One hundred and ninety pharmacies for Sierra Leone


By Foday Jalloh

Sierra Leone will soon get standard pharmacies within their chiefdom headquarters.

According to the minister Dr Alpha T Wurie they want to have these standard pharmacies at chiefdom level so that the issues of fake drugs will minimize greatly, in the country, people will stop the purchasing of drugs in the street. He further noted that the purification of drugs mainly fake drugs that has made work very difficult will now reduce as the quality health of the people is government piroty.

In the released issued by the health ministry, sign by the minister Dr Alpha Wurie they have already delivered a consignment of drugs meant for the free health care in port loko, this drugs the released heighted that will target, pregnant woman, lactating mothers, and children under five.  Also drugs worth a total millions of Leones were through the national medical agency, also seven trucks loaded with PPEs hand sanitizers, uniforms for healthcare workers nurses and doctors, also one hundred delivery beds, was also off  loaded in the port loko district, for a longtime now communities in the country epically in the portloko districts has been faceting serious challenge in accessing quality drugs.goverment is also working very hard in procuring costecovery drugs, so that communities will get access to quality drugs.     


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