NaCSA Prelisting & Validation of Potential Beneficiaries of Emergency Cash Transfer 


The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has Prelisting and Validation of Potential Beneficiaries of Emergency Cash Transfer (ECTII) through a press release dated the 82th February, 2023.

The Press release said the Public could recall that the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) through the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has launched the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment Project (PSSNYE).

The PSSNYE builds on the successes of the existing Social Safety Nets (SSN) Project, aims to scale up existing implementation and addressing youth employment in urban and rural areas. The project is funded by the GoSL, the World Bank (WB) and UNICEF with the objective “to improve access to social safety nets and income generating opportunities for targeted beneficiaries”

According to the press release, under the PSSNYE, GoSL and WB have activated the Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) to respond to the socio-economic crisis worsened by a series of shocks including Russian Ukraine war. This intervention will lead to the third phase of the Emergency Cash Transfer (ECT 1) and it will provide cash support to 35,000 most vulnerable Sierra Leoneans from Female Headed households, Households with Persons with Disability and Elderly Headed Households across the eleven (11) district headquarter towns that never benefited from similar past intervention in response to COvID-19.

The press release continued that the district towns covered are Kailahun Town, Koidu, Mongo Bendegu Town, Kabala, Magburaka, Kambia, Kamakwie Town, Bonthe Island and Matru, Moyamba Town, Pujehun Town and Waterloo. With respect to the above, NaCSA and stakeholders wish to inform the public that after the four regional trainings, the ECT Il will be implemented in three segments, namely: i) Prelisting and Validation, i) Verification, and ii) Targeting and Enrolment.

The press release also stated that in conducting the three segments, NaCSA in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, have formed a Community identification Committee (CIC) comprising representatives of District Councils, women’s organization, Disabled Persons Organizations (DPOs), and other relevant Ministries.

NaCSA and stakeholders wish to further inform the public that Prelisting and Validation of Potential beneficiaries have commenced across the selected 11 district towns.  Bo, Freetown, Kabala, Kailahun, Kambia, Kenema, Koidu,Magburaka, Makeni, Mattru, Moyamba, Port LoKO, Pujehun e implementation of the second phase of Emergency Cash Transfer (ECTI), NaCSA and akeholders developed the Security Management Plan (SMP). The SMP intends to provide some Yand security measures during the implementation of the ECT I1.

“It will be implemented by Serra Leone Police (SLP), Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), Sierra Leone Red Cross (SLRC), and Ministry of Social Welfare (MoW). The public should be cautioned that no one should offer or pay anything to be covered by the ECT

Any attempted extortion or corrupt practice must be reported to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) using the toll-free number 515, directly to ACC Community Monitors or other ACC officials and NaCSA district staff. We thank you for your understanding and continued interest and confidence in the work of the Commission,” the press release said.


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