11 Years Old Boy sold at Big Market


By Feima Sesay

An 11 year old boy, Alhaji Turay was on Saturday 27th June 2020, allegedly stolen by one David Jackson aka Dave who tried to sell him at Big Market in Freetown.

The accused David Jackson aka Dave on Thursday 23rd July 2020, appeared before Magistrate Abdul Sheriff of Court No. 3 Pademba Road Freetown on two counts of Child Stealing Contrary to Section 56 of the Larceny Act 1916 and Human Trafficking Contrary to Section 2 (2) of the Anti Human Trafficking Act 2005.

According to the indictment, the police alleged on count 1 that,  the accused David Jackson on Saturday 27th June 2020, at No.22 Gafe Saffa Drive, Lumley Freetown stole 11 years old boy Alhaji Turay against the will of his parents.

The police further alleged on Count 2 that the accused David Jackson on the same day at Big Market, Wallace Johnson Street in Freetown trafficked Alhaji Turay a child below the age of 18 to wit 11 years.

No bail was granted to the accused and he was remanded in custody until 30th July 2020. Inspector Gloria Macauley is Prosecuting the matter on behalf of the Inspector general of police


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