Ministry of Lands Surveyors Remanded For Fraud


By Feima Sesay

Two surveyors who identified themselves as Alusine Sesay and Alicious Kamara yesterday made another appearance before the principal Magistrate of the Freetown Magistrate Court No.1, Magistrate Mark Ngegba and they were arraigned before the court on a count charge of conspiracy and five counts of obtaining money by false pretences which is contrary to law.

Police alleged that the accused on different dates from July to December 2020 in Freetown, conspired together to commit a felony to wit Obtaining money by false pretences.

 Police furthered alleged that the accused obtained two hundred and forty million Leones from Marcella Jones with the pretext that they have four tons of land for sale which is situated at Number two river peninsular road Freetown knowing to be false.

After the charges were read and explained to the accused person no plea was taken.

In her evidence, Marcella Jones recognized both accused saying that they were introduced to her by her husband Richard Jones.

The witness furthered that on the said dates, herself, her husband and the second accused (Alicious) was driving along the peninsula area and the second accused told her and her husband that he knew a friend who has a land along No.2 River and he is selling it.

She said immediately she called her cousin who is living in the United States informing her about the land as her cousin wanted a land along that area.

Madam Jones said they went to the land and whiles making a video call to her cousin she was happy and she asked about the cost of the land and Alicious told them his friend is selling the land at the cost of six hundred million leones but they tried to negotiate the price with him but he told them to wait for the owner of the land.

The witness furthered that herself, her husband together the second accused went to the owner of the land who is the first accused Alusine and they asked him how did he got the land and he told them that the land was given him as a gift and told them he wanted to settle some issues that is why he wants to sell the land.

 Madam Jones furthered that they then drove to her office at Charlotte Street and she handed over two hundred and forty million Leones to the accused and receipt was given to both sides.

The receipt was tendered before the court to form part of the prosecution’s case.

 The witness said she later gave the accused another one hundred and twenty million Leones at Germany Embassy which was the second payment for the said land the receipt for the second payment was also produce and tendered in court to form part of the court records.

The witness furthered that her cousin came to town and when they went to the land to put a structure the community people chase them away and they immediately call the accused who gave her lot of excuses and she immediately went to the Ministry of Lands and reported the matter.

 The accused were invited but they did not show up and so a warrant of arrest was issued against them.

She said since then she did not receive her money, neither the land was given to her and she made a statement at the CID Headquarters where statement was obtained from her.

Cross examination was done by the accused since they were unrepresented in court.

Meanwhile Magistrate Ngegba refused bail and adjourned the matter to the 15 February 2023 for further hearing.


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