ORANGE SL Commissions Ultra-Modern Head Quarter Office


By Feima Sesay                              

Orange Mobile Network the leading Telecommunications Company in the country has on Wednesday 2nd March 2022, commissioned their Ultra-Modern Head Quarter Office at hill station Freetown.                            This said project is valued 11 billion leones one of the accomplishment of their astute CEO Aminata Kane    Ndiaye. The said building will accommodate more than 200 staff with lots of other valuable facilities for the staff.  The Human Resource Director Orange SL Madam Agnes in her welcome address described the event as historic, noting that the purpose of the event is to commission their new brand Headquarters.

She further expresses thanks and appreciation to the CEO Aminata Kane Ndiaye for leaving behind a state of the art head quarter that will be for the unforeseen feature.

“It is a golden opportunity for our employee to ensure that their employees and human resources are well cared for and the head quarter is a justification to this assertion”, she stated. Madam Agnes added that, as employee of OSL, they are greatful for the support from  management for given them a HQ that is befitting their brand, adding that it is not just a state of the earth building, but said one which will at all times create the enable environment conducive for employees efficiency and output at all times.

The Chief  Executive Officer Orange SL Aminata Kane Ndiaye in her statement express thanks and appreciation to all her staffs  and partners for sharing such a moment with them. 

She said their purpose at Orange is to improve the daily lives of the people of Sierra Leone to wonderful digital experience, adding that to achieve that purpose, the welfare of human resources is the most vital pillar. 

“Over the years we have made great strides in empowering our staff to regular training session, medical and life insurance and also attractive packages, we also realise that our offices were not up to international standards and thefore we started our journey to refurbish and extend  the office in 2020”, she said.  Madam Ndiaye added that during the COVID-19 pandemic, they work together as a team in order to ensure that everyone is safe as she said the safety of their employees was most important thing during the crisis.

“During this crisis the daily commitment to our staff, customers in terms of network and data was un match as our employee have work tirelessly, passionately over the past five years especially over the past two years when it was COVID”, she emphasize.  She underscores that the story of the company did not start five years ago but 23 years ago with the same people through all the transactions.  Madam Kane added that the building is not only to appreciate their employees, but to ensure efficient working environment that is international standards in order to promote connectivity and good work.  She further thanked their shareholders for financing the project of the sum of 11 billion leones discribing the project as   local content.  She discloses further that the hyper connective building that will accommodate 201employee, 7 meeting rooms, 24 offices for top management, 4 waiting rooms with the most modern collaborating network.  It also has a medical facility, gyming and nursing facilities for mother. She said they use African and Sierra Leonean styles to decorate the office. In conclusion thank the government of Sierra Leone and Members of Parliament for allowing Orange to operate, invest and build in the democratization in data in the country, adding that they believe that their investment is safe.  In addition thank the media for amplifying the good work of Orange in the country.   Augustus Caesar Bendu Southern RegionManager Orange SL in a statement thanked the CEO for given him the platform to share his experience of working with Orange SL. He explains that he has been working for the past eight years since 2013, adding that anyone who believes in the vision, feature and leadership of Orange as a business can adopt and ride on to a safe destination.

 He disclosed further that, he started as a brand ambassador recruiting customers for Airtel money in 2013.  ” Orange saw something different in me and choose to give me an opportunity to served, adding g that the current leadership of Orange has demonstrated  so much believe in young people and willingness to place them in position of trust, the recent I T M appointment is an incontestable justification of that assertion”, he explained. He however call on colleagues to have a shift mentality and perception, stating further that no business can invest million dollars in an infrastructure like the orange state of the earth facility head quarter if the reason for the investment is not for the unforseen feature. He said the turning of the sod by the CEO of a 15 million dollars data center in Bo is a manifestation that Orange is in Sierra Leone to stay.  He added that their HQ is a constant reminder of how long the company is in the country to stay, noting that the management is not only commissioning the state of the earth head quarter but one according to him which is international best practice that is disable friendly and can contribute to employee efficiency and productivity with ideal work station.             

The chairman Committee on Information and Communication Hon. Boston Munda in a statement thank the CEO for having an exclusive working relationship with parliament noting that as MP, he is proud of the entire management of Orange SL.

He described the building as exclusive for the staff and management of the company.

He however assured the outgoing and incoming CEOs of Parliament support and further thank the company for restructuring the Eastern Technical University Library through his request.

Orange Foundation SL launches Female Digital Center & Certifies 125 women 

Orange Foundation SL has on Thursday, 3 March 2022, in partnership with the National Youth Commission, officially launched the Women Digital Center and also certified 125 women. The foundation was established last year.           

The Director Orange Foundation Madam Jestina Betts while giving an overview of the foundation during the event said the foundation is aimed at providing support to women in accessing many and different skills development in the educational sector which she said is one of their strongest pillars at the foundation. 

