Three Jailed For Fraud


By Feima Sesay

John Amidu Conteh, Zainab Kamara and Aminata Koroma were on Monday 15 May 2023 sent on remand by Magistrate Mark Ngegba of Pademba road court No1 as they were alledged of Obtaining over fifty-seven thousand Leones from Ishmael Thorley by falsely pretending that he will facilitate the travelling of his niece from Kuwait to the United States of America to continue her studies.

The accused were arraigned before the court on two counts charges of conspiracy to defraud contrary to law and obtaining money by false pretenses contrary to section 32 (1) of the larceny act of 1916.

The charge sheet further that the accused on a date unknown between 1 and 8 August 2022 in Freetown conspired together to commit a crime to wit obtaining money by false pretenses.

The police further alleged that the accused obtained the sum of fifty-seven thousand five hundred Leones (NLe 57,500) from Ishmael Bassie Thorley by falsely pretending that he will facilitate the travel of his niece Mabinty Ishiatu Tawaralie from Kuwait to the United States of America to continue her studies in nursing and to provide her with job opportunity knowing same to be false.

The accused had earlier pleaded not guilty of the offense.

Shortly after the matter was mentioned the prosecutor ASP Ibrahim Mansaray sought for an adjournment that the witnesses are absent in court and that he want a subpoena to be served on them on the next adjourned date.

The accused were remanded in custody and the matter was adjourned to 30 May 2023


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