Under the Third Schedule of the Constitution of Sierra Leone (Act No. 6 of 1991), Parliament of Sierra Leone has on Thursday 23/05/2024 sworn-in three new Members of Parliament after they subscribed the Oath of Office, following vacancies for three seats in Parliament.

The following Members of Parliament were sworn-in by Parliament:

  1. Hon. Moses Andrew Edwin, Bonthe District
  2. Hon. Paramount Chief Alameen Kanneh, Kenema District and
  3. Hon. Paramount Chief Saffa Monya Tamu, Pujehun District

The Director General of Parliament, Mrs. Finda F. Fraser administered the oath and also gave the MPs the Constitution of Sierra Leone, the Standing Orders of Parliament and Parliamentary Prayers.

Subscribing and signing the oath of office, they said in unison that they will bear true faith and allegiance to the Republic of Sierra Leone as by law established, that they will uphold and defend the Constitution of Sierra Leone, and that they will faithfully and conscientiously discharge the duties of a Member of Parliament.

It could be recalled that, the vacancy for Hon. Moses Edwin from Bonthe District came in the wake of the ascendancy of Hon. Segepoh Solomon Thomas, the former Deputy Speaker and MP representing Bonthe District to the position of Speaker of the Sixth Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone, in light of Proportional Representational requirement.

The death of Hon. P. C. Victor Kebbie of Pujehun District and also the death of Hon. P. C. Fabba from Kenema District resulted in the vacancies for the two Paramount Chief Members of Parliament.

After subscribing the oath of office, the Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Segepoh Solomon Thomas congratulated the new Members of Parliament and wished them well in their new assignments.


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