Orange Construct Preparatory School in Kambia


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Orange Sierra Leone the leading telecommunications network in Sierra Leone has constructed a preparatory school in Kambia District in fulfilment of it’s cooperate social responsibility.

Prior to the statement of the Chief Executive Officer Orange SL, Paramount Chief Bai Shebora the 2nd of Mayakie chiefdom in his welcome address thanked Orange SL for their laudable venture adding that they are welcome not only in Mabolo but Kambia District at large.

“We had known Orange to provide wide means of communication in diverse ways as people in the last village could send and received money easily all over Sierra Leone” he said.

PC Bai Shebora said the construction of a pre-school in Mayakie village came as a surprise to them as they use to think that Orange Mobile is only in the country to provide communication.

He discribed the pre-school as timely for the development of their children and Education in the country more especially in the rural area.

He added that the brain behind such a laudable venture is the introduction of the Free Quality Education project by president Bio.

The paramount Chief therefore thanked the president for that initiative, noting that further the parents and children of Mabolo chiefdom has experience and enjoyed the Free Quality Education.

The introduction of the Pre-school according to him is very important, as he said only rich children could experience the pre-school.

He expressed appreciation to the minister and Orange Foundation for making Mayakie village to be the first to benefit from the humanitarian support.

As a sign of appreciation, they presented Cola nuts,  goat and palm oil to the minister and CEO Orange SL.

Speaking at the Occasion, the Chief Executive Officer Orange SL  Mrs.Aminata Kane Ndiaye said the construction of a pre-school in Mayakie village and official  Commissioning is very important day for her.

She said all what the parent think about after having a child is the feature of that that child and that it start with early childhood development.

” Because the  life of a child starts very early”, she said

Madam Ndiaye thanked the minister for pointing out that early childhood development is extremely important in the life of a child.

Whiles addressing the people of Mayakie village said she feels honoured to hand over the school them  in order to give their kids the previledge and opportunity to learn and become the next president or minister of Education.

“I pray to see the day when the president of Sierra Leone will say I am from Mayakie town and I went to this pre-school” said noted.

She further applauded the ministry of Basic Education for supporting their company to complete the project in just three month.

She however pleads with the people of Mayakie chiefdom to take good care of the school and ensure that all their children goes to school most especially the young girls so that they could change the narrative of the country.

The Minister of Basic and Senior secondary school David Sengeh officially commissioned the school.

In his statement also thank Orange SL an dthe government of Sierra Leone for making this day a reality.

“I you want your child to pass the WASSCE, he/she should start at the kindergarten, as education is the only way for a country to develop”, he said.

He said early childhood development is extremely important and that for a child to succeed, parent should treat pre-school education with utmost seriousness it deserved.

He also stated that for the child to pass the WASSCE, parent should also give them good food so that they become healthy and stronger, adding that the only important investment parent could give to their children is education.

The Pre-school is also part of the Free Quality Education project.

The minister further stated that it is the responsibility of stakeholders and school inspectors to ensure they supervise these schools together with the school management committee.

Minister Sengeh disclosed that government has paid 52 billion Leones School subsidies that will be disbursed to schools across the country.

” For a girl child to go to school is not an option, as if we want our community to move forward, the girl child should go to school, if a girl child is educated the likelihood for her to die when giving birth will reduce, the likelihood for her to become rich and support her community will increase and the likelihood for children to get vaccination will increase and therefore for girl child to go school 8s not only for the success of her parents but for the country as well”, he noted.

Whiles addressing the parents said it is their responsibility ensure that their children come to school and to also take care of the school.

He added that the free quality education is not only for the president Bio and his family but the county as a whole.

Mr. Sengeh also applauded the teachers for their good work most especially the volunteer one, adding that teachers that want to go on government payroll are many but does not have the power to do so for them.

He said there are already 80 thousand teachers in the system, but assured them of the government continuous support.

According to him, they are going to introduce village school policy.

He further disclosed that Orange Mobile network had committed 1.6 billion Leones in education and that the construction of the pre-school is part of that commitment.

As a ministry, he said there are going to provided three Early Community Development (ECD) kits to the facility, the entire curriculum for the kids and the standards and complete set of text books for the pre-school including toys that are locally made in Sierra Leone as they believe in creativity.

He said the ministry will also provide training so that teachers  would have the skills  needed to teach the children for them to  have quality education compired to those in the city.


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