She noted that the event was not only organized to launch the Women Digital Center but to also certify those that have already trained.  She added that the certification will help them explore the world of works for employee and self- employment opportunities.   She highlighted her expected outcome of the projects as follows:  to enhance support to youth enterprise and training skills as she said it will help the girls to be on track.

 According to her out of 65% of the population semi-literate and literate, from which she said 70% statistics for women,  government initiated the Free Quality Education program to enhance human capital development.

She added that out of over 7 thousand primary and secondary schools in the country, only 5% have ICT in their schools which therefore makes it very difficult for young women and girls to have access to computer studies and ICT.  Madam Betts further stated that young women and girls have long been discriminated in the society coupled with harmful traditional values, forced marriages due to inability to sustain themselves.

” As an organization that is supporting the government flagship program, we deem it necessary to partner with the National Youth Commission in establishing the first Women Digital Center  that would be able to cater for the vulnerable, less privileged and  marginalized  women of our society”, she explained.          

The Director underscored that the Women Digital Center is an initiatives for the social and professional intervention of women with no qualifications, no employment and living in poverty in over 23 countries already established.

She disclosed further that the program is financially and technically supported by Orange Foundation inclusive of providing them with all materials that they need.

 ” Against this backdrop, we have the leadership and partnership with the national youth commission who have provided the available space for us and giving us a qualified and certified trainers in development of the curriculum for the program to be a success”, she said.

 She emphasizes that the program will improved on the livelihood of women by creating self- entrepreneur, employers and employment opportunities. She went on to state that for the first phase, they recruited and trained over 120 in the center last year for career services and entrepreneurial development.   

In her statement during the launch, the Chief Executive Officer Orange SL Madam Aminata Kane Ndiaye said she was extremely delighted to be part of the occasion of officially launching the women digital Center and present certificate to the first set of women graduate.  According to her, the foundation was set to in 2021 in order to establish and solidify the philanthropic aspect of Orange and support project in education, health, culture for the most vulnerable population, youth and women are risk in Sierra Leone.   She added that since its establishment, they have manage to take on several project like social safe guarding, maternal health in making sure that women don’t die when giving birth any more, construction of five early childhood development center, provision of hygiene packs for students and coding classes for young kids. Madam Kane further stated that the center is a 100% youth sponsored project and said the company is inspired that no entity is professional for them to partner with than the national youth commission.

“Today we are witnessing the launch of this first ever women digital Center in Sierra Leone, this move will bring digital inclusion to women of all ages to achieve basic business skills, as it the first digital Center in the country exclusively for women to ensure that Sierra Leonean women are not left behind when it comes to using technology to improving their lives”, she noted.   She said the center is an opportunity for the women to ensure that the internet and socialisation are helping transform the workforce an empowering in the society. Madam CEO added that the foundation is not only providing laptops, tablets, projector, printers, order essential duties and equipment but also ensuring that women are ready to be in charged as we believe that they are key and important for women. She however thank the foundation director for executing such a meaning project and further thank the commissioner for believing in the company’s ability to deliver. The Minister of Gender and Children’s Affairs Manty Tawarally delivering her keynote address thank Orange SL and the National Youth Commission for such an achievement. She expressed happiness in see young ladies graduating in empowering skills, adding that they have just completed a critical stage in their lives by acquiring life and economic empowering skills. Madam Manty said the event is a mile stone as it marks the end of one phase and the beginning of a career for some of the graduates.  She said president Bio is truly committed to investing in educational skills development, adding that it is essential to economic growth, social mobility and the prosperity of every one in Sierra Leone. According to her, government has already introduce the right measures to boost education further as she said skills development is one of the priority of the government.  She mentioned further that government will continued to create opportunities to make many women acquired skills on the varieties of job because the skills needed by the country and employer are not available. ” It will interest you to know that whiles the women are 52% of the population, only 17% are gainfully employed and therefore investing in young women economic  empowerment and skills development is one of the most urgent and effective ways to delight progress on gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic development”, she explained. She said Sierra Leone can never get to middle income status if we don’t have more women in the economic space and there encourages more institution to come on board for the development of the country. The Commissioner National Youth Commission Thomas Ngolo Katta Ins his statement also prior to the official launching and certification ceremony described the project as very close to his heart.

  He said the country population is 51% women and a country that must put more effort in the development of women it it wants to develop. He added that the commission was enacted by Parliament and their role is to promote youth creativity and potential.  He said the youth commission is an equal opportunity commission and therefore look out for those processes that open up such engagement and said that was how the digital Center was set up.

 In conclusion he appealed for more opportunities to be taken to the provinces.

 Several other dignitaries from the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Members of the Parliamentary Female Caucus, UN Women grace the occasion.


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