early 1996 to ensure that such vital services to the people of the country were not cut off during the transition to civilian rule.  He subsequently served as Financial Secretary and as Bank Governor, Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs and international Cooperation in the APC Administration of His Excellency, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma.


Dr. Samura Kamara reformed Sierra Leone’s Public Financial management and strengthened public expenditure management, budget planning and execution. He pioneered the introduction of an integrated financial management information system. He was pivotal in making sure that the Auditor General’s report is now made public to hold authorities accountable. Dr. Samura Kamara  also championed the banking sector, resulting in the establishment of more banks and the employment of thousands of Sierra Leoneans.


Under the leadership of His Excellency the President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, Dr. Samura Kamara crafted and implemented Sierra Leone most successful development strategy, the Agenda for Change ( 2008- 2012). His stewardship of the economy as Finance Minister saw real average GDP growth of 5.2% per annum (excluding iron ore). It was during his tenure as Finance minister that Sierra Leone recorded the highest economic growth and gained the accolade of being the fastest growing economy. Before moving to the Foreign Ministry in 2012, Dr Samura Kamara, with leadership provided by the President, designed the Agenda for prosperity.

As Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, he is a champion of development through economic diplomacy. He strengthened Economic Cooperation and Resource Mobilization by signing and implementing joint Cooperation Agreements and Bilateral Memorandum of Understanding with China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, South Korea and United States of America. He also strengthened bilateral relations through establishment of Embassies and Consulates in strategic geographical locations  to promote Sierra Leone’s interest, including in South Korea; United Arab Emirates; and relocation of the mission in Tripoli, Libya to Cairo, Egypt. Plans are now being implemented for the establishment of resident diplomatic mission in Kenya.

Further to the above, Dr. Samura Kamara facilitated and coordinated international support for the implementation of Government priority programmes in the Agenda for Prosperity, and mobilization and coordinate international support during the Ebola scourge and the recent mudslide and flood disaster in Freetown. He coordinated design and Government’s endorsement of agreements with USAID for the implementation of projects in Agriculture, Governance and  Women’s empowerment, and also with the Japanese Government for the improvement of Energy infrastructure.


His recognition as leader amongst his colleague Finance Ministers saw him chairing the African Caucus constituency meetings 2 years in a row. As Foreign Minister, he serves as Chair of the ministerial meetings of the African Union C10 committee on the Reform of the United Nations, and he is also chair of the AU Candidatures committee to promote African leadership in high profile global positions. He has on several occasions chaired the Peace and Security Council of the AU, which is the continental body’s most prominent council that is charged with ensuring peace and security in Africa.


Dr. Samura Kamara is a builder of institutions. As financial secretary, he championed the merger of Income Tax Department with custom and excise Department resulting in the creation of National Revenue Authority. He was also a pioneer in the establishment of the National  Public Procurement Authority. He professionalized and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the Finance ministry by bringing in qualified economist, accountants and other financial experts to lead key departments in the ministry.

As Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, he prepared and launched for the very first time, a comprehensive strategic document know as the Sierra Leone Foreign Service Transformation Strategy, 2014 – 2018. As  in the Ministry of Finance, he enhanced increased staff capacity of the Ministry and mission, ensured salary increases in the Ministry, created new directories and facilitated training of staff within and outside the country. He upgraded the ICT infrastructure of the Ministry, ensured the production of Sierra Leone’s first diplomatic magazine and official Directory of sierra Leone’s overseas missions and Consulates, which were launched by His Excellency the president in July this year.


He was the lead technocrat in negotiation team that won Sierra Leone debt cancellation in 2007. As chair of African caucus constituency he guided negotiations resulting in Africa getting a 3rd chair on the world Bank Executive Board.

As Minister of Foreign Affairs and International  Cooperation Dr. Samura Kamara led Africa’s ministerial negotiating team on the reform of the United Nations.


Dr. Samura Kamara strengthened Sierra Leone’s multilateral relations by facilitating the ratification and/or domestication of the 1954 Convention n the status of stateless person; The 1961 Convention on the reduction of statelessness ; The 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations; and the constitution of the Pan African Parliament and the world’s premier multilateral environmental protection agreements such as, Minamata convention on Marcury; the Nagoya Protocol; the Basel Convention on the control of trans- boundary movement of hazardous wastes and their disposal; the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.


Throughout his over 25 years in leadership position at international and national levels, Dr. Samura Kamara maintained a high degree of professionalism and integrity, powered on by his love for country, excellence, growth, and accountability.

He is respected and received with great honor in all the major capitals of the world, from Beijing, to Washington, Moscow, to London, Abuja, Nairobi and Addis Ababa.


As Financial Secretary, he provided technical leadership for the cancellation of Sierra Leone’s debt as Heavily Indebted country. As Finance Minister, his concern for the poor ensured his design and implementation of programmes that resulted in poverty incidence falling from 66% in 2004 – to 53% in 2011.

Outside his Work as government official, he has out of personal resources brought electricity to Kamolo, supported education in Kamalo by offering scholarships to hundreds. Growing up in the Montague street / Bombay / Guard Street/ Dove Cut market, he fully understands the pivotal roles played by market women and men in providing for families. Which is why he has supported business start-up by providing seed money to hundreds of businesses.


Dr. Samura Kamara is a very affable person, a likeable character, very jovial but always serious in doing his duties. He is a religiously tolerant Catholic. His parents and most of his family are Muslims, many of whom he has been sponsoring to go on pilgrimage to mecca. In Freetown he grow up in the house of his Uncle, Alhaji Sorsoh Kamara who was Chairman of the jamiul Jalil Mosque, Oldfield Freetown. He has supported the construction of mosques in Kamalo and also installed solar lights at the Jamiul Jalil Mosque. He is a member of a number of traditional organizations and social clubs in Freetown. He plays tennis.

He is the quite, unassuming, hardworking machine behind most of the APC’s successes in governance. Dr. Samura Kamara was choosing on October 15 as the Flag Bearer for the ruling All Peoples Congress for Sierra Leone’s 2018 Presidential Elections.

New ONS Coordinator Assures Pres. Bio of Secured 2023 Elections

By Director Moisa

The newly-appointed National Security Coordinator of Office of National Security (ONS) Avayama Caulker, has pledged to maintain total security during the country’s upcoming general elections.Avayama Caulker is a seasoned security expert who has a little over fifteen years’ experience working in at the ONS where he rose through the ranks beginning from a junior position to the current envious senior position he now holds.Being the security expert that he is, Avayama Caulker has what it takes to take security business to another level in Sierra Leone. He has promised President Bio to provide essential and adequate security before, during and after the 2023 general elections.He is currently meeting with all respective security actors and his subordinates to ensure that there is total cooperation, collaboration and synergy between and among the various security units – military, police, etc. for smooth flow of information to tackle security issues in real time.He believes in team work, the reason why since his appointment he has made it a habit to be meeting individually and collectively the various directors of the various directorates at the ONS to discuss and formulate plans for security measures to be in place for any eventuality.For the fact that President Julius Maada Bio appointed Avayama Caulker as National Coordinator for the ONS, goes to show the level of trust and confidence the president reposes in him to maintain security across the country. He is therefore calling on all Sierra Leone and more particularly security sector players to come onboard and help him achieve President Bio’s dream for a security-conscious state and a state in which security is a matter of priority because it is only when security is prevalent in a country can that country develop and this is what Mr. Caulker is aspiring to do.


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